Shannon here: Inspirational author, Linda Wood Rondeau shares another passion she and her husband share – golf. Comment or answer the question at the end of any post dated June 22 – 26 to enter the drawing for a copy of It Really IS a Wonderful Life. Deadline: July 4th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Linda:

As in many of my books, It Really is a Wonderful Life features golf. One of Dorrie’s romantic interests golfs with her parents. I have a scene where Dorrie is trying to read the expression on her mother’s face. “As unreadable as the fifteenth green at Midville Golf Club.”
Many of my books include golf analogies or scenes.
As with Community Theater, golf has been an important part of our married life. We believe the pastimes we have enjoyed together were training grounds to strengthen our bond.
My husband loves golf. He learned to play while he was a youngster. Until much later in life, I never appreciated the game. Growing up I knew names like Arnold Palmer and a few other golf notables. However, sports never really interested me.
Funny how God would pair me up with a man who was walking, talking Sports Almanac.
Perhaps it was because Steve had so many interests, that I didn’t think about what he sacrificed for his new-found family. He became an instant father when we married. As a wedding present, I wrapped up the children’s birth certificates. He took the job seriously. At the time the kids were ages 4, 6, 7.
Family was his main priority in life now. Golf was not only too expensive for our pinched budget, but time consuming. Weekends were prioritized into cub scouts, little league, school activities, church activities, and occasionally time for ourselves or being involved in Community Theater. We always bought him a gift certificate for Father’s Day and he played golf with his mother on Mother’s Day.
When our youngest went off to college, the empty nest syndrome hit me very badly. At first, I thought perhaps the gift was motivated by selfish desires. Then again, a gift is often an extension of the giver. I looked at the set of golf clubs and laughed.
Sometimes I think the love of my life knows me far better than I know myself. The gift was the beginning of my love affair with golf. I became as enthusiastic about the game as any golfer I knew, even my mother in-law, who at age 83 outdrove most women in her age group. Since we lived in close proximity to one of the best golf courses in the Northeast, we became members.
Discovering something new brought new passion into my life and into our relationship. Golf can be very romantic!
Four years ago we relocated to Jacksonville, Florida. Funny how life works. Now that we can golf year around, we probably golf less. Our city affords many outdoor activities that we enjoy. And our budget restraints only allow for us to golf a maximum of once a week. But it still is our favorite thing to do.
My husband says I’m his favorite golf partner. And the game has taught me much about keeping romance alive in the later years. The terrain can be tough, and to stay the course requires one to keep their eye on the ball and follow through.
Question for readers: Have you ever played golf? Love it or hate it?
About Linda: Winner of the 2012 Selah Award for best first novel The Other Side of Darkness, LINDA WOOD RONDEAU, writes blended contemporary fiction that speaks to the heart and offers hope to those with damaged lives. After a long career in human services, Linda now resides in Jacksonville, Florida. A Christmas Prayer, (aka A Father’s Prayer) was a finalist for both the 2014 Selah and Carol Awards.
It Really IS a Wonderful Life, inspired by the author’s personal experience, quickly became a Christmas classic. Watch for Fiddler’s Fling and Red Sky Promise, inspirational romances expected to be released later in 2015.
For sci-fi lovers, Rondeau offers a free download of her book, The Fifteenth Article , from her website. Feel free to share with friends and family.
Readers may visit her web site at, her blog:, or email her at or find her on,,, and
About the book – It Really IS a Wonderful Life:
Midville newcomer and Iraq War widow, Dorie Fitzgerald, despises the frigid Adirondack wasteland that has now become her home.
After twenty failed job interviews, she questions the wisdom of moving to be near her parents. Desperate to belong, she joins the local Community Theater, in production for It’s a Wonderful Life. Jamey Sullivan has put his professional life on hold in order to run the family business and to help his ailing father. He signs on for Midville’s production of It’s a Wonderful Life, although he hopes to receive a Broadway casting call any day now.
When these two meet, they are instantly attracted to one another. However, ambition, demanding children, and a romantic rival threaten to squash their growing love for one another. It Really IS a Wonderful Life is set in the beautiful Adirondack mountains, a perfect backdrop for romantic conflict.
Come back June 29th for Anita Higman!
i have played putt-putt golf if that counts
I love putt putt too, Shelia. I’ve never played the real kind. When my son was younger, we used to play putt putt as a family. He doesn’t want to any more. But I think I may force him one day soon. He does still live in my house 🙂
I have a winner. Melissa Oldaker won the drawing. I appreciate Linda for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.