Shannon here: Edie Melson shares her wedding, plus a chance to win a second copy of her e-book Fighting Fear: Winning the War at Home When Your Soldier Leaves for Battle. Comment on any post dated Jan 28 – Feb 1 to get your name in the drawing. Four books up for grabs for four winners – two Fighting Fear, one Connections: Social Media and Networking Techniques for Writers, and one Rodeo Ashes. Deadline: Feb 9th, 11:59 pm, central time. Here’s Edie:
My Real-Life Love Story: Kirk’s POV – Wedded Bliss and a Pile of Rice
For some reason I couldn’t quite remember, my wife and I had decided an evening wedding would be a good idea. Unfortunately it gave me an entire day to work myself into a panic. Oh don’t get me wrong, I loved her more than anyone could imagine. But the thought of the commitment—the responsibility—almost had me heading for the Arkansas hills.
That cold December day seemed to drag as my buddies and I tried to find a way to fill the time. And all at once, it was time. We were on the way to the church. Once there, the good-natured ribbing of my groomsmen and best man faded into the background as full-blown panic took hold.
Then we filed into the sanctuary and I tried to return the sympathetic smile on the minister’s face. I took my place as the music started. It seemed to me there were at least twenty bridesmaids processed slowly down the aisle before I finally caught sight of my future wife standing in the doorway on her father’s arm.
One glance at the smile on her face and all my fears vanished. This was the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. A great sense of peace settled inside and I found myself unable to wipe the silly grin from my face. It helped to see the same smile lighting up her face.
The ceremony and reception went by in a blur as we began our life as husband and wife. We had reservations at a nearby hotel before we drove to Florida for the honeymoon. The next morning we loaded luggage into the car and drove to a restaurant for breakfast. We took time to drive through a carwash to ride the car of the telltale signs of a brand new bride and groom.
We thought we were so cool, just like any other old married couple. No one would be able to tell we were newlyweds. We settled at a table and had just begun to thumb through the menus when our waiter walked up. “Let me guess, newlyweds.”
I exchanged a glance with my wife, but she seemed as puzzled by his guess as I was. “Yes, but how did you know?”
He gestured to the floor below my wife’s coat. “The pile of rice made it pretty obvious.”
We both began to laugh. In all our plans to hide the evidence of our new status, we’d forgotten her white coat had a hood. To this day we’ve never been able to hide how much in love we are, and truthfully we’ve never tried.
About Edie: Edie Melson is a leading professional in the writing industry. She’s a sought after writing instructor; and her heart to help others define and reach their dreams has connected her with writers all over the country. She’s the co-director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, as well as a popular faculty member at numerous others.
She’s a prolific writer, publishing thousands of articles over the years, and has a popular writing blog, The Write Conversation. Edie is a regular contributor on the popular Novel Rocket and Inspire a Fire websites, as well as social media columnist for Southern Writers Magazine.
In keeping up with the leading edge of all things digital Edie has become known as one of the go-to experts on Twitter, Facebook, and social media for writers wanting to learn how to plug in. Her bestselling eBook on this subject, has been updated and expanded for re-release in late January 2013. Look for Connections: Social Media and Networking Techniques for Writers in the My Book Therapy Bookstore.
Fighting Fear, Winning the War at Home, released in 2011. This devotional book for those with family members in the military shares Edie’s story of how she dealt with a son at war, as well as stories from others who’ve faced this heart-rending issue.
She’s a member of numerous professional writing organizations, including the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, The Christian Pen and American Christian Fiction Writers. She’s also the Social Media Coach for the My Book Therapy Core Team, and the Assistant Acquisitions Editor for Learn more:
Come back Feb 4th for Amish romance author, Mary Ellis!
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Edie Melson – Real Life Romance – Part 2 of 3
Edie Melson – Real Life Romance – Part 2 of 3
Would love to win the fighting fear book for a friend whose husband to be just got shipped out overseas!!She is really sad too!
What a great blog and an encouragement for newlyweds and oldlyweds. Thanks for sharing your story.
I have winners. Kathleen Maher and Shelia Hall won the Fighting Fear books and Carol won the copy of Rodeo Ashes. I appreciate Edie for being here and everyone else for stopping by.