Shannon here: Part 2 of the Stewart 50th anniversary wedding. Comment on any post dated Oct 18 – 22 by Oct 23, 8:00 PM Central to win a copy of White Doves. Here’s the Stewarts:
Recreating a Wedding 50 Years Later – Part 2
Bill and Pam’s son, Murray Stewart, walked his mother down the aisle in absents of her father, the late Charles Swanson. Murray was his granddad’s first grandchild. Bill and Pam’s daughter, Vonda Downs, will sing “Because You Loved Me” during the ceremony.
In 1960 the couple spent their honeymoon at Hotel Chesca in Memphis, TN. They chose that hotel over the Peabody because it was less expensive. The Chesca is now closed, so they spent their honeymoon at the Peabody instead. Afterwards they planned a trip to Tahoe, CA where they both spoke on the Tahoe Family Encampment lectures and spent a few days second honeymooning on Lake Tahoe. Later this year, they are planning a trip to Italy.
The couple hopes the re-creating of the wedding will help their four children and their mates and eleven grandchildren visualize what it was like in 1960 when their parents were married. They also want to be a role model for young couples and show them that a marriage can be forever and that Hollywood should not set standards for us.
Bill serves as Director of Director of Development and Recruiting, a job that has taken them all over the world, for Bear Valley Bible Institute. He has also served as Dean of Students and Instructor. Pam has served the institute as Women’s Instructor, Dean of Women, and Assistant in Development. Currently, they travel for the institute raising the awareness for recruiting and fund raising. They teach at the institute during the fall quarter. Both have many appointments for public speaking throughout the United States and abroad.
Together, they conduct marriage seminars. Bill holds seminars on church leadership and preaches gospel meetings. Pam speaks for women’s seminars, lectureships, and retreats. Bill has published a book and workbook entitled Building Bridges in Marriage Communications and Pam has published a book entitled Evangelistic Women. Often they are asked to speak on the subjects of their books.
Pam’s book link
Bill’s book link
Come back Oct 20 for how the Stewart’s met and a romantic interview.
How lovely! What a beautiful dress! I can’t wait until my husband can celebrate our 50th! Thanks for giving us all a taste of the blessings that await us. Ah, true, committed love. Isn’t it grand?
I hope I look as good as Pamela does on our 50th.