Shannon here: June Foster shares a recipe from her latest Romantic Suspense, Danger in Cranberry Cove (Book 5 in her Cranberry Cover series), plus a chance to win a copy. Print or e-book – winner’s choice. Comment or answer the question in this post to enter. Deadline: Dec 9th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s June:
Thank you, Shannon, for having me on your blog today. I am excited to share book number 5 in the Cranberry Cove Series, Danger in Cranberry Cove. This is the final book in the award-winning romantic suspense series set in the small southwestern town of Washington state. After escaping from grave danger to their lives, Julie and Lucas relax as Aunt Emma serves them hot coffee and homemade Cranberry-Orange scones.
Aunt Emma would like to share the recipe with you. By the way, Aunt Emma used fresh cranberries that she picked up at The Atwood’s Cranberry Store, a local market run by the James Atwood’s family. Read the first book in the series, to discover his story. The Inn at Cranberry Cove.
Aunt Emma’s Cranberry-Orange Scones
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
1/3 cup cold unsalted butter
¾ cup heavy cream
1 large egg
1 teaspoon grated orange zest
¾ cup dried cranberries
Heat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease baking sheet. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and cream of tartar. Add butter cut into small cubes as well as orange zest. Using pastry blender or food processor quickly cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbles. In a small bowl lightly beat cream and egg. Measure out one tablespoon of mixture and save adding the larger part to the dry ingredients. Also add cranberries. Mix lightly. Transfer the dough to a floured surface and gently knead by hand until it comes together, 5-10 seconds. Form into a ball and pat into a flat circle. Cut the circle into wedges (4 or 8 depending on how big you want your scones). Place them onto baking sheet at least one inch apart. Brush the tops with reserved egg mixture. Bake 12 to 15 minutes until tops are golden.
Question for Readers: Would you rather read a series or a standalone book. Please tell me why?
About June: An award-winning author, June Foster is a retired teacher with a BA in Education and a MA in counseling. June began writing Christian romance in 2010 as she and her husband traveled the US in their RV. Her adventures provide a rich source of information for her novels. She brags about visiting a location before it becomes the setting in her next book.
To date, June has written over thirty contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels and novellas. June uses her training in counseling and her Christian beliefs in creating characters who encounter real-life difficulties yet live victorious lives. She’s published with Winged Publications.
June is active in her church and her ladies’ fellowship group. She enjoys writing devotionals as well as fiction. She frequently attends writers’ conferences such as Blue Lake Writers’ Conference and Florida Christian Writers Conference.
Her novel, The Inn at Cranberry Cove, won the 2021 Selah award for Romantic Suspense. It is available on Amazon in paperback, hardback, and eBook format. In 2023, June won the Ames Award for her book Christmas at Cranberry Cove, book three in the same series. Learn more & connect:
June’s Website June’s Facebook June’s Twitter
About the book – Danger in Cranberry Cove:
When Julie Wilder joins local lawyer Lucas Ethridge in uncovering clues of who murdered their high school friend on the beach fifteen years before, anonymous phone calls from someone who claims to be the killer are unnerving. After incriminating evidence turns up, can Lucas and Julie discover the killer’s identity or will they suffer the same fate as their friend?
Currently available as part of the Small Town Danger Book set.
Can’t wait for the drawing? Worried you won’t win? Interested in June’s other books?
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Danger in Cranberry Cove June’s Books
Come back Dec 5th for Kelly Irvin!
I prefer the flexibility of stand-alones.
Thanks for your opinion and for commenting. Merry Christmas
I prefer the stand alone because I can’t read a series out of order, I can’t read 2 similar genre books in a row and I don’t have enough time to only read a series when I have 200 other books calling my name.
Beth, that’s a great reason for sticking to stand-alone books. My series books are also stand alone as a reader doesn’t have to read one to connect to the next. They are similar in that the stories are set in the same location in the same time frame. Thank you for commenting. June
standalone, don’t like cliffhangers
Good reason. I don’t use cliffhangers in my series, 😁Thanks for leaving a comment.
I think I prefer standalone. I sometimes don’t feel like I have time to read an entire series. I enjoy being able to read 1 book and then switch to a standalone in another genre to keep my reading life interesting.
Lexi, seems like other readers feel the same. I write my books in a series so that they can be read in any order. Thank you for commenting.
Stand-alone. I don’t mind a series if all the books are stand-alones. But I don’t want to be tied to anything for too long. My life is too busy.
Great reason to favor the stand alone. My series books are all also stand alone. They are only connected by setting and time. Thanks for commenting.
I like both kinds, but only if the books don’t have cliffhanger endings.
Diana, I agree with you. I am so disappointed by cliffhanger books as well as movie series. Thank you for commenting and Merry Christmas.
I don’t read series, unless they are standalones. I like an ending to a story and not have to worry about finding the next book in line or waiting a period of time before it comes out. I don’t write series either because I don’t want my readers to have the same problem.
Sharon, great reasons. I feel the same. Fortunately, my books are all stand alone, even the ones in a series. Thanks for commenting.
I like both series and standalone books. However, I truly appreciate authors who write their series so that each book can be read as a standalone.
I read both but I tend to lean towards series because I love to revisit with favorite characters.
Cherie, I think seeing a familiar character feels as if you’re visiting with an old friend. 😊 Thank you for your comment.
Cranberry-Orange Scones! My very favorite treat and thank you for your recipe.
I like standalone novels, perhaps within a series, that a new reader would become acquainted to the author.
Kathleen, You are so welcome. I hope you enjoy making a batch of scones. You’ll enjoy my Cranberry Cove series since they can be read in any order. Thank you for commenting.
I have a winner! Laurel Whitney won the drawing. I appreciate June for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.
Congratulations to Laurel. Laurel, would you like an ecopy or paper copy? Please email me at