Shannon here: Contemporary Romance author, Candee Fick shares insight into her characters’ romance from her latest release, Dance Over Me. Comment or answer the question at the end of any post dated Sept 5 – 8 to enter the drawing. Choice of print or e-book for U.S. Ebook for international. Deadline: Sept 17th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Candee:
- What simple gesture does your hero do that melts your heroine every time?
Whenever Alex winks, Danielle (Dani) feels like she’s been kissed. Of course this is mostly when they are backstage in the middle of a crowd of actors or musicians where a true public display of affection could be inappropriate. Not to mention, early on as their friendship shifted to something more, both feared putting their budding romance onto the radar of their peers. A wink became a simple way for Alex to express his feelings for Dani and build a deeper connection.
- What simple gesture does your heroine do that melts your hero every time?
Simply put, she dances. Once Alex figured out that Dani uses her God-given talents for the simple joy of dancing and as an expression of her heart toward God, he was hooked. Let’s just say that every time Alex sees her dance after that day—whether on the stage or in a rehearsal room—he falls just a little bit deeper in love.
- How soon after meeting the heroine did the hero know she was the one?
It was about a month after they met at her audition. While the cast learned the opening production, Dani began to arrive early at the theater for some extra practice and Alex’s matchmaking grandmother soon had them working together most mornings. One day, Alex arrived to see Dani warming up by dancing to a poignant hymn and caught a glimpse of the depth of her relationship with God as she worshipped through dance. In that moment, he knew that his laughing friend could finally be the one to share his dream.
- How soon after meeting the hero did the heroine know he was the one?
It took a little longer for Dani to admit that Alex was everything she could have dreamed of. While she felt the same heart-connection during their rehearsal times, there were things she wanted to do first. Like find her missing brother. And just maybe carve out her own place among the cast so they wouldn’t accuse her of dating the director’s son in order to get the good parts. Even after they started dating, she still feared it was too good to be true…until she got her birthday wish and everything clicked into place.
- Who said, “I love you” first, your hero or your heroine?
Dani said the actual words first, but Alex had been saying it multiple times before that through his actions and even through pointed comments in the middle of their playful banter. Those three little words represented a very big step in their relationship.
Excerpt from Dance Over Me:
Ten days later, Dani finished her warm-up routine alone. Where was Alex? He wouldn’t skip their last morning to rehearse together, would he?
“Sorry I’m late.” Alex rounded the corner into the room, carrying his trumpet and a paper sack with the name of a local bakery on the side.
“Is that what I think it is?” Dani met him halfway to the piano.
“What? No hello?”
She bit her lip to contain her grin. “Hello, Alex. Glad you could make it. Lovely weather we’re having. Now, what’s in the bag?”
His dimpled grin flashed. “Thought I should find a cure for that mysterious, rumbling, growling sound that interrupted our practice yesterday.”
“The one time I overslept and skipped breakfast in order to get here on time.”
“So what was your excuse the day before that?”
“You’re a brat.” She reached for the bag, but he twisted away, leaving her nose plastered against his muscular bicep and his trumpet case embedded across her stomach. She caught a whiff of his aftershave, and her heart skipped a beat.
Well, two could play that game.
Faking movement behind him in order to bring him back around, she then braced her hand against his chest and quickly reached for the bakery bag—only to have him lift it over her head with a chuckle.
“Nice try.”
“No fair.” Her fingers flexed against the cotton fabric of his T-shirt, and she registered the rapid beat of his heart beneath the solid strength. Every day it grew harder to concentrate on her parts whenever he was around. And harder to remember that she wanted to find her own place within the cast before getting into a relationship. She removed her hand slowly and stepped back.
His eyes swept over her face and lingered on her mouth for a moment before he lowered the bag. “All’s fair in love and war.”
Surely he didn’t mean…
She grabbed the sack and retreated to the piano, opening the top as she went. “Oh, yum. Blueberry bagels.”
About Candee: Candee Fick is the wife of a high school football coach and the mother of three children, including a daughter with a rare genetic syndrome. When not busy with her day job or writing, she can be found cheering on the home team at football, basketball, baseball, and Special Olympics games. In what little free time remains, she enjoys exploring the great Colorado outdoors, indulging in dark chocolate, and savoring happily-ever-after endings through a good book. Learn more and connect:
Candee’s Website Candee’s Twitter Candee’s Facebook
About the book – Dance Over Me: Danielle Lefontaine, a fledgling actress raised to the lullaby of Broadway, searches for her long-lost brother and her place on the stage, but a jealous cast member and numerous fruitless leads threaten to drop the curtain on her dreams and shine a spotlight on her longing for a place to belong. Meanwhile, Alex Sheridan is living his dream except for someone to share it with. When Dani dances into his life, he hopes he’s found the missing piece to his heart but fears the bright lights of a bigger stage could steal her away.
Will the rhythm of dancing feet usher in their deepest desires or leave them stranded in the wings?
Can’t wait for the drawing? Purchase now: Dance Over Me – print Dance Over Me – digital
Chance to win Candee’s debut, Catch of a Lifetime: If you pre-order Dance Over Me and email an order confirmation, you’ll be entered to win a signed copy of last year’s debut Catch of a Lifetime.
Question for Readers: Can you dance? If so, did you take lessons? If not, what’s your favorite dance to watch others do?
Come back Sept 12 for Shannon Taylor Vannatter!
no i cannot dance but love to watch the waltz and sumba dancing
no i cannot dance but love to watch the waltz and salsa dancing
I’m grinning just reading over that excerpt again. I just love my characters, especially as they are falling in love! As for dancing, I personally have done a little folk dancing and some choreographed numbers during a Passion Play, but nothing formal or tricky like Dani does. I love to watch others dance as long as it’s not the type to make me blush or cringe.
Thanks for stopping by everyone!
I have 2 left feet and no rhythm at all. I enjoy watching on the television ballroom dancing. I’m dancing on the inside without breaking into a sweat.
I can’t dance. Have absolutely no rhythm. At all. I love watching the waltz and the tango. I’m amazed by people who can dance.
I have a winner! Linda Moffitt won the drawing. I appreciate Candee for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.