Shannon here: Darlene Franklin shares insight into her characters’ romance from her novella, A Taste of Honey which is included in The Blue Ribbon Bride Collection. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing. Deadline: Dec 10th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Darlene:
- What’s the most romantic thing your hero ever did for your heroine?
When Edith gets too sick to finish preparations for the state fair, Grant steps in with her mother and finished experimenting with recipes and baking goods to enter in the fair on her behalf.
- Do your hero and heroine have a favorite song?
I don’t know if this qualifies as a favorite song, but it was a rather humorous part of the story. Humorous because Grant wants to plow Edie’s honey meadow in order to plant crops.
“We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.” Edie was singing at the top of her voice, as she sometimes did when working outdoors. He chuckled. Did the irony of the words strike her the same way it did him? She wouldn’t be pleased if he grew sheaves in her fair meadow.
At the edge of the meadow, he admired her from a distance. The ribbons on her hat fluttered in the breeze. As she raised her arm to hammer the wooden post, her form was alluring. If the fair gave a prize for feminine beauty, she would win.
The fair’s strongest man and loveliest lady—some would say they were made for each other. If only Edie could agree.
- What is your heroine’s favorite romantic vacation destination?
When Edie asks Grant is her honey apple cake is the best he’s ever tasted, he teases her that he ate one in Washington state that might be better. (They’re from Vermont.) I know Edie wants to taste that cake.
- What simple gesture does your heroine do that melts your hero every time?
Grant’s father had a stroke while he was in the navy. Edie took care of him on a daily basis until (and after) his return. That means the world to Grant.
- How soon after meeting the heroine did the hero know she was the one?
Edie and Grant grew up on neighboring farms. At the beginning of this story, they are reunited when Grant returns after a stint in the navy. So they have known each other forever.
- Who said, “I love you” first, your hero or your heroine?
Here’s the scene and how it came out.
(Grant speaking) “We’ve been a good team these past few weeks, you and I.”
“Is that all this has been for you? A business partnership?” The last glimmer of green disappeared and she removed her apron. “I’ll come back later to pick up my things. One of my parents will bring back your laundry.”
She moved so quickly, he hardly had time to react. When he reached the door, she was already down the porch steps. “Edie. That’s not what I meant.” She had reached the meadow path by the time he came outside. He stood at the steps, yelling, “I love you, Edith Grace!”
About Darlene: Best-selling author Darlene Franklin’s greatest claim to fame is that she writes full-time from a nursing home. She lives in Oklahoma, near her son and his family. She is an active member of Oklahoma City Christian Fiction Writers, American Christian Fiction Writers, and the Christian Authors Network. She has written over forty books and more than 250 devotionals. Learn more and connect:
Darlene’s Website and Blog Darlene’s Facebook
Darlene’s Amazon Author Page Darlene’s Twitter
About the book: Today’s book is A Taste of Honey, one of nine novellas in The Blue Ribbon Bride Collection.
Meet nine men and women whose competitive goals take them to state and county fairs between 1889 and 1930. From baking pie to polishing pigs, from sculpting butter to stitching quilts, everyone has something to prove to themselves and their communities. But in going for the blue ribbon, will nine women miss the greatest prize of all—the devoted heart of a godly man?
Question for Readers: What is your favorite traditional hymn?
Come back December 5th for James R. Callan!
Amazing Grace and Precious Memories
The Old Rugged Cross
Shelia, It’s hard to beat Amazing Grace. Powerful truths. Shannon, the old rugged cross–the heart of our faith, God’s heart. Both great hymns. I don’t know Precious Memories all that well.
I’ve played piano at church since I was a child. I still do, here at the nursing home! And I made it a point to play every song in the hymnal, so I would be prepared to play whatever was asked for. So choosing a favorite hymn is nearly impossible. Some top contenders: Blessed Assurance, My Hope is In the Lord, And Can it Be. Oh, of course, It Is Well with my Soul. See what I said? But these have been favorites since I was a college student and they still resonate with me forty years later.
Amazing Grace. Enjoyed the interview to learn more about the book and author. The Collections are always good reads!
Amazing Grace and Beulah Land
My favorite hymns are How Great Thou Art, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, and How Firm a Foundation. They are so powerful and always make me feel God’s spirit.
Thanks for giveaway. I Stand Amazed in the Presence (which might be the first line and not the title).
Cathy and Karen, two more votes for Amazing Grace. Karen, I’d love to hear more from you about Beulah Land.
Heidi, each of those are such a treasure, and praising God.
Tammie, I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me, a sinner, condemned, unclean . . . the words jumped to my mind. And I believe that is the title of the hymn.
Old Rugged Cross
I love Amazing Grace. It makes me cry every time I hear it. I also like In the Garden by Anne Murrary.
Dana, a second vote for The Old Rugged Cross. I met one lady at the nursing home who cried every time we sang it, as she realized anew Jesus’ sacrifice and love for her. She had a mouth on her, but her love for her Savior was what I remember the most.
Karen, you stumped me. I don’t believe I know In the Garden by Anne Murray unless you mean a recording?
I love a good singer singing amazing grace. Thanks for the chance to win. And for the links I’m going to check out Darlenes other books 📚 right now.
Linda, music to an author’s ears. Especially if it’s Amazing Grace. . . . Thanks for your interest.
As I get older, more and more hymns become my favourites. “It is Well with My soul” or “Be Thou my Vision” would rank right up there.
Oh, Arietta, you hit the nail on the head. For some reason those two remind me also of May the Mind of Christ my Savior and Take my Life and Let it Be.
My Mom loved How Great Thou Art and I love it too!
I have a winner! Karen Riley won the drawing. I appreciate Darlene for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.