Shannon here: Contemporary romance author, Delia Latham shares how she met her husband and how her hero and heroine meet. Every time you comment, you name goes in the drawing for your choice of her 3 e-books in the Solomon’s Gate series, Destiny’s Dream, Kylie’s Kiss, or Gypsy’s Game. Deadline: March 17th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Delia:
The Stuff of Heroes
Writers of romantic fiction often give their characters all the amazing attributes they wish they had themselves (i.e., beauty, brains, riches and romance); send them on the exciting adventures they imagine themselves enjoying; and create lives for them that are more exciting, more fun, and far more romantic than their own realities.
And that’s okay, because fiction is, after all, a place where readers escape their own humdrum, every day existence for worlds that are more exciting, more adventurous, more fun, and more romantic. The same kind of fantasy world the author was seeking when she wrote the book. So both writer and reader are happy.
My real life hero and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary in February. Nearly four decades, four children and four grandchildren later, I can say this for sure: It’s been quite a journey! J Life is not a fairy tale. We’ve had ups and downs, highs and lows, good times and bad ones. But through it all, with the help of God and the stubborn insistence of love, we’ve hung in there and made it work…together.
That’s what love is. Sticking it out when the situation seems “un-stickable.” Making it work when things appear “un-workable.” Continuing to love even when your real-life “hero” or “heroine” suddenly seems completely unlovable.
So what was happening in my life when I met my husband?
Well, I was eleven years old. Johnny was approaching 16, and dating a girl he was crazy about at the time. I first saw him in a little church with a congregation of no more than 30-40 people (and that’s probably a generous estimate). My hair was pulled back in a ponytail so tight it slanted my eyes, and I still had the sprinkling of freckles on my nose that I so detested.
I took one look at the tall, skinny, wavy-haired guy with eyes the color of the sky on a sunny day…and I was a goner. I filled an endless number of notebooks with his name, written in a hundred fancifully created versions of my still-developing handwriting. Many of those pages also included my own first name and his last…and every time I played house with my friends from that day forward, my name was Mrs. Johnny Latham.
Needless to say, a few years passed before he noticed me, and my heart was broken a number of times, watching him date other, older girls. But oh, the joy, when he finally looked at me and actually saw me!
That’s how I met my real-life hero. It’s fun to look back on, a cute story to tell, but hardly the stuff romance novels are made of.
My heroine, Gypsy Lovell, met her hero in a much more interesting manner.
She’d gone to Solomon’s Gate, a Christian dating agency, in search of a husband. Not a date…a husband. She needed him right away, but only for six months, at which time she fully intended to give the man a generous reward and send him packing—while she enjoyed a huge inheritance only available to her if she was married and stayed that way for at least six months.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, in this case), Jal Garridan was having no part of a temporary marriage. The handsome Romanian doctor wanted a forever love, and certain inside knowledge made him pretty sure Gypsy was the woman with whom he’d find it. When he laid out his terms, the lady fumed and stewed, but eventually agreed to the deal. She had no choice…not if she expected to seal the deal on her inheritance in time.
Gypsy’s story (Gypsy’s Game) releases March 16 from White Rose Publishing.
About Delia: Born and raised in Weedpatch, California, Delia Latham moved to Oklahoma in ’08, making her a self-proclaimed California Okie. She loves to read and write in her country home, and gets a kick out of watching her husband play Farmer John. She’s a Christian wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend, but especially loves being a princess daughter to the King of Kings. She loves Dr. Pepper and hearing from her readers. Contact her through her website or e-mail delia AT delialatham DOT net.
About the book: Gypsy Lovell stands to inherit an enormous amount of money from a father who never gave her anything but a ridiculous name. Even now, he doesn’t make it easy. A stipulation in the man’s will demands that Gypsy be married in order to claim what is hers.
Desperate for the monetary windfall that could save her ailing mother’s life, Gypsy visits a Christian dating agency, hoping to find a temporary husband. Someone easy to handle for the required six months, and easy to get rid of when she no longer needs him.
