Shannon here: Historical romance author, Liz Tolsma shares insight into her characters’ romance from her latest release, Daisies are Forever. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing for a copy. Deadline: Oct 4th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Liz:
1. What’s the most romantic thing your hero ever did for your heroine?
The most romantic thing about Mitch Edwards must be how he takes care of the children Annelies and Renate. It’s so much fun to watch him play with them, to cuddle with them, to kiss them on their cheeks. I know he’ll make a great father one of these days.
2. Where is the most romantic place your hero and heroine have ever been?
It sounds rather crazy, but we had our most romantic moment in an apartment in Berlin during an Allied air raid. We were both wishing the moment was nothing more than a bad dream. We decided to count to three and wake up in our homes. But we couldn’t do it. Though we had to suffer much during the war, it was worth it because it brought us together.
3. What is your heroine’s favorite romantic vacation destination?
Since I grew up in California before my father brought us back to Germany in 1936, I would have to say California. The ocean is so blue and the sand is so warm beneath your feet. It would be so romantic to walk along the beach holding Mitch’s hand.
4. What simple gesture does your hero do that melts your heroine every time?
He smiles and those dimples of his get me every time. He has the best dimples I’ve every seen.
5. How soon after meeting the hero did the heroine know he was the one?
We were “married” within moments of meeting each other. He was a British POW who had escaped from a camp, and I had to protect him from the German woman who was accusing him of not being German. If she had been successful, the mob would have set on him and killed him for sure. The only thing I could think to do was to tell her he was my husband and a wounded German soldier. But I knew pretty early on that I wanted to really be married to him.
6. Who said, “I love you” first, your hero or your heroine?
Mitch said it first, in the apartment during the air raid. I couldn’t believe he said it, because it echoed what I felt in my heart at that very same moment. We were facing death, and I realized I couldn’t live without him.
7. If you hero and heroine end up married, where will they go on their honeymoon?
We would find a little hotel on the California coast, where we could wake up every morning to the blue sky and the sound of the waves against the rocks. And then we’d go to England so I could meet his family.
About Liz: Liz Tolsma has lived in Wisconsin most of her life, and she now resides next to a farm field with her husband and their two daughters. Her son proudly serves as a U.S. Marine. All of their children have been adopted internationally and one has special needs.
Her novella, Under His Wings, appeared in the New York Times bestselling collection, A Log Cabin Christmas. Her debut novel, Snow on the Tulips, released in August of 2013 and was a 2014 Selah Award finalist and a 2014 Carol Award finalist. Daisies Are Forever released in May 2014.
When not busy putting words to paper, she enjoys reading, walking, working in her large perennial garden, kayaking, and camping with her family. Please visit her blog at and follow her on and Twitter (@LizTolsma). She is also a regular contributor to the Barn Door blog.
About the book – Daisies are Forever: The fall of the Third Reich is imminent. As the merciless Red Army advances from the East, the German people of Prussia await the worst.
Among them is twenty-year-old Gisela Cramer, an American living in Heiligenbeil with her cousin Ella and their ailing grandfather. When word arrives that the Russians will invade overnight, Ella urges Gisela to escape to Berlin —and take Ella’s two small daughters with her.
The journey is miserable and relentless. But when Gisela hears the British accent of a phony SS officer, she poses as his wife to keep him safe among the indignant German refugees. In the blink of an eye, Mitch Edwards and Gisela are Herr and Frau Josep Cramer.
Through their tragic and difficult journey, the fabricated couple strives to protect Ella’s daughters, hoping against hope for a reunion. But even as Gisela and Mitch develop feelings beyond the make–believe, the reality of war terrorizes their makeshift family.
With the world at its darkest, and the lives of two children at stake, the counterfeit couple finds in each other a source of faith, hope, and the love they need to survive.
Question: Are you or anyone you know adopted?
Come back Sept 24th for Katy Lee!
would love to win.
I’m not adopted, nor are any of my 5 children; however, my oldest son’s girlfriend was adopted. She is now an adult and recently found her bio dad (he & her mother were teens when she was born) and discovered that she has two very young siblings–a little sister & a baby brother! She & my son & my 13 yr. Old granddaughter were able to take a road trip to meet them this summer. Her father had married a younger woman, thus explaining the young siblings when she herself is 29 yrs. old. She is tickled with the idea. She also has an interesting back story, which I just realized would make a good story. Hmm…
Yes a friend of mine has 2 children that she adopted from Japan and Tiawan
My niece and nephew are adopted. They are just a little older than my kids. We never really talked about them being adopted because it wasn’t a big deal to us. They were just their kids. My kids were surprised a few years ago when I said something about Ryann and Courtney being adopted. They didn’t realize that and I didn’t realize that I had never said anything about it.
I have known adoptee parents and adopted children. I thank the Lord the families came together.
Sounds like a great book. I have cousins that adopted two siblings. They are now in a happy, healthy home.
Hello Shannon and liz. Thanks for the interview. I am not adopted. I have a nephew who one of my sister’s adopted out, thinking she couldn’t take care financially. It was her only boy. She barely saw him after birth and that was by a nurse’s forgetting she wasn’t to bring the baby in. I worried about him for many years, hoping he was still alive and prayed he was healthy and safe with loving parents and that someday he would be introduced to our family. And, if he met his mother, he would not be one of those who wanted nothing to do with his Bio-mom. We finally met him about 8 years ago at a family re-union. Was a huge crowd and he was from a family of 4. Yes, the folks who adopted him because they were told they wouldn’t have children. Then shortly after they adopted him she got pregnant, so he had a brother. He said he had a very happy, loving family. but had been told he was adopted at age six. His mother and 2 of the 3 sisters were red-headed, as is many in our family.When we met him he was red-headed and looked like His mother, and many of us Lloyds. No mistaking he had found his bio family. He loved my sister and his three new sisters. They got to know each other for 6 years before my sister died. So, GOD answered all of the prayers for him. I also have 3 cousins adopted and a grandson-in -law who was adopted from Korea. A great father, husband, and christian man. Liz, I have Snow on the Tulips and would love this book, Daisies are Forever. Thanks for the give-away. Maxie, .
My best friend growing up was adopted… I think I was more curious about it than her!
In recent years quite a few families in our church have adopted internationally.
I would love to win Daisies are Forever.
I’m adopted. I was adopted 60 years ago handed over from my biological mother to my adopted mother and family. Never knew my real mother or family even though I would like to find out the history of my real family but don’t know how and don’t have the funds.
Would love to win and read Daisies are Forever. Sounds like a great book.
My hubby was adopted by his biological aunt and uncle. He was still very involved with his birth-mother and half-brothers and sister growing up. Thanks for the giveaway!
I grew up with a girl who was adopted. As an adult she sought out her birth mother and siblings.
melback at cebridge dot net
I enjoyed hearing everyone’s adoption stories. I don’t have anyone in my family who is adopted or was adopted out. I knew a girl in cosmetology school who was. Her parents had told her from the beginning and she had a very loving and happy adoptive family.
I have a winner! Karen G. won the drawing. I appreciate Liz for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.