Shannon here: Inspirational author, Linda Rondeau shares her real life romance & chance to win readers’ choice of two of her books: The Other Side of Darkness or It Really is a Wonderful Life. Comment on any post dated Jan 21 – 25 to get your name in the drawing. Deadline: Feb 2, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Linda:
Dating in Jacksonville
Worsening health concerns meant, I had to move eighteen months before hubby could hang up his work hat. So, on February 8, 2011 at 9:00 am, I pulled out of the driveway of our Northern New York home, leaving behind all that was familiar, including my husband of thirty-three years, to play Daniel Boone and forge a new life for us in Florida.
I cried a little when I left, trying to keep focused on the positives. Hubby would come to Florida every few months and I would come north to help settle the house once it was sold. Dating your spouse puts a whole new perspective on a marriage. I always considered myself an independent person, until the move. Living alone brought challenges I hadn’t faced since before marriage…like balancing a checkbook, and fixing things that break.
When hubby visited, we did fun things like boat rides, walks on the beach, going to museums, and golfing. We made the best of the limited time we had together. Our long times apart taught us to appreciate the little things we used to do for each other. Like hubby’s willingness to kill spiders.
I quickly learned that everything grows bigger in Florida—especially spiders. I’m petrified of even the tiniest crawling thing.
I felt proud over the fact that I had purchased a home for us on my own. Hubby had come for the closing, but I had done all the paperwork and the home was in my name. Wow, did I feel independent. Until two days after I moved in.
Hubby had returned to the North Country and had yet to see the house we bought and wouldn’t until January since I would meet him up north at our daughter’s home for Christmas. I refused to be daunted though this dating my husband thing was getting very old and the times between “dates” too long. I felt as if I were going through life with a missing limb.
One feature of our new home was a screened in porch where I hoped to sit outside and have my morning devotions. I opened the patio door only to be greeted by the biggest spider I’d ever seen and hope to never see again. It dared to crawl across my patio floor keeping me from the place I’d hoped to meet with God.
First, I asked it to leave nicely. But it wouldn’t. As my panic increased, so did my hysteria. I yelled at my spouse for leaving me alone in this house. This dating thing was unnatural. He was supposed to be here to kill that spider. I shouldn’t have to do this horrible thing. Buying a house on my own was one thing, but killing a spider was way beyond possible.
“You will not deprive me of my home!” I yelled. Undaunted, the spider continued to creep toward the patio doors.
Sobbing, I grabbed a dust mop and held my breath as I took aim at the huge black invader. “Die! Die! Die!” I demanded as I wielded my weapon with all the hysteria of a murderous mad woman until the spider disintegrated. When I finally realized the enemy was dead, I ventured back inside and cried for another half hour, yelling condemnations at my absent spouse.
That was the lowest point. Christmas came then a January visit, a May visit and hubby moved in by June. Life would get better and we could resume our fun on a fulltime basis.
The month after hubby became an official Floridian, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Our retirement plans were put on hold for a long process of treatment.
Fortunately, my prognosis is good. I am thankful he’s here with me. I’d rather kill a hundred spiders than face this alone. In sickness and health the vows said. Nothing about spiders or long periods of separation. I believe the time we spent dating was a time to reaffirm our love for one another, a prelude to our once again holding hands while we faced a new enemy, with chemo and radiation instead of a dust mop.
I am nearing the end of the treatment process. I am driving again, and my mental acuity is returning. I rub my fuzzy head where my hair is trying to grow back and put my head on hubby’s shoulders. “We will get through this,” he says. “It’s not an end to our journey but merely another bump in the road.”
Next on the agenda, a second honeymoon.
About Linda: A native of Central New York, Linda Rondeau met and married Steve Rondeau, her best friend in life, and managed a career in human services before tackling professional writing. After thirty-four years of marriage, they have relocated to Jacksonville, Florida, leaving rural America to live in a city of one million.
While writing is her greatest passion, the more favorable temperatures of Florida allow her to follow another great passion–golf.
Linda is the wife of one patient man, the mother of three, and the grandmother of nine.
An award winning author, Linda is multipublished. Linda’s first title, The Other Side of Darkness, released Fall 2012, won the 2012 Selah Award for best first novel. Her first book in her Sci-Fi, futuristic series, America II, written under L.W. Rondeau released summer of 2012.
About the book – It Really is a Wonderful Life: Midville newcomer and Iraq War widow, Dorie Fitzgerald, despises the frigid Adirondack wasteland that has now become her home. After twenty failed job interviews, she questions the wisdom of moving to be near her parents. Desperate to belong, she joins the local Community Theater, in production for It’s a Wonderful Life.
Jamey Sullivan has put his professional life on hold in order to run the family business and to help his ailing father. He signs on for Midville’s production of It’s a Wonderful Life, although he hopes to receive a Broadway casting call any day now.
