Shannon here: Vinspire author, April Gardner shares a romantic excerpt from her book, Wounded Spirits. Comment on any post dated Feb 21 – 25 for a chance to win a copy of Tammy Barley’s Faith’s Reward. Deadline midnight central time, Feb 26. Here’s April:
On average, I think most people are taken by surprise when God plops that special someone in their path.
That’s what happens to my hero, a Creek warrior named Totka. He never expects to find the woman of his heart in the heat of battle.
Still gripping his club, Totka entered the choking smoke. Heat from the nearby inferno singed his back as he moved toward the well. Coming out on the other side, he found the women huddled against the structure’s side.
He couldn’t imagine how they had survived this long.
Sweat stung his eyes as he bent and grabbed the binding of the first woman he came to. He flipped her wrists, inspecting the knot.
Her breath came in ragged gasps through lips as blue as death. Head propped against the well, she seemed barely strong enough to keep herself upright.
The woman by her side fumbled with the water bucket.
The sloshing liquid awakened Totka’s thirst. His mouth opened at the sight of it.
Hands bound, she scooted onto her knees, lifted the overflowing dipper, and offered it to him.
He stared at her in surprise before he snatched the dipper and poured the water down his parched throat. He dipped again until he was satisfied then studied the woman before him.
Her features were a medley of dust, soot, and caked blood. Her sight lingered on the scalps hanging from his waist. She swallowed hard before looking up.
With eyes the color of a turbulent ocean, she held his steady gaze with more courage than he’d seen in many of the men he’d killed today.
Disturbed, he tore his gaze from her and reached for the last woman.
With a shriek, she bucked and landed the heel of her shoe against his bad leg.
“Foolish woman!” He raised his club in threat.
“No!” The woman with the green eyes flung herself at his feet and turned them pleadingly on him. She spoke, but he understood none of it.
Totka gritted his teeth and lowered his weapon then motioned for her to stand.
Learn more about April at Purchase Wounded Spirits
Come back Feb 25 for Whitaker House author, Tammy Barley’s romantic interview.
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April Gardner – Real Life Romance – Part 1 of 2
April Gardner – Real Life Romance – Part 1 of 2
i like the setting of this story. Thanks Shannon, for sharing a new author with me. i would love to win this.
I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance. Wounded Spirits sounds good, too. Thanks for the interviews. It’s enjoyable learning about the authors and their characters.
Hi, Shannon. My sister has been talking about your blog. Thanks for the chance to win a book. I will share with my mother if I win.
Thanks for the chance to win a book. I’m glad I found your blog. Keep interviews new authors. This idea is awesome.
I am a SVU detective in Tennessee. I appreciate reading books that are so different from my life. They keep me centered and thanking God for my family.
So glad everyone’s enjoying the blog. There are a slew of great authors out there.
Glad the Mick family popped in. Oh Tamara, glad you found a great escape and glad God places Christians in tough jobs.
Wow! I couldn’t imagine meeting the love of your life in the midst of a battle. The book sounds like a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing.