Shannon here: Angela Breidenbach shares how a pet soothed her empty nest, added warmth to her real-life romance, and inspired An A-Muse-ing 2021 Calendar. All comments will go in Monday’s drawing. Deadline: Dec 5th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Angie!
A Matted Mess Becomes a Fluffy Fe-Lion by Angela Breidenbach
My heart was broken by the once-in-a-lifetime perfect storm. After raising six children and housing multiple other children through high school, my home emptied. Then suddenly every pet that every child had adopted over the years aged out and crossed the proverbial rainbow bridge. I mean my house was empty! No kids, no dogs, no cats, and even my horse passed on. Empty!
I mourned. And I mourned hard. Sure, I knew the day of empty-nesting was coming. I’d planned for it. I started taking classes, writing books, and filling my life with what I’d always dreamed of doing if I didn’t have to take care of everyone else’s needs. I loved what the future held. Except…I had always had a pet and pets calm me, entertain me, and enrich my life.
Then, I planned for a kitten. I wanted to train him. Except that kitten never made it home. The little guy died at just a few weeks old. I crashed back into a sadness. I really wanted that kitten. So, the next day, a Saturday, I drove down to a pet fair at a local park. They didn’t have any kittens. Just a few cats and a lot of dogs. I met this really dirty, matted, funny looking ginger cat named Beamon. No, he couldn’t be the one. He wasn’t a kitten. And he was a mess! But he sure connected with me. They told me he’d been found down on River Road where people tended to dump animals. My heart squeezed. But I had my heart set on a kitten who I could train to do tricks. An older cat might not be so willing. I left.
I couldn’t stop thinking of this matted mess of a cat. Hubby wasn’t so sure. I waited two days before going to the local pound. No surprise, he was still there. I came in and he moved to the cage door giving me a direct stare. I felt like he remembered me. After looking at all the cats, I took him out of the cage and visited with him. Wow, what a mess! But he sat close to me and stared into my eyes. He seemed so smart. I gave in and adopted him, changing his name to Muse. He even won over Hubby in one giant leap. In a stunning display, Muse leaped into Hubby’s arms as he came home from work. The bond set immediately. They’re inseparable now as they watch sports together. Yes, Muse really watches TV. He loves football and wildlife shows.
We spent the next few weeks getting used to each other, visiting the vet to help get his ears free of mites and his mats cleaned up. I found out Muse was around two and probably a Somali or Somali Cross. With patience, he started to clean up and heal. Then he did something unusual. He repeated actions like coming to his name. Could he be trained?
Oh yes, Muse is highly trained now able to leap sticks, jump through a hoop, sit, come, lay down, rollover, shake hands, and high five. He can do them by voice or sign command. His favorite though is to tell me when it’s breakfast time and it’s always accompanied by voice. Trust me, I’m trained!
Muse is very amusing, hence the title of his newsletter and new calendar, An A-Muse-ing 2021 Calendar. He has tons of personality, too. I posted a few photos on social media with an imaginary conversation between Muse and Writer back in the beginning. That’s blossomed to hundreds of Facebook and Instagram posts steeped in witty Muse-ings. But I have to tell you that both Hubby and I totally believe it’s what Muse is thinking! Don’t you?
One frisky fe-lion gives our home a warmth, a sense of companionship and laughter. It’s lovely to be welcomed home by this beautiful creature. If you’ve never had the pleasure of a pet, I highly encourage it. If it’s not possible, you’re welcome to share moments with Muse. Hubby and I have bonded with this fe-lion (never insult him by calling Muse a cat!) and that has added warmth to our relationship, too. There’s a sweetness as we care for Muse together, share his smart tricks with friends and family, and laugh with our Fe-lion Friends online over Muse’s antics. Sometimes Hubby’s the one to suggest a new Muse and Writer scenario. He loves hearing the comments we get back. I read them and we laugh at the witty Fe-lion Fans. I love watching my husband laugh, the sound of his voice and the sparkle in his eyes make my heart flutter. To think a ten-pound matted mess could cause years of joy and togetherness!
Sometimes a matted mess turns out to be a bigger blessing than you’d ever expect. I don’t look at problems the same way anymore. I can see there’s something beautiful under all the tangles. That crosses into my personal life as well. There’s beauty in patiently working through the tangles in our relationships, laughing together, and sharing daily home life.
About Angela: Angela Breidenbach is a bestselling author, screenwriter, and genealogist. She’s the president of the Christian Authors Network. Hobbies? Writer has trained her Muse, a fe-lion, to shake hands, roll over, and jump through a hoop. Surprisingly, Angie can also. Muse has managed to entertain friends and followers on social media with his wry wit and humor. All social media @AngBreidenbach
About Muse: A highly trained personal assistant to Writer, he’s a Somali-Cross rescue. At nine, he has many years left to train Writer in the ways of fe-lions. Able to leap tall sticks in a single bound, lunge through hoops, and stop-drop-and-roll, Muse will either high-five you or shake hands as long as you pay him in treats. He’s quite mercenary, but very lovable.
About the Cat Comedy Calendar:
An A-Muse-ing 2021 Calendar
An A-Muse-ing 2021 Wall Calendar by Angela Breidenbach features the wry wit and humor between Muse and Writer. Each month Muse matches wits with Writer in full-color wall calendar showcasing a candid, beautiful image of Muse and his highly expressive fe-lion personality:
Writer: Weren’t you on the other side of the couch?
Muse: Just checking out my comfort level.
Writer: Great. If you’re all settled, I’ll join you.
Muse: That’s outside of my comfort level.
Writer: (Facepalm.) Oh, brother.
For you, it includes:
- 12-month calendar
- Space to add reminders
- Opens to 11 inches x 17 inches
- Includes widely celebrated holidays (including International Cat Day, of course)
- Tips to lesson holiday season stress
- Laughter
Look for more A-Muse-ings from Muse and Writer including Christmas planners, social media, and themed books at Other books by Angela include historical romance, contemporary romance, and non-fiction. Visit for A-Muse-ing News direct to your email. Follow your favorite social media like Bookbub, Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, & Amazon for new release announcements.
Watch for An A-Muse-ing Christmas Planner 2021 and A-Muse-ing Tails coming in 2021!
Get your copy now!
Question for Readers: How has a pet brought you and your loved one together or enhanced your home life?
Come back Dec 1st for Stacy Monson!
we had a dog (black lab) that was my constant shadow anytime I was outside. His name was Smokey and he saved my life from a rattlesnake which ended his life. Miss him so much! This was 10 years ago before I moved to my current house. Haven’t had a dog since just a cat.