Shannon here: Contemporary Romance author, Delia Latham shares a glimpse into her real life romance and a chance to win a PDF copy of her e-book, Destiny’s Dream (Book One, Solomon’s Gate Series) or Kylie’s Kiss (Book Two, Solomon’s Gate Series). Comment on this post to enter the drawing. Deadline: Sept 12, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Delia:
1. Where is the most romantic place you and your spouse have ever been?
On a 3-day cruise to Ensenada. While the destination itself lacked romance, the cruise was amazing. What could be more romantic than snuggling beneath a gorgeous starry sky with nothing but the ocean all around you? Even a simple stroll on deck, holding hands and taking in the amazing ocean vista, felt like a special date.
2. Do you and your spouse have a favorite song?
“The Most Beautiful Girl” by Charlie Rich comes to mind. We broke up for a short time during our courtship. When we got back together, Johnny played this song and told me he thought of me every time he heard it on the radio. (Hmmm, I’m dating myself for sure!) It has remained our favorite love song all through the years.
3. What’s the most romantic present your spouse ever bought for you?
Because he is not the kind of man to send flowers as a rule, I’ve never forgotten our seventeenth anniversary. I was working as a reporter for the local newspaper, and a florist delivered seventeen long-stemmed red roses to the newsroom. It made my day, my month, and my entire year, because I knew he’d deliberately set out to do something that said, “I love you.”
4. What simple gesture does your spouse do that melts you every time?
He still opens the car door for me most of the time. I’m not sure why that makes me want to pucker up for a sweet kiss, but it does. 🙂
5. How soon after meeting your spouse did you know he/she was the one?
About 15 minutes. 🙂 I was eleven, and he was almost sixteen, so of course it was entirely a one-sided epiphany. LOL I was just the skinny little sister of one of his friends to him, but for me…(((sigh))). What can I say? Everything changed. From that moment on, when I played house with my friends, I was Mrs. Johnny Latham. By the time we got married, I was already quite practiced at writing my new signature.
6. Who is the most romantic, you or your spouse?
Define “romantic. 🙂 Johnny is romantic in a very understated, unconscious way. In other words, he does things I consider romantic because they show that he cares. They say, “I love you,” without need for any words. But he doesn’t do them for the purpose of being romantic—that’s just who he is, and I find that rather romantic. But if you’re asking which of us is more prone to do deliberately romantic things—like plan a night at a special restaurant, or be moved to initiate a kiss in the moonlight…that would be me.
7. What is the most caring thing your spouse has ever done for you?
My husband is a naturally caring individual, and of course God knew that would be necessary for me when he brought us together. I have a lot of health difficulties, some of which can be debilitating at times. Johnny’s always there, taking care of me, endlessly patient, constantly caring. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He’s the cook in our house (praise God for that enormous blessing!), and it’s pretty common for him to cook dinner, then fix my plate and bring it to me, along with a drink and my medications. I don’t think I could pinpoint any one “most caring” thing he’s done, because he shows that he cares every day, in a multitude of ways.
8. Who said, “I love you” first, you or your spouse?
(Shocked gasp!) He did, of course! LOL I guess I’m from the old school. (How quickly that portion of my life has arrived!) My mother would have grounded me for life if she’d caught me making a phone call to a boy—that was the boy’s place. And a proper young lady certainly never let a young man she cared about know she cared until he had first made it clear that he cared. I would have been shamed for life if I’d been the one to say, “I love you” first. 🙂
About Delia: Born and raised in a place called Weedpatch, Delia Latham moved from California to Oklahoma in 2008, making her a self-proclaimed California Okie. She loves to read and write in her simple country home, and gets a kick out of watching her husband play Farmer John. The author enjoys multiple roles as Christian wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend, but especially loves being a princess daughter to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. She loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her through her website or send an e-mail to delia AT delialatham DOT net. Learn more at her Blog: Living the Write Life and Newsletter: Bookshelf Newsletter
About the book: Kylie’s Kiss (Book Two, Solomon’s Gate Series)
On a dare, Kylie Matthews lands smack in the middle of Solomon’s Gate—Castle Creek’s new Christian dating agency—and she finds herself revealing exactly what she’s waiting for in a relationship: “The kiss that steals my breath away.”
What she doesn’t reveal is her lack of self-esteem or her irrational reaction to facial disfigurement. Neither is applicable to her quest to find the perfect match. But that seemingly superficial malady becomes all-important when her first agency-arranged date is Rick Dale—a man who is everything Kylie is searching for. He’s handsome, smart, fun. Rick has it all…including an angelic six-year-old daughter with severe scarring on one side of her face.
Hard at work founding a therapy camp for young female victims of deformity or disfigurement, Rick wants Kylie to be a part of those plans. She’d love to say yes…but how can she, when every contact with the facility’s guests—and Rick’s own daughter—will make her violently ill?
Kylie is ready to admit their relationship doesn’t stand a chance, but she’s forgotten that God makes a way where there seems no way.
Available publisher-direct and through most online booksellers: White Rose Publishing or Amazon.
Come back Sept 7th for Historical Romance author, Miralee Ferrell.
Great interview questions!! Love getting to know new authors (new at least to me). Would love the chance to read Delia’s work. Please enter me.
countrysunset40 (at) aol dot com
Shannon, thank you so much for such a beautifully presented interview! I appreciate the opportunity to visit your blog.
