Shannon here: Inspirational author, Nikki Studebaker Barcus shares part two of her real life romance. Comment by Sept 25, 8:00 PM Central for a chance to win a copy of White Roses. After deadline, I’ll post the winner’s name int he comments. Contact me to claim your prize. Here’s Nikki:
Funny Story on the Way to Romance: Is He Trying to Tell Us Something?
We often included our friends in our dates. A singles group canoeing trip presented a great opportunity for us to spend the day together and with some friends. David’s friend Phil joined us.
We met at the launch site and divided up. Unfortunately, Phil lived in a different city and didn’t know anyone other than David. David invited him to team up with us. David would sit in the back, I’d sit in the middle, and Phil in the front of the boat.
The day started out overcast with temperatures only in the 50’s; despite the July date on the calendar. A constant drizzle added to the miserable weather. It soon became obvious that Phil sought one goal for the day—to dump us all in the river. He leaned to the left and David and I pitched to the right, trying to keep the canoe upright on the water. Phil pretended to slide on his aluminum seat, throwing us to the right. David and I both compensated, leaning quickly to the left. While we should have been elated at our teamwork in this situation, that realization dampened due to the fact that every time David pitched against Phil’s attempt to drown us, he whacked me in the head with his oar.
We spent the next five hours doing a dip, dodge, duck routine that remarkably kept us all dry and me with no concussion. You’d think we would learn our lesson with Phil. Maybe he just didn’t approve and didn’t know any other way to tell David.
Two days before our wedding, David and a group of friends got together for a night of basketball, pizza, and generally celebrating his last hurrah as a single guy. Phil showed up and thirty minutes into the game, came down on his ankle, breaking it. The bachelor party bunch spent the rest of the evening in the Emergency Room.
The next morning, the day of the rehearsal, we planned to finish up some last minute errands. However, by ten o’clock, Phil still camped out on David’s couch. When David attempted to start Phil’s car, he discovered the block frozen solid, with no antifreeze, no dipstick, and no radiator cap. He spent the rest of the day pouring warm water in the top and letting it melt out the bottom. He nearly missed his own wedding rehearsal.
Come back Sept 24 for the final installment of Nikki’s real life Romance.
I can’t wait to read what happens next! Great storytelling!
I love this! This is real life and I wish more authors would write like this in their books. It’s great!
I’d love to win books. And i love this one.