Shannon here: Historical romance author, Christine Lindsay shares insight into her characters’ fictional romance and a chance to win a copy of her e-book: Shadowed in Silk. Comment on any post dated June 27 – July 1 to get your name in the drawing. Deadline: July 2, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Christine:
1. What’s the most romantic thing your hero ever did for your heroine? At the beginning of SHADOWED IN SILK Abby is not a Christian, and is married to a cruel drunkard, but she works hard to save her marriage to Nick. Geoff cares for his friend, Abby, but maintains a completely honorable stance with her. However, if I were to choose the most loving thing Geoff did for Abby, it would be the afternoon he taught her how to shoot a rifle. As hostilities were growing in India, he feared for her and her little son’s safety.
2. What’s the most romantic thing your heroine ever did for your hero? Because Shadowed is more of a love story than a romance, it’s hard to say. A lot takes place in the novel while Abby is still married to another man. It’s about a woman in a bad situation and a Godly man who prays for her and her child, and I’ve tried to write that story in a delicate and God-honoring way. So I think the most romantic thing that Abby does for Geoff is to hide her feelings for him as this would only distress him. Geoff wants to obey God in all his thought as well as actions.
3. Where is the most romantic place your hero and heroine have ever been? On the rooftop balcony of a tall Indian house in the middle of a monsoon rain.
4. Do your hero and heroine have a favorite romantic restaurant? They were at a largely attended moonlight picnic and strolled along a river that danced with fireflies.
5. Do your hero and heroine have a favorite song? Yes, a love song that was popular during the First World War, Roses of Picardy. Here is an early rendition.
6. What’s the most romantic present your hero ever bought your heroine? A child-sized cricket bat for her 3-year-old son, Cam, and 2 toy horses for his Christmas present. It would not have been appropriate for Geoff to give Abby a gift when she was still a married woman.
7. What’s the most romantic present your heroine ever bought your hero? Again, because she knew him to be a God-honoring man, she gave him the only thing she could—her silence at how she felt about him.
8. What is your hero’s favorite romantic vacation destination? A houseboat in Kashmir, on a placid lake dotted with lotus blossoms and reflecting the Himalayas.
9. What is your heroine’s favorite romantic vacation destination? Pine-scented hills in the north of India where rolling hills are covered in purple and red rhododendrons, and giant ferns.
10. What simple gesture does your hero do that melts your heroine every time? Geoff tries to hide the trembling in his hand, a result of shellshock from his time in the trenches of WW1.
11. What simple gesture does your heroine do that melts your hero every time? Abby forces herself to smile no matter what sad thing may be going on in her life.
12. How soon after meeting the hero did the heroine know she was the one? Abby falls in love with Geoff many months after meeting him, but only as her life and marriage crashes around her. She doesn’t want to love Geoff, and at the time she doesn’t know Christ, she tries to deal with this in a human fashion, only to make things worse. It takes danger from a revolution, deception from spies, and another war, for God to answer Abby’s prayer for an honorable husband.
13. How soon after meeting the heroine did the hero know he was the one? Only after the Lord changes Abby’s circumstances does Geoff allow himself to think of her in a romantic sense. He also feels God urging him to find new joy with Abby. But Geoff doesn’t want to listen to God, and turns away from Abby. God has to work on Geoff’s heart for several more months while the 2nd Anglo Afghan war takes place, keeping Abby and Geoff apart.
14. Who is most romantic, your hero or your heroine? Geoff—while watching the way Nick mistreats Abby, Geoff compares this to the way he used to show tenderness to his own wife Laura before she died. He wishes Nick would treat Abby that way.
15. What is the most caring thing your hero has ever done for your heroine? Geoff puts his life at risk to search for Abby’s son Cam who has been kidnapped.
16. What is the most caring thing your heroine has ever done for your hero? At the time of the story when Abby is not a Christian, she respects Geoff’s Christian ideals.
17. Who said, “I love you” first, your hero or your heroine? Geoff tells Abby he loves her, only after God has made it acceptable for them to have romantic feelings for each other.
18. If you hero and heroine end up married, where will they go on their honeymoon? They’ll rent a houseboat and glide around a lotus-dotted lake in Kashmir.
About Christine: Christine Lindsay writes historical Christian inspirational novels with strong love stories. She doesn’t shy away from difficult subjects such as the themes in her debut novel SHADOWED IN SILK which is set in India during a turbulent era. Christine’s long-time fascination with the British Raj was seeded from stories of her ancestors who served in the British Cavalry in India. SHADOWED IN SILK won first place in the 2009 ACFW Genesis for Historical under the title Unveiled. Shadowed in Silk is being released by WhiteFire Publishing in 2 stages this year, first as an eBook on May 1, 2011, and as the printed version Sept. 1. The Pacific coast of Canada, about 200 miles north of Seattle, is Christine’s home. It’s a special time in her life as she and her husband enjoy the empty nest, but also the noise and fun when the kids and grandkids come home. Like a lot of writers, her cat is her chief editor.
About the book: SHADOWED IN SILK won first place in the 2009 ACFW Genesis for Historical under the title Unveiled. Shadowed in Silk is being released by WhiteFire Publishing in 2 stages this year, first as an eBook on May 1, 2011, and as the printed version Sept. 1.
The Pacific coast of Canada, about 200 miles north of Seattle, is Christine’s home. It’s a special time in her life as she and her husband enjoy the empty nest, but also the noise and fun when the kids and grandkids come home. Like a lot of writers, her cat is her chief editor.
Come back July 1st for Christine’s romantic excerpt.
This sounds like something I would love to read!!! I love romance stories !! Great interview!!!
What a fun way to get to know the characters. Sounds like a fascinating story
Hi Julie and Kim, thanks so much for your kind and encouraging comments. I hope you can get to read Shadowed in Silk. I know I sure had a blast writing it. I like a book with a strong love story, but it’s also got lots of realistic danger and true events that shook the British Empire, setting the stage for Gandhi and Indian independence.