Shannon here: Heartsong Presents author, Erica Vetsch shares her wedding and a chance to win her book, The Bartered Bride. Comment on any post dated Jan 31 – Feb 4 for a chance to win. Deadline: Midnight Central time Feb 5. Here’s Erica:
We were married in Salina, Kansas on December 16th, 1989. I was just twenty. Peter was twenty three and fresh out of college. The night before the wedding, there was a big snowfall, something that is rare in central Kansas. Because I lived in a big agricultural area, a lot of the wedding guests were farmers from the surrounding area. The snow kept a lot of them at home that day, and we had fewer than 100 guests at the wedding.
My mother made my wedding dress. (She’s a master seamstress.) She also made the bridesmaid dresses. The wedding colors were simple to arrive at, since it was the Christmas season. The bridesmaids wore Christmas green and carried brass horns with red and white carnations and gold and red ribbons. There were Christmas trees and garland and piney greenery, ribbons, red and gold ornaments, and tiny white lights in the windows and on the pews.
We had a simple ceremony. I remember my dad’s eyes getting misty as he gave me away, and I remember that I couldn’t quit smiling into Peter’s eyes. I wore the same headpiece that my mother wore for her wedding. An interesting tidbit. My two siblings and I were all married in the Salina Bible Church, the same church where my parents got married in September of 1966.
We honeymooned in San Antonio, Texas, and came home in time to celebrate Christmas with my family. Our little car was loaded down on the way to our new apartment in Kansas City with all the Christmas gifts and wedding gifts.
About Erica: ERICA VETSCH is married to Peter and keeps the company books for the family lumber business. A home-school mom, Erica loves history, romance, and storytelling. Her ideal vacation is taking her family to out-of-the-way history museums and chatting to curators about local history. She has a Bachelor’s degree from Calvary Bible College in Secondary Education: Social Studies. You can find her on the web at
Come back Feb 7 for Laurie Alice Eakes’ real life romance.
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Erica Vetsch – Real life Romance – Part 2 of 3
Erica Vetsch – Real life Romance – Part 2 of 3
Keli Gwyn says
Your wedding dress was beautiful, Erica. Christmas weddings are such fun. Gwynly and I were married on December 19th, the first day of my teacher hubby’s vacation that year.
Bonnie R. Paulson says
Love the wedding dress and the groom’s smile. LOVE!!! great year to get married too!
Regina Merrick says
What a beautiful dress, and the wedding sounds beautiful, too! Thanks so much for sharing your story!
Vera Stalcup says
I don’t remember the snow as much as I remember how cold it was….maybe that was just because the thermostat wasn’t working on our car so the drive from KC to Salina was frigid….just ask Gail how cold it was.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
I sew curtain toppers, pillow shams, and comforters. With the first two, if you’re line isn’t straight or puckers, it doesn’t show because of the ruffles and gathers. For comforters, I only buy fabric that has a straight line in the pattern, then I just follow the pattern to get a straight line. I attempted clothing many moons ago. If you make a pucker, it shows and frustrated the sewing right out of me. I can’t imagine sewing a wedding dress.
Lacey Smith says
I don’t know that I remember your wedding, Erica. There is something in the back of my mind that says I was there, but… I do, however, remember your sister’s. Something about almost burning down the church while lighting the candles makes it something that I probably will NEVER forget 🙂 Hehehe. You and Peter look so happy in the picture and your dress is gorgeous!
Erica Vetsch says
Keli, we married in December because it was the first weekend after my husband finished his student teaching. 🙂
Bonnie, isn’t he the cutest? And he looks just the same now! Well, except he’s got a beard now to keep his face warm in these crazy MN winters.
Regina, it was a beautiful wedding, and my mama’s skill at sewing (and pretty much everything else she does) blows me away. I can barely sew a straight line. Thank you for commenting! 🙂
Amy Folk says
So fun to read, Erica!!!
Rosemary Travis says
My Dear, I want as many chances as i can get to win books that sound good. i’ve been checking your book out for a while Erica and i would love to win it. God Bless you all and keep on writing!!!!
And Shannon, thank you for my package. recieved it today. Can’t wait to start reading.
Love you all.
Erica Vetsch says
Vera, I didn’t know that about your car heater! I’m surprised you didn’t have frostbite.
Shannon, I pretty much stayed out of the sewing room while the dress was being made, but it didn’t seem to phase my mom. She also sewed bridesmaid dresses. 🙂
Lacey, I remember that! Yikes! You were so litte…and carrying FIRE in the church!
Amy, I wish you could’ve been there, but you were kinda busy at that time. I did receive my one and only telegram that day from your parents. That was cool! I still have it. 😀
Rosemary, Thanks for stopping by! I hope you get a chance to read The Bartered Bride.
Shannon Taylor Vannatter says
Wow, Erica got lots of comments. I have a winner: T. Anne won the copy of The Bartered Bride.