Shannon here: Historical Romance author, Ada Brownell shares her real life romance, plus a chance to win a PDF copy of her latest release, Peach Blossom Rancher. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing. Deadline: July 15th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Ada:
Love in My Path by Ada Brownell
When my sister Joan married Junior Brownell I didn’t notice he had a brother. The brother L.C. was 15. I was 10.
Later at 13, I discovered an older family friend, Crystal, had a crush on L.C., who was a senior in high school. But at church he stayed around the edges of the youth group, acting shy. So with a giggle I teased Crystal about her “bashful boyfriend.” Too bashful to ask her for a date.
Soon Crystal moved to California, but in her wake she left a group of girls in the Fruita, Colorado church who set their pin curls on catching L.C. I teased several who were involved in the chase.
Although I’d been cleaning houses and taking care of children since I was in the sixth grade, often doing the work of an adult, I was a scrawny kid who didn’t grow and mature until I was 14. At that age during summers I did most of the work at my Aunt Dot’s small motel, and some of her work as well.
L.C. disappeared when he went to telegraph school in Minneapolis and I didn’t even notice. The next thing I knew about him he was in the hospital with a ruptured ulcer and in serious condition. I stayed in the car and took care of Joan’s toddler while Joan and her husband visited L.C in the hospital in Glenwood Springs.
L.C. recovered and I grew up more. At barely 15, although the age went to 35, I was voted in as youth president in our Fruita church and I also sang solos occasionally at church services. That must have been when he noticed me. I never figured it out.
My sister he was related to was a gorgeous blue-eyed redhead and not a freckle on her. My red hair was curly, my eyes hazel, and my skin looked as if I’d been tanned through a screen.
He started watching me, and I wondered about the guy. I was about the only female in the church not chasing him. Then he asked if he could take me to a special church service in Grand Junction.
I accepted, but when we got home that night and he parked in my parents’ drive, he pointed at the window on my side, and started to scoot over. “There’s a falling star!”
I didn’t even look. I lifted my open hands like a cop directing someone to a stop. He stopped. I went inside and didn’t expect to go out with him again.
Then we had a youth ice skating party on a local canal. I loved to skate, and I was pretty good at it, skating backward, and whirling around. I didn’t care that the other kids wobbled on their blades, staying around the fire barrel. I zoomed on the ice around the canal’s curves by myself, the moon lighting my way. Then L.C. followed. He’d taken skating lessons in Minneapolis, and knew all my tricks and more.
I was impressed, and we visited a while, although I mostly ignored him.
Then he asked me if he could take me home. I accepted, and that night after he dropped off other kids he took home, we talked more. In front of my house, he pulled me to him and lightly touched his lips to mine.
Now, I was a born germ-a-phobe. When the only other fellow who kissed me on the mouth (probably when I was 13), held me tight and puckered, I sucked my lips in to keep away the germs. Then I rolled down the window, hung my head out and spit.
When L.C. kissed me that one time, stars fell around me, and a whole orchestra played.
I was in love, and I didn’t want to be in love. He worked for the railroad, and I soon discovered he wanted a wife. At 15, I had just become an adult. I had things I wanted to learn and do.
Then I found he wasn’t an “all-in” Christian. He asked if I would go steady with him. I said, “When are you going to get saved?”
Eventually he did and he wouldn’t give up on me. I tried to get him to date others and even named them. I couldn’t understand it. Some were cute, great gals.
Off and on for a year we dated. I accepted his engagement ring in the summer, but I still wasn’t sure, so our courtship was off and on. I knew I was in love. I thought I would get over it, but I didn’t.
On October 26, 2017, we will celebrate our 64th anniversary. God has been good to us. I finished high school and later earned my bachelor’s degree in mass communications. I started writing for Christian publications at 15, and spent a good chunk of my life as a newspaper reporter. We have five wonderful amazing children and nine grandchildren. We lost our daughter, Carolyn, to cancer when she was 31. We look forward to seeing her in heaven.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3: 5,6)
About Ada: Ada Brownell has been writing for Christian publications since age 15 and spent much of her life as a daily newspaper reporter. She has a B.S. degree in Mass Communications and worked most of her career at The Pueblo Chieftain in Colorado where she spent the last seven years as a medical writer. After moving to Springfield, MO in her retirement, she continues to freelance for Christian publications and write non-fiction and fiction books.
She currently is working on another novel, plus compiling her more than 125 articles from The Pentecostal Evangel into a book.
She is author of Peach Blossom Rancher, released By Elk Lake Publishing in 2016; The Lady Fugitive, Elk Lake 2014; Joe the Dreamer: The Castle and the Catapult, 2013; Swallowed by Life: Mysteries of Death, Resurrection and the Eternal, 2011; Imagine the Future You, released 2013; and Confessions of a Pentecostal, Radiant Books, out-of-print but released in 2012 for Kindle;. All the books are available in paper or for Kindle. Imagine the Future You also is an Audio Book. Learn more and connect:
Ada’s Facebook Ada’s Twitter Ada’s Blog Ada’s Amazon Page
About the book – Peach Blossom Rancher:
You won’t believe the work required to run a peach and horse ranch, or the types of diagnoses that could get you committed to an asylum in the early 1900s.
To write this historical romance the author drew from her experiences growing up in Fruita, Colo., near Palisade’s peach country, and from her years as a journalist covering the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo, a former asylum.
In this Historical Romance, a handsome young man inherits a ranch in ruin and hopes to marry a beautiful young widow who is an attorney. But she takes up the case of a brilliant doctor committed to an asylum because of one seizure. Will the rancher, the attorney, and the asylum patient achieve their dreams?
Suspense, romance, humor, murder, insanity, hope, fun, wrapped in an inspiring Western you won’t forget. Read a sample.
Published by Elk Lake Publishing, a new traditional Christian small publisher.
Question for Readers: What things can you see in your past that God put there?
Come back July 11th for Jennifer Slattery!
a lady that need some help after suffering a broken hip and I had just lost my job so it was almost like God was directing me to help her! Then another time a friend of mine lost her job right at christmas and had 4 children to provide for and I went and brought gifts and food for them as secret santa
Praise the Lord, Sheila for how you allowed God to use you! He loves other people through us. How wonderful!
What a delightful life. Loved reading your story. My husband and I will celebrate 60 years in August. You are a new author to me, and I would love to read your book.
Congratulations Evangeline on your long marriage. We both are blessed. I’m glad to meet you, since you didn’t know me. (Smile.) I guess you do now. Perhaps I shouldn’t have told about that first kiss!
Thanks, Shannon, for inviting me to be your guest. I’ll be excited to see who wins a copy of the book.
My college plans changed in late May of my senior year. I ended up going to a private Christian college and found my husband, lifelong friends, and a deepened faith.
Beautiful story! When God is first place, He can use us for great things.
I have a winner! Susanne won the drawing. I appreciate Ada for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.