Tracy, I’m glad you came by. I love getting to know new readers (new at least to me). 🙂
I very much enjoyed learning things about your courtship with Johnny.I think you both was very lucky to find each other.Love you
What a lovely interview!
You are so lucky Delia to have such a sweet, romantic husband!
I’ll never forget the most romantic gift my husband gave me – a rock! No, not a diamond, a rock and when he handed it to me he said…. “My love is like this rock, it’s strong and solid, it’ll never change, it’ll last forever and there’s not another one like it in the world.”
That rock and quote is now in my shadow box with his Flag, Cross, photos & our wedding rings. 🙂
I’ve read these wonderful books so no need to enter me in the drawing.
I ahve known Delia since a young girl. She has always loved to write and a great speaker. She was always a very smart young lady in school. I love her and know that the story of her relationship is real. Our children were raised together and still friends today. Love ya Delia.
Well, JoAnn, I know for a fact you and my brother were lucky to find each other – and it ended up blessing our whole family when you became a part of it. Love you so very much!
Pamela, what a sweet thing to remember – and to be able to hang onto! I love that rock already! 🙂
Brenda, you know I love you, girl! I think you give me too much credit (especially in the speaking category…lol), but I love that you think I’m that good, anyway. Everyone likes to feel special to someone! 🙂
would love to win. Thank You for the chance.
Good luck, Angela!
I have know Delia for a long time and love her books and can’t wait for another one. It was fun to hear all the romantic things in your life…..Made me think about my Jimmy and the cute and wonderful things he did. Love ya girl!
Awww…your “Jimmy” was one-of-a-kind, Sis. Pulse! I love him so much. I’ll never forget him calling me Sis. Precious…did he even remember my real name? lol Not that it mattered – I loved being Sis. Precious! So very glad you enjoy my books, my sweet friend!
Delia, I so enjoy your books, and I have loaned them to my daughter. We are eager for another one to be released!! I feel it’s an honor to have worked with you, know you, and call you my friend.
Good luck.
Shirley!!! What a pleasure to have you show up here. 🙂 It is I who am honored to call you friend. You are always, always a bright spot in the rare days when I get to see you. Thank you so very much for stopping in – and good luck in the drawing!
Precious interview, Delia. I love your Yosemite set book and have got Kylie’s Kiss on the kindle. (now, how’s THAT for alliteration.) oxox
Delia is my favorite author!!!!! Her books are the bestest!! OKlahoma slang!! lol, She is my precious niece, married to my nephew Johnny, and I am so glad they moved to Oklahoma, I enjoy them so much.
Delia is my precious niece, a great author, a great lady, so glad she moved to Oklahoma, we both are displaced Californians!! Even writing about how they met puts a smile on your face.
Thank you for the wonderful chance to win!
God Bless
I loved reading your answers, Delia. How romantic! No wonder you rock at writing romance.
Such good discernment at such a young age! You know how to pick ’em.
And I’ve always known you to have impeccable taste — after all, we’re friends. Snort! Giggle!
Congratulations on a wonderful book!
Hey, Tanya – so glad you liked Yesterday’s Promise, and that you have Kylie’s Kiss on your Kindle. Hehehe! (Wonderful alliteration!) I hope you didn’t miss Destiny’s Dream! 😉
Lottie-dah, I’ve long since claimed you as my OWN aunt, even without Johnny’s blood connection. Love you so much, and appreciate your support more than you can know.
Beth, thank YOU for stopping in, and good luck in the drawing!
Susan, you’re so good for my ego! I’d say that’s why we’re friends, but it’s so far from the truth. I’m so blessed that God brought you into my life – and beyond honored that you’re such a champion of my writing! Love you, girl! (Even with all the snorts and giggles…maybe because of them! lol)
Delia, you’re such a gifted writer – and I’m delighted to have read every book in the Solomon’s Gate series thus far. I can’t wait for Gypsy’s Game! Each installment is better than the last…if such a thing is even possible! Keep up the great work, and God bless you my friend!!
I am excited about the chance to win a book in the Solomon’s Gate series. I have only read Delia’s book, “Almost Like A Song” and loved, loved, loved it!! I know I will enjoy this series too. Thanks for the chance to win!
Marianne, right backatcha, sweetie! 🙂 Judy, I’m so glad you came by – and thrilled, of course, to know you loved my first-ever novel. (Note: Almost Like a Song is out-of-print, but Yesterday’s Promise is the same story – different publisher, different cover, different title.) Good luck in the drawing!
I always like reading about books I am reading or have read. The author’s comments interest me because it enhances the books!! I enjoyed the first book of the Soloman’s Gate series and I am anxious to read book number 2. I know it will be as exciting and rewarding as reading the first book was. Thanks for sharing your interview.
Donna, I like to think each book is a little better than the last…but that’s probably because each newly written book is my favorite, at least for a little while! LOL I’m so glad you enjoyed Destiny’s Dream! I hope each of the Solomon’s Gate books blesses you in a special way.
Donna B. Snow won the drawing for Delia’s book. I appreciated everyone for stopping by and Delia for sharing her romance with us.
Shannon, I so enjoyed being on The Inkslinger Blog! Thank you for allowing me to hang out at your little corner of the Web, and chat it up with your readers! Thanks also to everyone who stopped by and shouted out a howdy. 🙂