Women’s fiction author, Jude Urbanski shares how she met her husband and how her characters meet in her book, Joy Restored – Book 1 Chronicles of Chanute Crossing. Comment on any post dated July 22 – 26 to get your name in the drawing for a copy. Deadline: August 3rd, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Jude:
I met my husband of 25 years through a mutual friend, who had known him for years and had spent hours in friend to friend counseling, as they were both single parents. The only thing she ever mentioned to me was his name: Conrad. Well, down through the years I had visualized him as a beer-belly sort with a bald head and thick glasses. After my husband divorced me, my friend enlisted her daughter to persuade me to meet Conrad for a blind date. I was not interested in any sort of man, whether he had a jelly belly or a six-pack ab.
The daughter wore me down and a blind date was set. I arrived at the restaurant first and sat fidgeting. Soon a man came toward my booth. My mouth dropped open while my eyes blinked twice. At that moment, I knew my dear friend had been holding out on me. This guy held no resemblance to the one in my imagination.
First off, he was slim and trim (he’d just worked out at the gym I found out). He did not wear glasses, had hair and smelled good. His blue oxford shirt matched deeper blue eyes. I gulped “uh, oh” as he slid into the booth. His easy laughter and quick intelligence was like a fishing lure.
The rest is history. If he wasn’t so cyber shy, I’d do a picture. Instead I’ll do ones of Seth and Kate.
When my heroine and hero meet, she mistakes him for a delivery man, but soon discovers he is rich widower, Seth Orbin. Kate almost forgets him until she and her small children meet Seth again in a fierce thunderstorm on top of the mountain. She then is forever unable to forget him nor is he able to forget her. I’ve included these two encounters below:
Excerpt from Joy Restored by Jude Urbanski:
“There’re red spots all over her. She’s feverish and not acting like herself. I’m afraid you’ll have to come right away, Mrs. Davidson.”
“Red spots?” What could they be?
“Yes, yes, I’ll be there right away. I’ll tell Mr. Cornelius.”
Kate closed her eyes and dropped her head into her hands as her red hair fell forward. She succumbed to her old habit of biting the inside of her lower lip. The habit was so ingrained she couldn’t remember when it had begun. She bit her lip when she was stressed, when she needed to think, or sometimes even when she was happy. It was an inclination hard to overcome.
After a moment, she sucked a deep breath and wove fingers through her hair, before swinging her head upward. She felt the heaviness of her thick locks settle against her shoulders. Frustrated, she snapped her pencil in two, declaring this little folly to make her feel better.
What could be wrong with Maggie? She seemed fine this morning except for thinking about her daddy.
Heaving a sigh, Kate closed her eyes again and leaned her head back, hoping the moment might give her the needed strength to deal with the new problem. Her shoulders sank into the padded chair. “Umm, red spots? I wonder what they mean.”
“I don’t know, but it sounds like chickenpox to me.”
Kate jumped, startled by the deep voice in front of her. Her attention jerked to the present. She had no idea how long the man had been standing there. It was obvious he had heard her mumblings. Who was he? She gave him a cursory glance and in that brief survey, mistook the tall figure in a blue flannel shirt for the deliveryman.
“All deliveries are made in the back. You’ll have to go to the service entrance. Over there,” she nodded, “at that sign that says ‘Delivery.”‘ She looked down at her desk, dismissing him.
“Let’s see, if it’s chickenpox, that means–“
The sound of laughter echoed. “Ma’am, I’m–“
She looked up to see the man still there. He looked straight into her eyes. Hadn’t he heard?
Wait a minute.
Weeks later Kate happens to meet Seth again when she and her children are caught in a thunderstorm.
“I hear a voice!” Paddy shouted.
“I hear it, too, but where is it?”
“There! Over by that fire trail.”
“Hellooo. Hello. I’m coming.”
“It sounds like a man!” Paddy yelled.
Through the blinding rain, Kate blinked at a yellow-slickered form scrambling toward them. What was familiar about that tall
stride? Suddenly, Benji was swept from her arms and Maggie left the ground. Within seconds, the welcome stranger held two of her children safe in his arms.
Kate lunged toward the stranger as another loud peal of thunder shook the ground. She thudded into a hard body. Paddy grabbed the man’s legs while Maggie and Benji clutched his neck. With the kids in his arms, he leaned close to Kate, while thunder rumbled in waves. His tall frame hovered over her, giving a sense of protection. Relief overwhelmed her. She opened her mouth. “I, I–“
He briefly glanced at Kate, but touched Paddy’s shoulder. “Take your mother’s hand, son. Everyone, follow me.”
Kate suddenly knew the man’s identity. It was Mr. Orbin, who’d visited the office. That’s where she’d recognized that stride. Heard that voice. How did he happen to be here? He ushered them toward what she could now see was a vehicle.
About Jude: Jude Urbanski writes women’s fiction with inspirational romance. She loves to weave stories about strong characters spinning tragedy into triumph with God’s help. She is published in fiction and nonfiction. She is a member of ACFW and National League of American Pen Women.
Her latest book Nurtured in Purple, is book two in The Chronicles of Chanute Crossing and is published by Desert Breeze Publishing (http://www.desertbreezepublishing.com). Learn more: http://www.judeurbanski.com and http://judeurbanski.blogspot.com.
About the book – Joy Restored – Book 1 The Chronicles of Chanute Crossing:
Waging War Against God
Kate Davidson wears a mask since her husband’s life was snuffed out on a mountain curve. Outwardly she
continues to care for her children and home. Inwardly she wages a battle with God. Clayton may as well have died in the jungles of Vietnam as in a one-car accident on the Wolf River Bridge.
Loving Life For God
Widower Seth Orbin well understands life and death in God. He wades through rain and lightning to rescue Kate and her kids from a mountaintop storm. The kids find great adventure in being stranded at Seth’s cabin, but the adults sidestep an unexpected attraction that fateful night.
Hard-Won Faith
After sensing their wide spiritual gulf, Seth is conflicted by his growing love for Kate. He longs for her parched faith to heal, but she’s convinced he’s deluded himself with ideas of peace. Besides, Seth’s longtime girlfriend won’t exit the love triangle gracefully.
Will Kate refuse God’s healing and Seth’s love? Or will death steal Seth from her as well?
Come back July 24th for a recipe for romance from Jude’s book!
Would love to win one of your books.
Sounds like a really good story!
This sounds like a book that I would enjoy reading.
Bonnie, Patty and Jo, thanks for the visit and I hope the winner rally enjoys the book!