Shannon here: Inspirational author, Donna Schlachter shares insight into her real life romance plus a chance to win her compilation of short stories, Second Chances and Second Cups. Comment for a chance to win a copy. Deadline: Oct 1st, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Donna:
Share the Love by Donna Schlachter
This is a story that is funny in hindsight, but not so funny at the time.
Patrick and I met on the Internet through a Christian dating site. I lived in Canada at the time, and he was in the US. After corresponding for almost six months, I sold or gave away everything I had and moved to the US. We planned our wedding for a month later.
Things were going by so fast, I didn’t have time to stop and think about the long-term implications of what I was doing. This wasn’t a first marriage for either of us, and he had two adult daughters, one of whom was married with children of her own. One thing I knew for certain: as a childless woman, I was now going to become a mother and a grandmother in one fell swoop.
Because they lived in Kansas, I asked his daughters to stand for me in our wedding, which they agreed to do, without even meeting me. We discussed the color of their dresses, their shoes, and I arranged a hair stylist friend to do their hair for the wedding.
They drove from Kansas and arrived the Sunday before the wedding.
Needless to say, their dad was thrilled they were here.
And so was I.
Until we were walking down the street together.
Well, not exactly together.
Patrick had a beautiful young woman—his daughters—on each arm, and I followed along about five feet behind.
Yes, fuming.
How dare they walk with him.
That was my place.
Just to waltz in and—
And then the Lord spoke loud and clear to my complaining spirit in that gentle way He has.
“Let them enjoy their time with him. They only have this week, and you have forever.”
Well, the green monster called Jealousy disappeared, and I was able to enjoy the beautiful picture the three of them made as they walked along, laughing about some private joke. I was able to relish the sight of MY beautiful daughters with the most handsome man I’ve ever known. And I was able to quiet the itch that wanted to work my way between them.
Today I am the proud grandmother of ten, and have a great relationship with our daughters. They are still beautiful young women who love the Lord, for which we are immensely grateful, and they are raising their children to love Jesus.
About Donna: Donna lives in Denver with her husband Patrick, who is her first-line editor and biggest fan. She writes historical suspense under her own name, and contemporary suspense under her alter ego of Leeann Betts. She has published a collection of short stories, a book on writing tips, and several devotionals under her own name. She is currently under contract with Barbour Books in a novella collection on the Pony Express. Donna loves history and research, and travels extensively for both. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter, and online at: and Her books are available at in digital and print.
About the book – Second Chances and Second Cups: A compilation of short stories featuring our second. . . and third. . . and fourth chance God. Sit back and enjoy stories about family restored, forever families, dreams achieved, and a God who loves us beyond our biggest mistakes.
Question for Readers: Is your family nuclear or blended?
Hi Shannon: Thanks for letting me share this story.
Thanks for sharing it, Donna.
My birth family is nuclear and I’m an only child. My married family is nuclear and we have an only child. My husband’s birth family is blended.
My birth family is nuclear, but as you can see, my married family is blended.
My family is nuclear.
My family is nuclear. By the way, I love your name and this story of your family!
Donna — I think you’re a little biased about loving my name — I’m sure you’re referring to my first name. I asked my mother several times why she chose that name, and she said she couldn’t remember but thought my father chose it. When I asked my father many years later, he said he left the naming of the girls to my mother. So I don’t know for sure where the name came from, although if I had a dollar for every time someone started singing, “Donna, oh, Donna, the song from the late 50’s, I’d be a hundred-aire, at least 🙂 In a fit of teen angst, I once accused my father of wanting a son — I’m the oldest — and having picked the name Donald, and when I wasn’t a boy, they went with the next best thing, but Donald isn’t a family name either. At any rate, my middle name is Elizabeth, same as my mom’s, my dad’s mom, and the queen, so I’m happy to be named after either one of those fine ladies.
My immediate (living in this house) family is nuclear ( Which is not well known for in the area where I live I am constantly being asked my kids last name because I do not usually write it on the forms I would think people could assume if I don’t write it it is the same as my husband and I but not around here LOL ) and the rest of my family is blended. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
I have a winner! Donna Brockmyer won the drawing. I appreciate Donna Schlachter for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.