Shannon here: Historical romance author, Liz Tolsma shares more insight into her real life romance & a chance to win a copy of A Log Cabin Christmas, a collection of nine novellas including Liz’s. Every time you comment on any post dated Dec 14 or 16th, your name goes in the drawing for a copy. Deadline Dec 17th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Liz:
- Who is most romantic, you or your spouse?
By far, that would be me. Although with three kids and a budding writing career, I’m lucky to kiss him good-night. Romance this deep into a marriage is something you have to work hard at.
- What is the most caring thing your spouse has ever done for you?
When I dislocated my thumb, he took care of everything. He got our son out of bed and drove me to the hospital while trying to keep me calm. He handled all of the paperwork and was there beside me. He’s good to have around in a crisis because he keeps his composure.
- What is the most caring thing you’ve ever done for your spouse?
I don’t know if he would agree to this, but when we found out his mom had terminal cancer, I let him take his time and grieve in his own way, but I was always there for him. We walked through that trial together. When he wanted to talk, I let him talk and talk. I tried to be quiet and not push him when he needed time to deal with things. I helped with the arrangements and got our plane tickets when she passed away.
- Who said, “I love you” first, you or your spouse?
I did. It took him a while to reciprocate, but his actions shout his love louder than any words. He does tell me every day he loves me.
- Where did you and your spouse go for your honeymoon?
O.K., I like to tease and say we went to the Packer’s hall of fame for our honeymoon. We went to a romantic B & B in Door County (the “thumb” of Wisconsin). Being the last week of December, we hoped to take a sleigh ride and try our hands at cross-country skiing. No snow. Not a flake. Many shops are closed up there for the winter, so one day we drove down to Green Bay and went to the Hall of Fame. He did bear with me when I did find some shops open, so it was the least I could do 😉
Liz interviews her hero Noah Mitchell:
- What’s the most romantic thing your hero ever did for your heroine?
I protected her from an uncouth man who had pressed her against the wall of the dining hall. I couldn’t stand the way he treated her and I’d promised her father I would take care of her.
- Do your hero and heroine have as favorite romantic restaurant?
In the Northwoods of Wisconsin, there aren’t restaurants. All the lumberjacks eat in the dining hall. Cookie and Adie make delicious meals that keep us going. Of course, my favorite part of meal time is getting to see my wife. I’m surprised I can eat with the way my stomach flip-flops when I see her.
- What’s the most romantic present your hero ever bought your heroine?
I know that Adie would love to live in a log cabin. A little while ago, I found a sketch she made of the log cabin where she grew up. Since then, I’ve been working hard on carving a replica of it for her for Christmas. I hope she likes it.
- What simple gesture does your heroine do that melts your hero every time?
Her smile. When she smiles like that at me, it’s all I can do to keep my promise that this is a marriage of convenience.
- How soon after meeting the heroine did the hero know she was the one?
It hit me one day. I love Adie. I would do anything to take care of her because I love her. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but it has. What do I do about it now?
About the novella: Under His Wings
Adie O’Connell finds herself the lone woman stranded in a logging camp full of uncouth men. She knows Noah Mitchell promised her father he’d look after her, but is a marriage of convenience the only way? With the threats against her reputation continuing, she’s frightened. Will their marriage cost them both everything or can they find security—and love—under God’s wings?
About Liz: Best-selling author Liz Tolsma has worked as a teacher and an advertising copywriter. She is currently a stay-at-home mom and part-time church secretary. Her novella Under His Wings released in September 2011, in Barbour Publishing’s novella collection A Log Cabin Christmas. In June 2009, she had two short stories published in Cup of Comfort for Adoptive Families: As American As They Come and A Mother’s Love. When not writing, she enjoys reading, walking, gardening and snowshoeing. She makes her home next to a cornfield in Wisconsin with her husband, Doug, and their three children, all adopted internationally, one of whom has special needs.
Come back Dec 17th for Audrey Hebbert’s healthy pie crust recipe.
sign me up, please! Merry Christmas!!!!!
I too am more romantic than my husband! We need to have more date nights. That is one thing I’m going to push for next year. I think we both got our eyes open on Wednesday morning. My husband was involved in an accident. His truck was a complete loss. By the Grace of God he walked away with cuts scratches on his left ear because his head shattered the drivers side window and some soreness. The scan of the brain showed no swelling or bleeding. Praise God!
I can’t wait to read your novella, Under His Wings.
Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Judy B
I would love to win this. Have a blessed Christmas.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!! Send me a present, please!!!!!!
Merry Xmas, I am excitedly, eagerly, ….(cant think of any other words) waiting and hoping I win a copy of your book.
I have no spouse but my best friend is male, does that count? anyways loads of ways he shows support and he was my crutch when I needed strength, He is God sent always there when I needed to talk and he knows when to chastise and when to encourage… May God continue to bamboozle him with tons of blessings 🙂
Sounds like a great book!
Sounds like a great story- I love log cabins and Christmas, so it must be good!
Sign me up…. Merry CHRISTmas….
My husband and I honeymooned at Door County, too. Twenty-seven years ago.
lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net would love to win
Deb won the drawing for the copy of A Log Cabin Christmas. I appreciate Liz for being my guest and everyone for stopping by. Merry Christmas!