Shannon here: Candace West shares insight into her latest Historical Romance, Valley of Shadows. Comment or answer the question in any post dated April 7 – 10 to enter the drawing for an e-book copy. Deadline: April 17th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Candace:
Truth or Fiction: Which Character is Unlike Me
Excerpt from Valley of Shadows by Candace West:
“My dear Miss Steen, what is the meaning of this?” Twisting in the wagon seat, George cast the full force of his glare on Ella who didn’t even bother peeping his way. Instead, she lifted her chin and glued her eyes on the road.
“I’m not your ‘dear Miss Steen.’ I’m simply helping you on your way.”
“Anxious to see me leave?” The ire in his tone dripped with sarcasm.
Ella seared him with a look, her brows raised. “Whatever for? You’ve been such pleasant company.”
George blinked. If not for the twinkle lurking in those violet eyes, he would’ve sworn she was serious. He faced forward and pressed his back against the seat.
“I didn’t come here to be pleasant company.”
“Well, you certainly succeeded at that.”
Ella. One day she elbowed her way into my plot and refused to back down from that moment onward. She sent a telegram and dared me to ignore it. Ginger-colored hair, violet eyes, and a bold opinion always locked and loaded, Ella and I are almost polar opposites.
She was a delight from the start! To write a character so unlike me—quiet and introverted—was like canoeing a swift, bubbling stream. While she quips at whoever is agitating her, I think of the answer after the confrontation. Ella asserts her presence while I seek to blend into the background. Ella’s thoughts often tumble out, and my thoughts remain hidden.
When I grow up, I want to be like Ella. Though she bubbles and swirls like that stream, deep places hide within her soul. Underneath that confidant exterior, she harbors scars that still ache and bleed when no one else is watching. Even though she began as a side character, her role grew until I decided to make her a main character in my next book. I don’t think I could ever be a main character in a story.
She definitely won me over. Typical Ella.
About Candace: Candace West was born in the Mississippi delta to a young minister and his wife. A recovering tomboy, she grew up in small-town Arkansas and is a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Monticello. When she was twelve years old, she wrote her first story, “Following Prairie River.” In 2018, she published her debut novel Lane Steen. By weaving entertaining, hope-filled stories, Candaces shares the Gospel and encourages her readers. She currently lives in her beloved Arkansas with her husband and their son along with two dogs and three bossy cats. Learn more & connect:
Candace’s Newsletter Candace’s Facebook Candace’s Instagram
About the book – Valley of Shadows:
Forgiving is far from forgetting.
Lorena Steen gave up on love years ago. After arriving at Valley Creek to visit her daughters, she stumbles first thing into Earl, the husband who abandoned her.
As for Earl, facing Lorena while fighting his own demons tempts him to flee town. How can he rebuild a relationship with his daughters and cynical neighbors when guilt shadows every step?
While the storm brews between them, another storm descends on Valley Creek. Will a ghost town stand in its wake?
But then the townsfolk devise a plan. All they need is a former concert pianist and violinist. A wife and husband estranged.
Can Lorena and Earl set aside their feelings to rescue a community? Even though it sweeps them back through valleys best forgotten? Especially when a forbidden love claims his right to win Lorena’s heart?
Can’t wait for the drawing, worried you won’t win, or interested in all of Candace’s books? Get your copies now!
Lane Steen Amazon Valley of Shadows = Amazon
Question for Readers: Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or a bit of both? Has a side character in a Christian Fiction book ever captured your attention until you longed for them to have their own book?
Come back April 10th for part two with Candace!
bit of both
I’m a bit of both too, though I’m usually more introverted. It depends on my situation at the time. Thanks for stopping by!
I am both. I enjoy people and I like people but I am perfectly content by myself. It don’t have to be with others to be happy.
That’s a very good way of putting it. I’m so glad you stopped by, Connie!
I’m both, can be good, can be bad.
It does have its advantages and disadvantages, doesn’t it? Thank you for stopping by, Amanda!
bit of both at times
A good way to be! Blessings, Shelia!
Both but I lean more to introvert
So do I! I’m glad you stopped by, Patricia!
I am an introvert 100%, always have been.
wfnren at aol dot com
I’m a bit of both but more of an introvert as well. Blessings, Wendy!
I’m an introvert who becomes an extrovert vicariously through book characters. I love the secondary characters because they bring such depth and humor to the stories. Authors who do this well are the ones who give the secondaries life within their own books. Its so fun to read those because its about somebody you’ve already met.
Yes! I love to live through characters like Ella! And I agree, it does add depth. Ella is like a breath of fresh air. I’m happy you stopped by, Lisa!
Introvert that has extrovert tendencies.
positive DOT ideas DOT 4you
AT gmail DOT com
You’re in good company, Nancy! Blessings!
I am a bit of both. I like to stay home and read but love to go to Church and Ladies Bible Study and Crafting Thursday Girls.
Sounds like my kind of fun! Glad you stopped by, Paula!
I have a winner! Congrats Nancy! I appreciate Candace for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.