Shannon here: Inspirational author, Ann Lee Miller shares insight into her characters’ romance from her book, Kicking Eternity. Anyone who leaves a comment with an e-mail address (JaneReader[at]msn[dot]com) will receive a free e-copy of Kicking Eternity. Those who don’t want to leave an e-mail may contact Ann for their free book at Deadline: June 9th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Ann:
- What’s the most romantic thing your hero ever did for your heroine?
Drew washed sand of Raine’s feet and dried them with a towel. He told her she had cute toes when she’d always hated her feet.
- What’s the most romantic thing your heroine ever did for your hero?
She holds him when he breaks down. Then, she prays for him, encourages him to let go of his guilt.
- Where is the most romantic place your hero and heroine have ever been?
On the beach at dawn and dusk when Drew is playing his guitar and singing.
- What’s the most romantic present your heroine ever gave your hero?
Raine gave Drew her beaded, rawhide African bracelet for a birthday gift. The bracelet symbolized her life-long dream of going to Africa. She’d worn it for years.
- What is your hero’s favorite romantic vacation destination?
He dreams he wakes up in a bed draped in mosquito netting in Africa with Raine beside him.
- What simple gesture does your hero do that melts your heroine every time?
He calls her Rainey.
- How soon after meeting the hero did the heroine know he was the one?
Raine has a persistent crush on the wrong guy and is oblivious to Drew.
- How soon after meeting the heroine did the hero know she was the one?
Drew is immediately attracted to Raine, but he believes God told him to marry someone else. Even so, he acknowledges his feelings—at least to himself—long before Raine realizes she has feelings for him.
- What is the most caring thing your hero has ever done for your heroine?
Lets her cry on his chest and soak his T-shirt. Caught in the intimacy of emotion, he kisses her. A perfect kiss that raises a thousand questions in Raine’s mind.
About Ann:
Bio: Ann Lee Miller earned a BA in creative writing from Ashland (OH) University and writes full-time in Phoenix, but left her heart in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, where she grew up. She loves speaking to young adults and guest lectures on writing at several Arizona colleges. When she isn’t writing or muddling through some crisis—real or imagined—you’ll find her hiking in the Superstition Mountains with her husband or meddling in her kids’ lives. Learn more at:, Twitter: @AnnLeeMiller, and
About the book: Stuck in sleepy New Smyrna Beach one last summer, Raine socks away her camp pay checks, worries about her druggy brother, and ignores trouble: Cal Koomer. She’s a plane ticket away from teaching orphans in Africa, and not even Cal’s surfer six-pack and the chinks she spies in his rebel armor will derail her.
The artist in Cal begs to paint Raine’s ivory skin, high cheek bones, and internal sparklers behind her eyes, but falling for her would caterwaul him into his parents’ live. No thanks. The girl was self-righteous waiting to happen. Mom served sanctimony like vegetables, three servings a day, and he had a gut full.
Rec Director Drew taunts her with “Rainey” and calls her an enabler. He is so infernally there like a horsefly—till he buzzes back to his ex.
Raine’s brother tweaks. Her dream of Africa dies small deaths. Will she figure out what to fight for and what to free before it’s too late?
Endorsements for Kicking Eternity:
Kicking Eternity won First Place Long Contemporary in the 2009 Romance Writers of America Faith, Hope, and Love Contest.
“In Kicking Eternity, Ann Lee Miller masterfully weaves the delicate web of emotions experienced in that turbulent ‘twenty-something’ stage of life. Powerful family dynamics, intense loyalty challenges, and tender new loves find their niche in your heart as this story unfolds layer by lovely layer.”
Mesu Andrews, Author of Revell titles Love’s Sacred Song, and Love Amid the Ashes, which won the 2012 CBA Book of the Year, New Author Category
“Ann Lee Miller writes stories straight from the heart with characters who’ll become friends, remaining with you long after you turn that final page. You won’t want to miss Kicking Eternity!”
Jenny B. Jones, Author of the Katie Parker Production Series from Think and The Charmed Life Series, and other single titles from Thomas Nelson
“I’ve lost hours of sleep reading Ann Lee Miller’s work due to her uncanny ability to yank me into a story with authentic, lovable, yet challenging characters.”
Lynn Rush
Come back June 2nd as the countdown continues with readers’ favorite pick #2.
Thanks for the preview – can’t wait to read the whole story!
Thanks for the comment, Kim! Hope you enjoy your free e-copy of Kicking Eternity.
Please enter me. Kicking Eternity needs to be one of my summer reads.
Cool, Illene. I hadn’t thought about it before, but a book set on the beach in Florida would be a good summer read. Hope you enjoy it!