Shannon here: This week, I’m sharing an extra special post sent to me by my critique partner Lorna Seilstad about some friends of hers. To celebrate their 50th anniversary, the Stewarts recreated their wedding. Comment on any post dated Oct 18 – 22 by Oct 23, 8:00 PM Central to win a copy of White Doves. Here’s the Stewarts:
Recreating a Wedding 50 Years Later
Many times couples renew their wedding vows on their 50th wedding anniversary, but a Denver couple, Bill and Pamela Stewart, formerly of McCrory, AR., did more than just renewing their vows. On July 24, 210, they re-created their complete wedding.
The little town of McCrory, AR where the couple was married really has not changed much in 50 years. New schools and churches have been built on the north end of town, but the main street through town, Edmonds Avenue, remains much like it was back then. Different businesses occupy some of the shops, and different people work in them, but the look is much the same.
The building that previously was the Church of Christ where the couple was married on July 24, 1960, is now Angie Davis’ fitness center. They wanted to stand in the exact location, so they asked Angie to loan them the building for this occasion. The flowers of gladiolus and palm leaves and decorations of an arch interspersed with ivy and daises were all a duplicate of the 1960 wedding. The maid of honor, the three bridesmaids, best man, the three groomsmen, flower girl, ring bearer, and candle lighters were all present to help re-create the wedding just as it was 50 years ago.
The bride wore a replica of her original wedding dress and the bridesmaids wore pink dresses just as they did 50 years ago. The groom wore a white sports coat and pink carnations just as he did originally, a trend made popular by Marty Robbins 1955 hit “A White Sports Coat and a Pink Carnation.” The best man and groomsmen wore the traditional black suit. The original preacher, Homer Kennon, the groom’s brother-in-law, used the same wedding ceremony. Bill and Pam’s wedding was the first one he performed. A 1955 Mercury, just like the groom owned in 1960, was parked outside in the same place as it was 50 years ago.
Come back Oct 19 for part 2 of the Stewart’s 50th anniversary wedding celebration.
That was a beautiful story.
This is one of the most romantic things I’ve ever read. I appreciate the Stewarts for letting me share their story.