Shannon here: Angela Breidenbach shares insight into her real life romance, plus a chance for two readers to win two of her audio books. Each winner will receive one copy each of herhistorical romances, Bitterroot Bride or Taking the Plunge. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter. Deadline: April 16, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Angela:

Angela and her hubby, Mike, drenched in the rain on one of their romantic national park bike and hikes.
- What’s the most romantic thing your spouse has ever done for you?
Angela: Last year I took two weeks for continuing education in California. There were two days in between. He flew down and we booked a B&B. Then we relaxed, rode bikes on the beach, and saw a terrible movie (but he did it because I wanted to try eating dinner in one of those movie theaters that serve at your seats). That started a few mini trips for us as newer empty-nesters. Romance is awesome in this stage of life!!
- What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for your spouse?
Angela: I still flirt with him 😉
- Where is the most romantic place you and your spouse have ever been?
Angela: Hiking in the desert…It was near Zion National Park just last year. We pulled in with our RV early evening, still enough light to hike the red rocks. We found an old movie set, kept going and found the perfect rock crop to climb and watch the sunset. It wasn’t an expected hike or an expected experience. But we still talk about that beautiful sunset and the sweetness we felt together. That was our second awesome empty-nester trip…and the realization that it was a duplicatable experience.

Old 1958 movie set marker “They Came from Cordura” in the middle of the Utah desert.

The actual set behind me.
- Do you and your spouse have a favorite romantic vacation destination?
Angela: We love to travel together and experience new places, always have, but now it’s so much sweeter. We had no idea how wonderful it would be once we warmed up to the empty nest stage. Though we’ve visited Victoria and Puerto Rico twice, we still love the romance of new destinations and discovery together. Right now we’re on a national/state park kick because we love to hike and love nature.

On the overlook of Bryce National Park
- Who is most romantic, you or your spouse?
Angela: He is, hands down! We laugh about that since I’m the romance author…
- What is the most caring thing your spouse has ever done for you?
Angela: When my dad passed away, though my hubby had to leave work several weekends, he flew down to help me clean out and refurbish my dad’s house to sell. He even landscaped the entire lot, managing a couple of others. He’s in HVAC and understands being a general contractor. So his advice while I had to manage the massive project was invaluable during a very emotional time for me. He was my sturdy support.
- What is the most caring thing you’ve ever done for your spouse?
Angela: I think the reverse…when his dad died I helped plan and manage the funeral arrangements and handled a lot of behind-the-scenes details. Now we understand one another’s loss so well and know that after 18 years, we can really depend on each other (our 18th anniversary is April 4th). Loss can bond or break people. I’m grateful it bonded us.
About Angela: Angela Breidenbach is a bestselling author and host of Grace Under Pressure Radio on iTunes. Angela is the Christian Author Network’s president. And yes, she’s half of the comedy duo, Muse and Writer, though somehow fe-lion Muse gets all the fan mail. Learn more and connect:
Angela’s Website Angela’s Facebook Angela’s ITunes Angela’s Books
Twitter/Pinterest: @AngBreidenbach
About the book – Bitterroot Bride: No one knows the real Emmalee Warren, just what they want from the infamous prostitute. Men are coming out of the woodwork to stake a claim on the miner’s widow. They wanted her body before. Now they want her money. Hiring a lawyer, Richard Lewis, to save her from financial ruin might let her start over where no one knows Miss Ellie. Becoming an unknown is the only way to freedom…or is it? Can she leave her past and build a new future?
Can’t wait for the drawing? Purchase now: Bitterroot Bride
Question for Readers: Is there a place you’ve visited only once or twice and would love to go back to someday?
to Amish country in Wisconsin! Visited when I was a teenager and really enjoyed seeing all the stuff there and the food was wonderful
Oh, interesting. I’ve been to Amish areas in Pennsylvania but not Wisconsin yet 🙂
I love seashells, but I’ve only been to the ocean once. I had the time of my life picking up shells in Galveston several years ago. I want to go back and hope to this summer. We might even make it to Corpus Christi.
I visited friends who live in China and would love to go back someday.
My husband and I also visited Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, and the Capital Reef Park.
Four adults in an RV for a month.
Wow, 4 in an RV for a month??? I’m seriously impressed. We have an RV. We love taking family with us…for a couple of days… 😉
I have a winner! Janet Estridge won the drawing. I appreciate Angela for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.