Shannon here: Angela Ruth Strong shares insight into her real-life romance, plus a change to win a print copy of her Christmas novella collection featuring two other authors, We Three Kings. Comment or answer the question in this post to enter the drawing. U.S. only. Deadline: Oct 7th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Angela:
- What’s the most romantic thing your spouse has ever done for you?
My husband has the gift of wooing. Literally. He took a test, and that’s what it said. So I could go on and on here, but I’m just going to share the cutest thing he did lately. He wore a Hawaiian shirt with my face on it for our flight to Mexico.
- Where is the most romantic place you and your spouse have ever been?
He grew up in Maui, so he took me there for our honeymoon twelve years ago. We hadn’t been on a tropical vacation again until last week’s flight to Mexico. It was magical.
- What simple gesture does your spouse do that melts you every time?

Our Ice Cave Kiss
He sings to me. On a karaoke microphone at home. Usually country songs. Sometimes on the back patio when it’s raining.
- What is the most caring thing your spouse has ever done for you?
He took care of me through breast cancer. He told this story to friends in Mexico, and I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten. But (sparing you the gritty details) when I couldn’t even swallow the pills that were supposed to keep me from vomiting, he crushed them in my applesauce.
- What is the most caring thing you’ve ever done for your spouse?
I encouraged him to buy a motorcycle. It was his dream, but he’s not a dreamer. He’s a supporter of my dreams. So I sent him a photo of a motorcycle dealership with a reader board that said, “Your wife called. She said it’s okay.” And now we go on crazy motorcycle rides to the Grand Canyon and the Redwoods.
- Who said, “I love you” first, you or your spouse?
He did. I’d been through a tough relationship before him, so I responded, “I don’t know what that means.” He said, “I’m going to show you with everything that I am.” And he has.
Question for Readers: What’s the funniest shirt or item of clothing you own or have seen?
About Angela: Angela Ruth Strong survived breast cancer, works as a flight attendant, and uses her own crazy life experiences as inspiration for the stories she writes. Her books have earned TOP PICK in Romantic Times, been nominated for a Christy, won the Cascade Award, and become Amazon bestsellers. She and her husband also got to play extras when her novel Finding Love in Big Sky was adapted for film. To help aspiring authors, Angela started IDAhope Writers where she lives in Idaho. Learn more & connect:
Angela’s Website InspyRomanceBlog
About the book – We Three Kings: Journey with three Weise men in these Christmas novellas from best-selling authors! In Star of Wonder, when his steamer ship’s maiden voyage goes awry, must Aldrich leave Celestia behind forever? In Beauty Bright, as Charles and Lillian mend war-torn lives, will love grow? And in Perfect Light, after publicly embarrassing event planner Lacey, can Brendon win her heart?
Can’t wait for the drawing? Worried you won’t win?
Interested in Angela’s other titles? Get your copy/copies now!
Come back Oct 3rd for Donna Schlachter!
can’t think of any
My son had a shirt when he was younger that said “Judge me by my size, do you?” with Yoda standing under a “You must be this tall to ride” sign.
Hi Angela! Hi Shannon!
My mother in law had a mischievous side. Several of us would get in trouble with spouses/fathers when we spent too much time with her; shopping, watching movies, playing games. My daughter
found shirts for us! Looking for child size for the granddaughter! We thought they were hilarious!!!!
“Apparently we are trouble together. Who knew?”
My daughter loves shirts with punny sayings on them. One would be, “Sometimes I talk to myself, then we both laugh and laugh.”
I don’t think I have any funny shirts. I do have a T-shirt that my daughter made me that has a cat face on it and it says Cat Mom.
My son gave me a shirt last Christmas with the fried cat meme on it that says “It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” 😁
The funniest shirts I’ve seen: Sorry was I rolling my Eyes too Loud; Hide & Seek Champion (with a pic of Bigfoot on the front); & If I was meant to be controlled, I would have come with a remote.
Hello Angela and Shannon my granddaughter always love’s to wear funny shirts One she wears says! Don’t Rush Me I’m waiting for the last minute.
I used to have a shirt that had a simple drawing of a head with fingers stuffed in its ears. It said “Not Listening.” It was my favorite college shirt to wear. I suppose it was a little attitude to get me through all the information I had to listen to.
I don’t have any funny shirts.
Hi Angela and Shannon!
I so enjoyed reading your Real-Life Romance interview, Angela. Your husband sounds like a keeper, for sure. I have an amazing husband as well. We are indeed blessed!
My daughter has a fun Christmas t-shirt with 3 chortling lamas on the front with the saying, “Fa La La La Lama”.
I don’t have a funny t-shirt, but my husband and I have coordinating t-shirts. Our last name is Boss. His t-shirt is black with “Boss Man” printed on the front in white lettering. My t-shirt is white with “Boss Lady” printed on the front in black elegant lettering. 🙂
Thank you for the chance to win a copy of WE THREE KINGS. I love Christmas stories, and this book sounds wonderful!
Our church has an ugly Christmas sweater contest. There was a man who had a lemon yellow sweater that had cats with Christmas hats on. It was printed with Meowy Christmas. I thought it was really funny and he won first place!
I have a winner! Rochelle Deinert won the drawing. I appreciate Angela for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.