Shannon here: Penny Zeller shares insight into her real life romance, her characters’ romance, plus an excerpt from her latest Historical Romance, Forgotten Memories. Comment or answer the question in the post to enter the drawing for a copy (U.S.only). Deadline: Oct 1st, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Penny:
Below is a fun interview with questions answered by my husband, me, and Annie and Caleb from my latest Christian historical romance novel, Forgotten Memories.
- What is your idea of a perfect dream date?
Lon: Picnicking in the mountains
Penny: A romantic stroll in the mountains or on a beach, followed by a cozy evening at home
Annie: Attending the Willow Falls Annual Ice Cream Social
Caleb: Ice skating
- What is your favorite dessert?
Lon: Anything with coconut
Penny: Hot tamales or my daughter’s homemade pumpkin muffins
Annie: Ice cream
Caleb: Ma’s cake
- What is your favorite pastime?
Lon: Spending time in the mountains
Penny: Anything outdoorsy or reading inside by the fire
Annie: Reading
Caleb: Fishing
- Do you consider yourself an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
Lon: Introvert, but my family thinks I’m an ambivert
Penny: Extrovert (never met a stranger)
Annie: Ambivert
Caleb: Extrovert
- Do you like ice skating?
Lon: No
Penny: I think I would if I practiced it with football padding on a regular basis and became proficient at it.
Annie: Yes. I’d never tried it before that winter day in Willow Falls.
Caleb: Yes.
- What is your dream profession?
Lon: Pilot
Penny: Author
Annie: Teacher
Caleb: Rancher
- At a social gathering, do you hide in the corner, make friends with everyone, hang out at the dessert table, or observe from the sidelines and chat with a few people?
Lon: Hang out at the dessert table
Penny: Make friends with everyone
Annie: Observe
Caleb: Hang out at the dessert table
Excerpt from Forgotten Memories by Penny Zeller:
Caleb and Annie meandered toward the pond, skates in hand. A slight breeze rippled through the otherwise comfortable winter day. Harsh temperatures would arrive within the next several weeks, restricting most outdoor activities, and he aimed to take advantage of the weather and spend as much time with Annie as possible.
Charlotte and John Mark threw snowballs and chased each other around the nearby trees while Caleb aided Annie in fitting Ma’s adjustable wooden skates over her own shoes. He then fitted Pa’s skates over his boots.
Annie stood, teetering precariously on the thin metal blades. “Goodness, I’m unsure I’ll be able to maintain my balance walking, much less skating.”
He extended his arm. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall. And before long, you’ll be gliding across the ice.”
She giggled at his statement and gripped his arm tightly as if her life depended on it. She tilted her head back, her radiant expression entrancing him. The tip of her nose was bright red from the cold air and he leaned forward to plant a kiss on it. She closed her eyes, and his breath hitched.
A gander around the area confirmed Charlotte and John Mark were preoccupied with who could hit the other with the most snowballs.
Caleb pulled her to him and embraced her, his mouth meeting hers. He hoped she could sense the love and adoration in his heart for her.
Question for Readers: What was your most memorable date?
About Penny: Penny Zeller is known for her heartfelt stories of faith and her passion to impact lives for Christ through fiction. While she has had a love for writing since childhood, she began her adult writing career penning articles for national and regional publications on a wide variety of topics. Today, Penny is the author of over a dozen books. She is also a homeschool mom and a fitness instructor.
When Penny is not dreaming up new characters, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters, camping, hiking, canoeing, reading, running, cycling, gardening, and playing volleyball.
She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and loves to hear from her readers at Penny’s Website and Penny’s Blog, where you’ll find random thoughts from a day in the life of a wife, mom, and author. Learn more & connect:
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Forgotten Memories – Amazon Forgotten Memories – barnesandnoble Penny’s books
Come back Sept 23rd for Regina Merrick!
Hello Shannon! Thank you so much for having me as your guest on your blog. Have a wonderful rest of your week!
Penny Zeller
This looks so interesting! I can’t wait to read!
Thank you, S.! I appreciate your kind words and the sweet gesture of your date buying you books. Sounds like he’s a keeper!
My most most memorable date was when my date surprised me by taking me to my favorite bookstore and buying whatever books I wanted. It was so romantic.
My most memorable date was my first date with my hubby. We met up at a Carabbas Italian Restaurant for dinner. He greeted me with a bouquet of flowers. Afterwards, we went to hang out at my brother’s apartment with some of my family and I served homemade oreo cheesecake I made for dessert. He had told me during one of our conversations that cheesecake was his favorite dessert.
I love this story, Cherie! And a bouquet of flowers? You found yourself a romantic!
dinner at nice restaurant
Thank you for stopping by.
when my daughter did me a suprise party for my 50th birthday
Awww, that is so sweet, Sheila. Sounds like you have a wonderful daughter!
I have a winner! S. Hamilton won the drawing. I appreciate Penny for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.