Amish romance author, Kelly Irvin gives a tour of her office along with a chance to win a copy of her latest release, Love Redeemed. Comment on this post to enter the drawing. Deadline: Feb 22nd, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Kelly:
Office Tour – don’t stumble over the mess . . . . As I was sitting at my desk pondering what to write for this post, knowing that the audience is all about romance, I wiggled in my chair, feeling not the least bit romantic. I had laundry in the wash machine, dirty dishes in the sink, and if I didn’t get a move on, I’d be late for church. My mind wandered. I cleaned my glasses. I looked around, distracted by the mess in my office. It occurred to me that my office is a testament to my husband’s love for me. That I even have my own office reflects his commitment to my dream of being a novelist. It’s been my office for about thirteen years of the fifteen years that we’ve lived in this house. We’d been married more than ten years when we bought our first house and we were so excited to be homeowners. The first couple of years the room, which would be a formal dining room in most people’s houses, sat empty because we couldn’t afford to buy furniture. We’d just bought a house! But Tim was determined I would have my own office. We agreed that we’re not formal dining room people. When we have friends over for dinner, it’s a barbecue around the picnic table in the backyard or domino night at the kitchen table. We didn’t need a fancy dining room, but I did need an office.
I remember how excited I was when we finally could afford to buy the furniture, which, in great part, consists of bookshelves. I finally had the shelves to organize all those books that were always stacked everywhere (little did I realize how quickly I would fill them up.).
It probably wasn’t the best idea to locate my office by the front door so it’s the first thing everyone sees when they enter our home. To say I’m not the neatest person in the world would be an understatement. Tim is a neat freak. I love him anyway. I’m not one. He loves me anyway. I’m sure Tim realized when he made this commitment, that he was also resigning himself to a life where every time he walked through the front door he would see the detritus of my life as a woman juggling a fulltime job as a public relations professional, a wife, a mother, and now, by the grace of God, a grandmother. And a full-time novelist with deadlines and commitments to publishers.
Tim sees a mess. When I look around my office, I see my life. Picture it with me. Everything is here for a reason. The books and bookmarks for giveaways for my readers. The stacks of The Budget newspaper from which I cull the beautiful bits and pieces of the daily lives of the Amish scribes that find their way into my books. Add to those the Beeville newspapers, which are research for my new series, The Amish of Bee County.
Then there’s the baby swing so that when I take care of little granddaughter Brooklyn Jane, I can woo her to sleep while I try to get some work done at the computer. (Fat chance says Brooklyn.) Above me on the shelf when I work is the framed piece that my daughter made me for Christmas that has the stamp of Brooklyn’s feet on it and says “I love you grandma, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes! Love always Brooklyn Jane.” I love that. It’s so important to keep your priorities straight, even when writing deadlines collide with life.
To my right, overhead is the plaque Tim bought me in an Amish-owned shop when we made our trip to Missouri to do research for the New Hope Amish series and visited Lake Stockton, where my latest release, Love Redeemed, is set. It reads, “ Home is Where Your Story Begins.” Above it is a print of my favorite painting, which shows two cats sitting on top of a full book shelf, looking out the window. Our two cats often join me in my office so they can sit on the windowsills and look out at our front yard. Sometimes they knock over the guitar that’s sitting next to the window. No, I don’t play the guitar, but I bought it so I could feel what it feels like to try to learn to play when I was writing the last book in the New Hope Amish series, A Plain Love Song, which will release in September. I’m sure I’ll learn to play it—one day when I’m not quite so busy . . . .
Yes, it’s messy, but so is my life. I feel so comfortable here. This is where I’ve written ten books that have been or will be published. It’s messy, but my husband loves me anyway. So much so, he can ignore my messes and in fact, embrace them (well, he probably wouldn’t go that far!). That’s true love in all its messy glory and nothing could be more romantic.
About the book – Love Redeemed (The New Hope Amish series):
Strong Enough to Heal
Phoebe Christner is thrilled when the families of her close-knit Amish community decide to spend a week at the lake. She feels she’s earned a break…and it doesn’t hurt that Michael Daugherty will be coming along. They’ll find ways to spend time together—she’s certain of it—and their romance will have time to blossom.
But when tragedy strikes, Phoebe and Michael are torn apart by their pain and the knowledge of their guilt. As they both cope with the loss of a loved one, they will come to discover that they can be forgiven not just by their community, but by God.
A tender novel of faith and family set in the heart of Amish country.
About Kelly: Kelly Irvin is a Kansas native and has been writing professionally for 30 years. She and her husband, Tim, make their home in Texas. They have two children, three cats, and a tankful of fish. A public relations professional, Kelly is also the author of two romantic suspense novels and writes short stories in her spare time. To learn more about her work, visit, Twitter: Kelly_S_Irvin, Facebook: Kelly Irvin, Author.
Come back Feb 14th for Tanya Eavenson!
Looks like a good book! I don’t think your office is messy at all!
Would be happy,happy,happy to win.
I love your office. It looks comfortable.
Looks like my office aka a sewing room!
I love your office,it doesn’t look messy.This book sounds great.I would love to win it.Thanks for the chance.
Your Space looks very Comfy!!
Mine in another hand looks upside down!!
If your office is messy then I need to crawl under my bed and hide since I seem to live in a mess all the time. I love your office and everything it stands for. Just think what is produced from that office……love it! From one Texas girl to another, just keep on keeping on!
Kelly I don’t think your office is messy. You should see my work space. I work with beads! I enjoyed reading your blog post! Thanks for sharing.
