Shannon here: Ginger Solomon shares the inspiration behind her Historical Romance, Eyes of Pearl. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing for an e-book copy. Deadline: June 17th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Ginger:
The Story Behind the Story – Eyes of Pearl by Ginger Solomon:
I’ve always known that I have no Scottish ancestry. I thought I was mostly Irish, but it turns out I’m mostly western European. But all things Scottish call to me. I love the stories of strong men and equally strong women. I read all the clean ones I could get my hands on, and then there were no more. So, I decided to write my own.
I also love old architecture, castles especially. I started researching the history of the castles in Scotland. And then the idea came to set stories in the castles. Since most are either broken down/destroyed or tourist destinations, I had to go back in time.
In my stories (only book 1 has been released so far, but book 2 is coming this summer), I have taken a few liberties, but I’ve tried to stay true to the times.
In Eyes of Pearl, my heroine is rumored to be a witch (with no proof). Witch hunts were common and usually ended badly for the accused. I used this fear of witches to push my heroine to make a choice. Survive by marrying or die of lack (she feared going into the village).
Some choice, right? Obviously, she’d choose getting married.
But it wasn’t as simple a choice as you may think.
I also used the fact that the men of 18th century Scotland had to be fierce to maintain their positions. And the man asking for her vow was the fiercest in the area – known for his brutality of those who disobeyed. And she’d already suffered such brutality at the hands of her father and brothers.
Eyes of Pearl is my first foray into the historical genre. But if you’ve read any of my contemporary works, you know that my stories tend to revolve around forgiveness and trust. This one is no different. While set in the 1700s, her story could easily compare to yours. Change a few details – the time, the clothes, the culture, the circumstances – and you could be her. Stuck in a difficult situation, forced to make a decision with no guaranteed outcome. Scared to trust. Hard-pressed to forgive.
BUT GOD… He always has a plan. He does for my heroine. He does for me, and He does for you.
My tagline, which is the underlying theme throughout all of my books, explains it best:
Finding faith when your bed of roses includes thorns.
That’s what it’s all about. No one lives in this world without experiencing pain (the thorns), but I hope my stories help readers find God in the midst of that pain.
About Ginger: Ginger Solomon is a Christian, a wife, a mother to seven, and a writer—in that order (mostly). She writes or reads inspirational romance of any genre, and if she’s busy homeschooling, doing laundry, or fixing dinner, it’s on her mind. She’s a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and president of her local writing groupShe has two full-length novels and three novellas published. In addition she has several manuscripts scheduled to release in 2016. Learn more and connect:
Ginger’s Website Inspy Romance Blog Ginger’s Facebook Author Page
Ginger’s Twitter Ginger’s Pinterest Ginger’s Amazon Author Page
About the book – Eyes of Pearl: Desperation drives Neva MacKinnon to marry the handsome, but fierce Alexander Chisholm, Chieftain of the Chisholm Clan. Without him, she won’t survive the harsh Scottish winter. With him, she fears for her heart. Alexander Chisholm needs a wife to provide an heir, and soon, in order to remain chieftain of his clan. He’s not looking for love, but his bride has to be someone he can trust. A song in the woods draws his attention and when he sees the raven-haired beauty with the eyes of pearl and full of fire, he knows she must be his. Can Neva and Alex overcome their trust issues to admit their love for one another or was their marriage doomed the moment he invaded her life?
Question for Readers: Have people ever thought something about you that wasn’t true?
Come back June 13th for Laura V. Hilton!
Thanks for having me, Shannon.
Yes, they thought i was mute because I am shy and didn’t talk much
Ah the life of an introvert, which I assume you are, Shelia. Talking is overrated. LOL
Glad to have you Ginger. I learned several years after high school that everyone thought I was stuck up because I was shy and didn’t talk to anyone. Working as a hairdresser for ten years got me out of my shell. I realized it was more uncomfortable not to talk to someone while I cut their hair for 30 minutes than to make conversation.
I imagine doing hair would pull anyone out of their shell. I would be peopled out. Writing is the life for me. 😉
Me too, Ginger. It definitely peopled me out and the I went to work at a bank. The only thing worse than trying to satisfy people concerning their hair is trying to satisfy them concerning their money. I worked in accounts receivable in a large fragrance company after that and enjoyed that job. But writing is definitely the life for me too.
Oh yes, their are probably still do. But God knows the truth so I try not to stress about it!!
That’s the truth, Karen. Other people’s opinions don’t matter as much as God’s.
I can’t really think of anything someone else thought was true, that wasn’t.
Would love to win,love your books
I am quite shy and most people probably think I don’t like them or don’t want to be bothered but once they talk to me they find out that I do like to talk to people if I know them.
I’m exactly the same way, Donna.
Some people have certain perceptions about only children but for the most part….they are not true!!!
So true. I’m an only. Are you, Melanie?
I have a winner! Karen Hadley won the drawing. I appreciate Ginger for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.