Shannon here: Historical Romance author, Misty M. Beller shares insight into her characters’ romance, plus a chance to win her an e-book copy of latest release, The Lady and the Mountain Man in Kindle or E-pub format. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing. Deadline: Oct 4th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Misty:
To start, let me to introduce you to Leah and Gideon through an excerpt from their first meeting at Gideon’s ranch in Montana. Before this, they’ve only glimpsed each other in the far away city of St. Louis.
Leah was saved a response by the thump of boots on the porch and the light squeak of the front door. Ol’ Mose shuffled in, followed by a true, honest-to-goodness mountain man. He turned to shut the door, then hung his hat on the wall. Something about him struck her as familiar. His profile showed him to be a bit younger than the mountain men she’d imagined. He had a full beard and wavy brown hair that just covered his neck.
Then he turned toward them, and Leah saw those deep emerald eyes. Her heart leapt.
He was the man from the ferry, when she’d first arrived in St. Louis.
Butterflies flipped in her stomach as Leah looked again into his green gaze. Those eyes were an even deeper shade than Miriam’s, and the long green work shirt he wore accented them perfectly.
He was taller than she remembered. Next to Ol’ Mose, he looked like a giant. But he didn’t carry himself hunched over like most tall men she’d seen. He stood straight and confident in his own masculine skin.
There she was.
Was this a vision? Or was the woman from St. Louis actually sitting at his kitchen table? If he hadn’t lost his marbles, then how did she get here?
She sat poised and elegant, with a little hat perched on her head that would do absolutely nothin’ to protect her from the sun. Just like she’d come out of a New York City parlor room. And she was looking at him as if he had two heads and three arms.
1. How soon after meeting the hero did the heroine know he was the one?
It’s hard to know for sure, but probably from the moment Leah first saw Gideon after he’d shaved the “mountain man beard.”
2. How soon after meeting the heroine did the hero know she was the one?
I think Gideon had an inkling as early on as when he was patching her broken leg. But men can be such stubborn creatures! Why does it sometimes have to take losing someone to come to terms with how special they are?
3. Who is most romantic, your hero or your heroine?
Interestingly enough, I’d have to say Gideon is the more romantic of the two. Despite his silent façade, he’s an incredibly caring person. When he finally allows himself to love, he loves deeply and it shows in every action.
4. What is the most caring thing your hero has ever done for your heroine?
When Leah was going out of her mind from lying in bed all day with the broken leg, he made her a set of crutches. She hadn’t even asked for them! And he put such care into the craftsmanship…
5. What is the most caring thing your heroine has ever done for your hero?
In the days right after Gideon’s bear attack, she rode out in the deep snow to feed and care for the cattle and horses, including hacking through the thick ice in the creek. The hard-headed man would have done it himself if she’d let him—even with broken ribs and deep claw marks across his face and mid-section.
6. Who said, “I love you” first, your hero or your heroine?
Gideon, when he finally got around to proposing marriage. I believe it was something along the lines of:
He stepped forward and reached up to cradle her cheek. His touch was warm and inviting.
“I’m sorry, Leah. I’m not very good at this.”
Her chest hammered. Her breath still wouldn’t come. “Good at what?”
“At saying what’s in my heart. At telling you how much I love you.”
7. If your hero and heroine end up married, where will they go on their honeymoon?
Hmmm… It would give away the end of the book if I answer this question completely, but let’s just say it’s not so important how far you go, only who you’re with that makes it special.
About Misty: Misty Beller was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and two daughters now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.
God has placed a desire in Misty’s heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.
Writing is a dream come true for Misty. Her family—both immediate and extended—is the foundation that holds her secure in that dream. Learn more or connect:
About the book – The Lady and the Mountain Man: Leah Townsend, a recently orphaned heiress, flees Richmond after discovering her fiancé’s plot to kill her after their wedding. She needs a safe place to hide, and finds herself accepting a newspaper marriage proposal from a God-fearing young rancher in the Montana Territory. But when Leah arrives at the mountain ranch, she learns her intended husband was killed by a grizzly, leaving behind a bitter older brother and a spunky younger sister.
When Gideon Bryant finds a city girl standing in his log cabin, his first thought is to send her back where she came from. He’s lost too many people to the wild elements of these mountains––his parents, his wife, and now his brother. His love for this untamed land lives on, but he’s determined not to open his heart to another person.
But when an accident forces Leah to stay at the ranch for seven more months, can Gideon protect his heart from a love he doesn’t want? Has Leah really escaped the men who seek her life?
Purchase links:
Question: Have you or anyone you know ever broken a bone?
Come back Sept 29th for Ada Brownell!
I never have broken a bone.
I have had a broken leg when I was 3 and a broken ankle when I was 35
I have had a broken wrist as a child and a broken ankle as a newlywed when my hubby and I were riding bicycles and he rode too close to kiss me. We collided and the rest is history!
I broke 2 bones in childhood…thanks for the chance to read this novel 🙂
I have broken one bone – and it hurt so I hope it doesn’t happen again! =)
I broke my pinky toe on the door facing. It hurt like the dickens and ached for a solid year. But, my pinky toes have always been crooked. The one I broke is straight now and doesn’t give me any trouble. Most shoes rub on my unbroken, crooked pinky toe. I’ve considered breaking it too to fix it, but I’m not quite brave enough.
I have a winner! Eliza won the drawing. I appreciate Misty for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.