Jal Garridan is neither of those things, but he’s willing to take on the challenge presented by the beautiful stranger—on his own terms.
What Gypsy doesn’t know is that Solomon’s Gate is a dating agency with a Divine connection. What she finds there may save more than her mother’s life. It may save Gypsy’s soul.
What about you? How did you meet your real-life hero?
Come back March 11th for contemporary romance author, Linda Yezak.
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Margaret Daley – Excerpt – Part 2 of 2
Margaret Daley – Excerpt – Part 2 of 2
I think your story is so what romance is made of. Every girl has that first crush. How many actually marry him? Love the wedding picture and I love your definition of love. So true!
this sounds like it would be a very interesting book! Would love to win it!
Shannon, thank you so much for having me on your Inkslinger Blog! I guess you’re right in that not many young women actually marry that first crush – and in a lot of cases that’s probably a very good thing! LOL But God apparently had something else in mind in our case, so I am blessed. 🙂
Sheila, good luck in the drawing!
Dont think I have ever seen your wedding pix, looks like you were so very young, congratulations on anniversary #38. And good luck with your new book!
Well I actually met my husband at the “Dew Drop In”, a club! lol I knew some of the guys from Calvin, but not him. He came over to our table with the other guys from Calvin and asked me to dance. While two-stepping, (I could still talk and dance at the same time back then!) he asked me if I was old enough to be in there. Little did he know I was already 27! He asked me out for the next night, and I went home and told my mother he was the one, I was going to marry him. She laughed. After a few ups and downs we married a little over a year later. This was a second marriage for both of us. We’ve been married 26 years come October. We have been blessed with 3 great sons, all adults now thank goodess, lol, and some wonderful, loving pets whom we consider family not pets!
Rosemary, all we had for wedding pics were a few snapshots. And at 16, I WAS “so very young.” LOL
Debby, thanks for sharing how you met your husband. Good thing you were at the Dew Drop that night, ’cause you got a good one! 🙂
Congrats on the long Marriage and your story about how you met your true love is so sweet. Its rare to find one that has stood the test of time and everything else life throws at you. I also love the excerpt, this sounds like a story I would love to read.
Thank you, Lynda! Glad you like the excerpt. Gypsy’s story was fun to write. Hopefully it’ll be just as fun for readers. 🙂 Good luck in the drawing!
What a beautiful story, Delia. Thanks for sharing. Congrats on #38, and for the upcoming release of GYPSY’S GAME! I can’t wait to read it!
I think this sounds worth a shot. I love to read!
Hey, Dora! Thanks for coming by. I can’t wait to hear what you think of Gypsy’s Game after you read it. 😀
Hi, Sarah! I think you’ll like it, if you like romances. 🙂
Oh, Delia, I have tears in my eyes. Such a wonderful story – and you’re right, togetherness is the key–in the ups and the downs! Love you, sweet girl, and here’s to 38 more with your Johnny! Can’t wait to read Gypsy’s Game – your SG series has been fantastic.
God bless!
Hey, sister! You’re too sweet, Marianne! Thanks so much for being ALWAYS so encouraging.
Don’t mistake encouragement for speaking the truth, Miss Delia…. 😉 xo
Cute story of meeting a hero – both of them LOL! Eleven Delia?
Just proves real love has no age boundaries!
Gypsy’s Game sounds like another great story!
Good luck & God’s blessings!
I love this series, and the creativity of the setting. My Bill and and I will be married 38 years in July.
Thanks again, Marianne…. 🙂
Pamela, I know…those little-girl crushes sometimes run pretty darn deep. lol
LoRee, thanks for stopping by! I’m so glad you like Solomon’s Gate. And congrats to you and Bill! Marriages with that kind of longevity are rare these days.
I love, love, love that picture! You are so sweet peeking out from behind Johnny and boy! No wonder you had a crush on him! Can’t wait to read Gypsey’s Game!
Hey, Tanya! I was just a baby. lol He was a cutie, though, wasn’t he? 😀
I have a winner: LoRee Peery wins her choice of Delia’s 3 books. Thanks goes to Delia for being here and everyone who stopped by.