Shannon here: Brenda S. Anderson shares insight into her characters’ romance from her latest Contemporary Romance, Planting Hope. Comment or answer the question at the end of any post dated Sept 26 – 29 to enter the drawing for a copy. Print for U.S. only, digital for international. Deadline: Oct 7th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Brenda:
- Luke, what’s the most romantic thing you ever did for Jess?
Luke: (Scratches head) Does cleaning dead mice out of a toilet count? Okay, okay, I’ll do better. I’m not terribly romantic, but on my first date with Jess—who LOVES flowers—I took her to a rose garden. She didn’t seem to care that the roses weren’t in bloom yet.
Jess: Honestly, ridding our cabin toilet of that mouse family was one of the most romantic things anyone’s ever done for me! But, yeah, Luke taking me to the rose garden was definitely a winner.
- Do you have a favorite song?
Jess: Oh, that’s easy. “In Christ Alone” sung by Geoff Moore and Adrienne Liesching. We both love how the lyrics point to Christ alone as our hope.
Luke: Yep. I agree 100 percent.
- How soon after meeting Jess did you know she was the one?
Luke: The one? Well, after our first meeting, I was definitely attracted to Jess. She had so much spunk and was funny and, yeah, she’s gorgeous too. But it took me about three months to know she was The One, and I’d do anything for her.
- Same question for you, Jess. How soon did you know Luke was the one?
Jess: After our first meeting, I knew he was someone special. I mean, who sacrifices an entire afternoon for a stranger? I’d been treated very poorly by men in the past, so to have him treat me like a princess was beyond attractive. I didn’t really know he was The One until a few months in, but even then, I had reservations, mostly because of growing I needed to do yet.
- Who said, “I love you” first?
Luke: Uh, well, guess that was me, but I couldn’t hold it in anymore. (He grins) It didn’t take her too long to say it back to me.
Jess: True!
- If you two end up married, where will you go on your honeymoon?
Luke: My first thought is the Hershey Gardens in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Flowers and chocolate. Get it?
Jess: (wrinkles her nose) Seriously?
Luke: (he kisses her wrinkled nose) Probably something international, France maybe. I hear they have some amazing gardens, and I love the way Jess’s eyes light up like the sunlit sky whenever we tour a garden, and to see that joy in her eyes on our honeymoon would be amazing!
Jess: Hmmm. Did you know France is also known for their scrumptious chocolate? Sounds like a winner to me.
About Brenda: Brenda S. Anderson writes gritty and authentic, life-affirming fiction. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, and is Past-President of the ACFW Minnesota chapter, MN-NICE, the 2016 ACFW Chapter of the Year. When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, theater, roller coasters, and baseball, and she loves watching movies with her family. She resides in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area with her husband of 30 years, their three children, and one sassy cat.
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About the book: Planting Hope (Where the Heart Is – book 3)
When flowers and chocolate collide, romance is sure to bloom
Family has always been the one constant in Jess Beaumont’s messy life, so when her parents separate, she puts “Operation: Planting Hope” into action. All she has to do is recreate the circumstances that helped her parents fall in love. Unfortunately, that includes the daunting task of restoring the family cabin’s gardens. When the handsome candy store owner shows up to help, she’s certain she has all the elements required for her parents’ love to bloom again. After all, flowers and chocolate are the perfect ingredients for romance.
Luke Harrison has spent his life trying to win his father’s approval, and a promotion in the family land development business would be a step in that direction. But when he inherits Gran’s candy store, his dreams of being promoted start melting away. Then his dad dangles a Vice President position in front of Luke, with one caveat—acquire the land on both sides of Gran’s store within five months, including the Beaumont cabin, and the promotion is his.
What at first seemed a simple challenge for Luke becomes a tangled mess. Buying the Beaumont cabin and land will nip his blossoming romance with Jess in the bud. Even worse, it could end her parents’ marriage. But if he doesn’t succeed, he could be trading in his corner office for the corner candy store.
Watch the book trailer:
Can’t wait for the drawing? Get your copy now!
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Planting Hope – kobo Planting Hope – books2read
Questions for Readers: What is your favorite candy?
Come back Oct 3rd for Paula Mowery!
anything chocolate!!lol
Agreed! Milk chocolate…dark chocolate…white chocolate… It’s all good!
Any kind of chocolate!!
I’m with you!
Turtles! They have chocolate and caramel with pecans!! All winners in my book!
Oh, I LOVE turtles! All my favorite flavors in one!
I have a winner! Charolette won the drawing. I appreciate Brenda for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.