I noticed a tweet several months ago from an ecstatic newly signed Heartsong Presents author. Since I’d been in that spot about a year prior, I e-mailed Julie congratulating her. This week we’re sharing her real life romance. She’s promised to come back next April when her book releases. Read more about her and her books at the end of the post.
Book giveaway: Since her book isn’t out yet, Julie’s helping me give away a copy of White Roses this week. Leave a comment any day this week to be included in the drawing.
A Memorable Second Date
My first date with Kevin had been amazing, and I was extremely excited to go out with him again. He wanted to take me to dinner in a nearby town. He picked me up in his truck, and we headed down the interstate.
At first I tried to play it cool, but soon, it was obvious that the bleeding was not stopping. We weren’t close to town, and there was nowhere to stop. Embarrassed, I searched for a napkin in the truck but couldn’t find anything to stop the bleeding.
The next thing I knew, Kevin had lifted his dress shirt and pulled out the bottom of his white undershirt and stuck my finger bleeding finger in it. I was mortified. I was bleeding all over the shirt of the man I was trying to impress, but he was an absolute gentleman about it and put me at ease.
When we reached the town, he immediately pulled up to the store, ran in and quickly came out with ointment and bandages. We sat in the truck as he doctored my cut.
It certainly wasn’t the way I had imagined our second date, but it exposed some of the things that I love about Kevin. To this day, he would literally give the shirt off his back to someone who needed it. I still have a scar on the middle finger of my right hand, and Kevin jokes that he ruined my chances of becoming a hand model. Every time I notice the scar, I think about what a wonderful, caring husband I have.
About Julie: Julie Jarnagin grew up in a rural community where her family farmed and raised cattle, inspiring her to set much of her fiction in small towns. She earned a B.A. in Journalism/Professional Writing from the University of Oklahoma and is a member of America Christian Fiction Writers. Her articles have appeared in local and national publications. Through her writing, she hopes to share stories that reflect God’s love.
She lives in Oklahoma with her husband and young son. Her debut novel, Canyon Walls, is scheduled to be released by Barbour/Heartsong Presents in April 2011. You can find her blog at www.juliejwrites.blogspot.com.
Come back on the 23rd and 25th for the rest of Julie’s story.
I love Julie’s story. Nothing like a little blood to bring people closer together. Please enter me in the contest!
Julie, what a nice man. No wonder you married him!
What a touching story!!!!! Sounds like a catch!
Julie, what a neat story. I love how you can still see that character trait in him today.
Lynn – Ha! You’re absolutely right.
Kathy – He is a wonderful man. I love him so much!
Shannon, thank you for having me on your blog!
I just didn’t want blood on my truck. Just Kidding. This was truly my best second date ever.
Hi Julie,
Glad to have you here and read your story. The second installment made me laugh out loud, so readers are in for more treats.
You get the hubby award. First one to comment on the blog. Too sweet.
How sweet! Always good to see the tender, nurturing side of someone you’re dating.
Lorna, Summer, and Janet – Thanks for stopping by. I loved looking back at our relationship, and all the wonderful memories we have.
Kevin – Ha! It was my best second date too. 🙂
Awww! That’s so romantic! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
What a great story! Shannon has convinced me that as good as our fictional love stories are, they don’t hold a candle to the real thing – but then maybe that’s why the fictional ones are so GOOD! Thanks for sharing your story!
What a sweet sweet man! I would have chased that guy until he said yes:))
Thank you for sharing this story with us, Julie. It’s really sweet and tender and so romantic.
What a sweet story! It sounds like a scene out of a book 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Oh, and don’t enter me in the drawing because I already had the wonderful opportunity to read White Roses. It’s a great one! 🙂
He sounds like a keeper! I want to read more. No wonder you married him!
Sounds l like you have the marriage we all dream of but fear of never having. Not many of us our blessed to have it. Unfortunately, I never did and now I’m on my own. But knowing that it does exist warms my heart and gives me hope that maybe one day I, too, will be blessed just as you have been. May the Lord continue to bless your marriage and your life together.
I look forward to reading your book. I am sure it will be a success …. for you have God with you and His grace is upon you! Please do enter me in for a chance to win your book. God Bless you
Such a sweet story!! I would have been won over for sure if I was in your shoes!! 🙂