Shannon here: Romantic suspense author, Nike Chillemi shares a romantic destination she and her husband frequent. Comment on any post dated August 8 – 10 for a chance to win an e-book download of her book, Burning Hearts. Deadline: August 17, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Nike:
Romantic Seaside Getaways
In the 1920s and 30s the South Shore of Long Island was the vacationland of society’s A-List. Southampton still is, although east of the Hamptons the shoreline is dotted with family vacations spots. Be that as it may, only a short drive from our home in New York City, on the South Shore is where on numerous occasions my husband Joseph and I fell in love all over again.
Just south of the location of my debut novel’s fictitious village of Sanctuary Point lays Long Beach. It’s a wonderful place for husbands and wives to “date” when they can find the time. With the crush of family responsibilities that is increasingly difficult. However, during the course of our twenty-five year marriage, Joseph and I have driven out to that small city’s beach a few times to body surf. We’re kind of beach bums, so with sand still clinging to our hair, we’d find an ocean-side restaurant and have a seafood dinner before heading home. There’s an old fashioned Edy’s Ice Cream stand in Long Beach that gives you the biggest hand scooped cones you can imagine. Almost every time we’ve gone there to swim in the ocean, Joseph and I have ended the day with ice cream.
Every Friday after work during the summer months, hordes of New Yorkers trek with their house buddies to summer homes on Fire Island. Joseph and I have never taken a share in a house on Fire Island, but we did spend a weekend in a hotel on the mainland near the ferry. Then we took the short voyage to the island for the evening. No cars are allowed on the island and it’s quite walkable. We strolled through the quaint streets until tantalizing aromas drew us into a seaside restaurant where we had a scrumptious meal. After that, we walked hand-in-hand back toward the docks and stopped outside a few cafes where loud classic rock bands played. Finally, after midnight we took the last ferry back.
Seven years ago we adopted out daughter Delayne. She was six years old at the time. Since then all our vacations have been family oriented. However, before that, Joseph and I took two romantic vacays in Montauk. And it’s true what they say about Montauk. It’s the end…on the eastern most tip of Long Island. It has the charisma of vacation spots at the end of the road. Montauk is a destination we fell in love with, and a place where we certainly fell in love all over again. Twice.
The first time we saved our pennies and stayed in a tiny room at one of the least expensive motels on the beach. Joseph found the Montauk Bake Shop that summer and ran out every morning bringing back two cups of their signature ground coffee for us and two donuts to die for. He fell in love with their jelly croissants. By day, we brought sandwiches to the beach and looked for charming, but inexpensive places to go for dinner. The second time, some years later, we stayed at the legendary Montauk Manor, once the place where rich robber barons vacationed for the entire summer season. They docked their yachts in the harbor and came ashore with their maids, butlers, and nannies. Today the Montauk Manor is divided into individually owned apartments, which are rented to vacationers when not in use by owners. It wouldn’t be unusual for a rented apartment to come with its own lobster pot. Joseph still ran out every morning to the bakeshop and brought us back donuts and coffee. It became our ritual to sit every evening with an iced drink ensconced in lush overstuffed chairs in the manor’s great hall, with its Moorish arches. I’d read a Christian fiction suspense novel and Joseph would read Sports Illustrated. A great way to wind down after a day of salt-sea air and sun.
While the rest of the Hamptons may be littered with celebrities rushing down its main streets in haphazardly thrown together designer-wear, as they flock to a local trendy café, or the latest must take yoga class — Montauk is more laid back. You’ll find a pickup truck driven by a local farmer at a light with the aging ponytailed driver of a BMW convertible right behind it. Every summer, Montauk is inundated with young college kids from Ireland who will most likely be your servers in any of the fantastic restaurants in the village.
I love the seaside. The smell of salt rejuvenates me. Of all the oceans in the world, I’m partial to the Atlantic and emotionally attached to its lore and traditions. I find gazing out at the vast expanse of sea inspiring and it’s a wonderful place for me to connect with God. Looking out over the magnificence of the ocean, I often wonder how anyone can possibly deny the Creator. Moreover, it seems all of my stories are in some way connected to the Atlantic Ocean. My historical romantic suspense breakout novel, BURNING HEARTS is set in 1946 on the Great South Bay of Long Island, which, of course, flows into the Atlantic.
To find out more about my Sanctuary Point series and my debut novel BURNING HEARTS, readers can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads where I use the name Nike Chillemi. The second book in the series, GOODBYE NOEL will be out in December and is a Christmas themed historical romantic suspense, also set on the Great South Bay.
Learn more about Nike at her blog:
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Come back August 12th for Romantic mystery author, Joanne Troppello.
Desert Breeze.
I also love walking on the beach and in seaside towns with my husband. The beach is a great place to dream!
I would love to put a chance in to win Nike’s book. My problem is that the text is too light and too small for me to read. I’m sorry, I’m not complaining – just telling you that I have a problem reading on Shannon’s site. Thank you for this giveaway and the chance to win Nike’s book. At least I hope that is the plan. I hope I win!
Kim, Ah, a fellow seaside lover. Isn’t the smell of salt in the air great?
Barbara, I hope you win the book. I usually let a friend or two select which comment they like the best.
I will get in touch with the winner on Aug 18th.
Nike, I adore your description of Long Island, particularly Montauk Point. My mom and dad used to go there–over 40 years ago now–and take fishing excursions. I may never get there myself, but through your words, I feel like I just did. Thanks for that. I think my mom would really enjoy your series.
I have a winner. Barbara Shelton won the drawing for an e-book copy of Burning Hearts. I appreciate Nike for being here and everyone who stopped by. And I’ve taken steps to make the print on the blog larger and darker for easier reading. Thanks for the insight, Barbara.