When these two meet, they are instantly attracted to one another. However, ambition, demanding children, and a romantic rival threaten to squash their growing love for one another.
It Really is a Wonderful Life is set in the beautiful Adirondack mountains, a perfect backdrop for romantic conflict.
About the book – The Other Side of Darkness: Three lives intertwined, tied together by dangerous circumstance and the faint echoes of an elusive hope. To make it through, each must find their way to the Light that’s found only on the other side of darkness… After setting out on a forced vacation, and literally running into a moose, Manhattan Assistant D.A. Samantha Knowles finds it’s not so bad being stranded in a quirky but intriguing Adirondack town.
But when her three-year prosecution against a convicted killer begins to unravel, she’s thrust into a whirlwind of haunting memories, fear, and danger…and suddenly, Haven isn’t so safe, after all. ~ With no future in Haven, and no way to escape the small town, teacher Zack Bordeaux fears he’s doomed to a life of mediocrity. ~ Haunted by the deaths of his wife and son, landscape artist Jonathan Gladstone feels bound to an estate he both loves and loathes. When Zack and Jonathon meet Samantha,their lives take on a different course.
would love to win.
Bless you – and prayers for your continued recovery. I totally am right there with you about the spiders – that’s why we got married, to have a live in spider killer 😉
What a moving interview. I relate totally to being dependent on my husband for all the little and big things. He and I are not separated by miles, but by his third shift schedule. I’m so glad the Lord brought him back to you when you needed him the most! (but who wants to deal with frankenspider alone???? eek!)
Blessings on your book launches and on your continued recovery, Linda.
I hate spiders too, but I have taught my dog to kill them for me, I guess he really is “Man’s best friend”!
I would love to win one of your books and I hope you experience a complete recovery!
What a interview. Some challenges that you had to go through there. Hope that the heatlh challenges are improving there. Both of your books sound great and I really would love to read them.
thanks for the chance to read these wonderful novels
Thank you all for stopping by and for your prayers regarding my illness. I am continually strengthening and thank the lord for ability to do tasks I once complained about.
Linda, we are kindred spirits in our hate of bugs and spiders. The first argument my hubby and I ever had was because he wouldn’t kill a bug for me! Would love to win It Really is a Wonderful Life! Glad you have a good prognosis and that you and Steve can now live your “wonderful life” together again! Prayers for continued full recovery.
Boy Linda, we have a lot in common. I too hate spiders and I’ve dealt with breast cancer. This past summer marked my 13 years of being cancer free. We see life a little differently and learn to live and love to the fullest when we hear the dreaded news and go through the dreaded treatments. God was with me every step of the way. I will be praying for you! I would love to win a copy of It Really is a Wonderful Life and The Other Side of Darkness. I’m also rooting for you and your husband to be able to go on that Second Honeymoon!
Linda ~
I am adding you to my prayer list. And I have a feeling that the next time I watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”, I will think of you when the opening credits roll. ; )
Be blessed! Kristy
Oh, Linda. I was right on your journey with you, and coming from Michigan, moving to SC years ago I was fast acquainted with those little lizards that pop in and out of the house. I actually called Critter Management to get one out!
It sounds like you had a rough time and it would be terrible to be without your spouse and starting over in a new area. I’m happy to hear you’re on the road
to recovery. I’m sure writing was a big help during that process. I didn’t go through cancer treatments, but have other health issues which are limiting, so I can identify with some of what you dealt with. The ‘golden years’ aren’t as ‘golden’ as they say….but God is good and is with us during the long nights. We now live in FL too, and it’s a big adjustment with such a difference in the weather we grew up in. I miss the change of seasons.
God continue to watch over you and keep you well.
Linda, your post was very real and very moving. I am so glad you and your hubby are back together. I would enjoy reading one of your books. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.
Awww. I feel sorry for the spider.
I’m with you on the spider too. I’d rather face an Arkansas Copperhead snake than the tiniest spider. Snakes you can see. Spiders get in your clothes and shoes. You never know they’re there until they bite. Yes, that knowledge comes from experience. Hate them.
So glad you’re doing better and you and hubby are in the same house again.
Both books sound like great reads, please enter me.
Your post was very moving. I would love a chance to win these great novels.
These both sound really good! I’d love to win!
Linda, you inspire me! I’ve been following your journey with breast cancer on Caring Bridge and praying for you. Like you, I hate things that crawl, but I abhor snakes much more than spiders. I have already read two of your wonderful books, The Other Side of Darkness and It Really Is a Wonderful Life. Writing a review for each is on my To Do List. I also have two of the others on my Kindle Fire to read soon. Blessings.
I have a winner! Kathleen Maher won the drawing. I appreciate Linda for being here and everyone else for stopping by.