I love it! 🙂
Hi Kelly, I love your office space. It is you and helps you write wonderful books! It’s the opposite here at my home. My husband has his office space in a spare bedroom & I’m the neat-freak. Every once in awhile I go through & dispose of expired coupons & outdated stuff. We’ve been married 30 years, too so you just deal with it! LOL..would love to win….thanks for the opportunity!
Book looks like a must read.
Wow, if that is messy, I’m not sure what you would call “my space”. Mine doesn’t look that good after I’ve cleaned and organized it all day!
I love the guitar! I have always wanted to learn, just so I could sit be a campfire and sing a few songs. Sadly, I gave up and gave my guitar away. But I did give it to one of my granddaughters, so hopefully one day I will sit by the campfire and listen to her sing.
Love your life messiness and all shows that you are well grounded in life with a lot of love for your family!
Your office looks comfortable and inviting.
I could show you what messy looks like:)
It would be wonderful to win this book.
Thank you.
Your office is just fine . If it was really spotless it would show that you do not do anything . Would love to win your book . Thanks
I desk is also messy. I sometimes can find what I need but then there is other times when I can’t. With my messy school bus schedule, one has to learn to live with it.
Your office looks good to me.
Would love to win your book.
Love your office, it is not messy at all and you probable have everything organized where you can find it. A messy office is one that a lot of work is accomplished, a clean/spotless office has very little done in it. Blessings.
I think your office is a testimony to love and family. You should see my desk, check, I wish
“I” could see my desk!
Your office is not messy, it is just homey! Love all the little touches that makes it uniquely you! Love to win the book!
Your office isn’t messy, it looks like a busy writer’s office.
I would love to win one of your books. Thanks for the opportunity.
Kelly, This was such a cute article. After being married 46 years I learned along time ago that a house is not a home unless it is Lived in and that includes all the things that lets us be us.
Your house looks like a Home so Enjoy!
Love the bookshelves in your office and your workspace.
So enjoyed part one of your two-part article, Kelly. Love your office. Find everything right and wrong with how it looks. Looks like a worked in office. You’ve done some great work in there. Looking forward to part two. Cheryl
Enjoyed the first part of your article. Looking forward to your second part. Cheryl
Love the office! If you want to see messy, step into my little room……..Great blog post! Love your books!
Love your books
It sounds like a good book!
I too love your office and don’t think it is a bit messy. Would love to win your book.
I love the way you write. God bless, Patti in VA
It’s so much fun to read everyone’s comments. I’m glad no one thinks my office is too messy (except my husband!). I’m surrounded by reminders of what a great family I have. And I do clean up once in a while! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Good luck with the drawing!
I see a cozy office where stories are born — your beautiful granddaughter plays and family momentos — perfect 🙂 Please accept my entry in this wonderful giveaway. Thank you.
I think everyone should have their own little “nook” and I don’t mean tablet reader! I was able to eek out a little cubby hole in the kitchen of our mobile home. After setting up my computer, printer, bookshelves/storage cabinet, file cabinet, some favorite pictures, my life verse Bible plaque and finally, my pin-up board covered with pictures of family and other dear ones, I turned to my husband with a satisfied smile and said, “Now I feel like I’m home.” My little nook is only about 6′ x 4′, and right in the hub of our home, but it makes me feel like I’m in an oasis! And yes, it’s messy most of the time, but LIFE is!
Reading your blog made me think of Proverbs31 so much so that I had to go back and read it again and it’s those last few verses that really stand out.It sounds as if you & your husband are a great blessing to each other,and you can only find that kind of love & devotion in serving the Lord together as a couple.It’s always a good thing when we take the time to just stop whatever were doing and look at ourselves and our surroundings and see how the Lord has truly blessed us and give him the thanks for those many blessings. I personally would like to thank you for using your gift to write books that have christian values such as mercy and grace,for I can remember when I was younger that we didn’t have the opportunity to read such books.My prayer is that you get many more years of use out of this office(gift),and now when reading one of your books we(I) can actually picture you there writing, maybe even playing peek a boo with your granddaughter and greeting your husband at the door. Thank you for the opportunity to be entered into one of the many giveaways that you have and for the glimpse into your office & life.♥
Can’t wait to read it! I can now always picture you at your desk writing a novel with all your notes and maybe the grand baby keeping you company. You are a blessed woman with such a wonderful husband. God knew what He was doing when He gave us our spouses.
I love this post and the glimpses you have shared of this special place in your home!
You office don’t look like a mess.
Hello Kelly. I love your office, It’s really nice. Just looks like an author at work and had to leave because company came in. I also like the plaque Tim got for you. And the things dear to your heart. I know you love having that baby visit. I also liked the picture of you by the lake. Pretty view. I would sure love to win your new book. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com
I can’t wait to read Love Redeemed it sounds like a very good book and would make a great addition to my book collection. Thank you for the giveaway.
This is a beautiful cover! I love your books Kelly, I have read several of them, thank you for the chance to win this one.
Nice office. Thanks for opportunity.
I think your office looks awesome, Kelly! Very cosy & comfortable! Thanks for this giveaway, and hope I can win! God bless you!
Great post! Love Kelly Irvin’s books. Thank you for the chance to win her new book.
I have a winner! Susan won the drawing for Kelly’s book. I appreciate Kelly for being here and everyone else for being here.
I haven’t gotten any response from Susan, so I picked a new winner. So here goes: Congrats Cindi Klemm – you won the drawing for Kelly’s book!