Shannon here: Jodie Bailey shares insight into her real-life romance plus a chance to win a copy of her latest Romantic Suspense, Under Surveillance. Comment or answer the question in this post to enter the drawing for a copy. Deadline: Feb 6th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Jodie!
Where is the most romantic place you and your spouse have ever been?
By most people’s standards, this is probably not romantic, but shortly before he went on his first long deployment overseas, we were living in upstate New York. My dad came up to watch our daughter, and we took the motorcycle on this rambling long weekend trip through the Adirondack Mountains. We shut off the GPS, and I had a map I held against his back. I’d tell him where to turn, and we’d go wherever we landed. We saw waterfalls, visited Woodstock, ate at out-of-the-way restaurants we stumbled on… it was just an amazing, carefree trip.
- Do you and your spouse have a favorite romantic restaurant?
Thanks to Covid, we haven’t eaten at a restaurant in ten months. And, honestly, we weren’t huge restaurant eaters before, though I have recently started to miss hot food set on the table in front of me instead of cold food takeout. 🙂 We are huge fans of steak and baked potatoes and salad at home, cooked together and enjoyed at our leisure. Always have been.
- Do you and your spouse have a favorite song?
Not necessarily a favorite song, but a favorite band. We started listening to Steep Canyon Rangers about six years ago, and we’ve been to several shows together. I have the greatest picture of my husband when we met them at a smaller show last year. In early 2020, when my dad was battling cancer and I was staying with him, I’d listen to the Rangers and just feel better. I realized it was because it reminded me of my husband and so much fun we’ve had together, and it gave me peace.
- What’s the most romantic present you ever bought your spouse?
Actually, my favorite thing I ever gave him was late last year. Several years ago, he decided he wanted to learn to play the banjo, so I had bought him an inexpensive one for Christmas. It was passable. Last year, I was able to save up the money to buy him a Deering Banjo, something he had wanted for a long time. It was so much fun seeing his face when he saw the box and figured out what it was!
- Who is most romantic, you or your spouse?
It depends on how you define romantic. He is so giving and so sacrificing, and I find that incredibly romantic. I’m the one more likely to write a sappy letter or, back in the day, make a mix tape. LOL Before I met him, I used to say I wanted a guy who’d read me poetry in the park and dance with me in the living room. I married a soldier who would rather jump out of airplanes for fun and ride motorcycles, and do you know what? He’s perfect.
- Where did you and your spouse go for your honeymoon?
This cracks me up every time. We did not have a honeymoon. We had reservations to stay at one of the resorts at Disney World. And then? The Army cancelled his leave for our wedding date. We had to move our wedding up two weeks and cancel our honeymoon. We bought a washer and dryer instead. For years, every trip we took, I referred to as our “honeymoon.” 🙂
About Jodie: Jodie Bailey is a Carolina girl who believes in the transformational power of story when God is allowed to hold the pen. She spent fifteen years moving around the country with her now-retired Army husband. As an Army wife, she developed a love for serving and speaking to other Army spouses. She began her writing career by creating content for PWOC’s international e100 women’s study and contributing to military family devotions and blogs. She is a multi-published inspirational fiction author who crafts suspense stories infused with the power of God’s love and freedom. If she’s not behind the keyboard, she’s probably teaching high schoolers the power of their personal stories in yearbook class or, she has her toes buried in the sand and a fishing line in the water on the Outer Banks. She lives in North Carolina with her husband, her daughter, and two dogs who are currently locked in an ongoing battle for the attention of their humans. You can stop by and say hi at
About the book – Under Surveillance:
She might not be the criminal he thinks she is… When his neighbor—and suspect—Macey Price is attacked and nearly kidnapped, army operative Trey Blackburn comes to her rescue. But this new development throws a wrench in his undercover assignment to surveil and befriend Macey. Is she a traitor selling government secrets…or is she being framed? The rules no longer apply, because in one night his mission changes—from proving her guilt to saving her life.
Can’t wait for the drawing? Worried you won’t win? Get your copy now!
Question for Readers: Tell us about a time you thought you could never be friends with someone, but you were proven wrong.
Come back Jan 29th for Patrick E. Craig!
Thank you for letting me come and hang out, Shannon!
I enjoyed having you hang out, Jodie 🙂
I went to school with 2 girls that were real snobs but since we got out of high school, they have been just as sweet as can be to me and best of friends.
Isn’t it funny how that works? I was talking with someone about that not too long ago, how much we change after high school and grow closer to people we barely knew back then. I love that you are now so close!
There is someone who I thought had it “all together” and would not want to be friends with me. I’ve learned that she is a sweet person.
I am so guilty of making assumptions just like that. I am so glad that you were able to be friends!
LOL…I’m laughing about the question, because the first person who pops in my mind is my mother-in-law…yep
I wasn’t accepted with open arms in the family…however, I can understand her now being protective of her kiddos (10 of them).
She loves God and her children, I do too. We have great relationship now.
Okay, yes, this one made me smile! How wonderful that you have built that relationship! I was not sure HOW my MIL felt about me for years because we live several states away. Turns out, she’s an awesome lady.
I’m not sure how to answer that question… I can tell you, I was always the new girl in class (so many moves). There were definitely well-established circles from childhood, when I began high school in yet another new town. It’s amazing how decades later we’ve all been through so much life, that everyone accepts everyone else so much more easily, and even become good friends. I did have friends in high school, but many who I would have said didn’t know I existed have become friends even if mostly on social media. Show real care and concern for one another.
It’s so amazing how much we change when we are out of school. I teach high schoolers, and I look at them every day and wonder who they will be someday. They often make me think about my high school days and how much different relationships are once you are out in the “real world.” The moving thing… I can relate to that! And so can my kiddo! It builds a special kind of resilience, and the ability to quickly make friends… even though I’m still not sure how to long-term keep them sometimes. 😉
This sounds like an exciting book. I loved the interview. I didn’t have a honeymoon either. We had to change our wedding date , too, because my hubby didn’t get his orders in the Navy. But his first duty station was Homestead, Florida, so that was a great first year near the beach. Then a few months in Portsmouth, Virginia where we did a lot of historical sightseeing. Then another beachy place for four years: Guam.
Wow! You have really hit some jackpots there! We were never stationed near the ocean… sigh. That’s the Army for you, though. 🙂 Our favorite place was upstate NY. It is some of the most beautiful country I’ve ever seen.
I really can’t remember any person I felt that way about. I never had a lot of friends growing up and I still have few, I’m kind of a keep to myself person I guess, lol.
wfnren at aol dot com
I think some of us are built that way. I have–and still have–acquaintances, but very few I would call real, true friends. They are treasures, every one. I always envied the people with tons of friends though. I’m learning to be who I am and to accept that I’m pretty much a loner with a few close buddies.
Just last year, I “met” a friend online and we were in the same writing group but I am very thankful for things that happened and we’re now very good writing buddies and talk nearly every day by text.
I can so relate to this! I love my online writing buddies. Two I talk to frequently through chat. It’s nice to have someone there when you get stuck randomly throughout the day.
Once I had to do a project at church with someone. We have very different personalities but the Lord blessed our work together.
I have a winner! Lynn won the drawing. I appreciate Jodie for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.