Every once in a while, I try to come up with a new feature for my blog, so it doesn’t get boring. I thought maybe readers would like to see where writers create all that romance that goes into their books. So, I’ll go first: tour my office and get a chance to win a copy of Arkansas Weddings. This is a 3 in 1 that includes White Roses, White Doves, and White Pearls all in one volume. If you’ve never won any of my White titles, you’re eligible for the drawing. If you own any of those titles and want to comment anyway–if you win the drawing, I’ll send you a copy of Rodeo Hero. Deadline: Sept 28th, 11:59 pm central time.
Over the years, my office has moved around a bit. I started with an old wooden desk we bought at a yard sale. It wasn’t pretty, but it was huge. It was in the front corner of our living room with my white wicker furniture. That picture below is one of my favorites. I was writing my very first book back in 1999. I didn’t even know my husband had taken the picture until I got our film developed. Yep, back then, you had to get film developed. Another reason it’s my favorite is because that first book I wrote so long ago releases in November. Back then, it got fifty-two rejections. It’s completely rewritten now that I half-way know what I’m doing.
After my husband answered the call to preach, we converted our den into a joint office for both of us. We painted the walls a dark sage green. He had lots of ships and I had seashells. I put up palm tree border to try to make our styles blend. I didn’t like it. It was too dark for me, but I did enjoy sharing an office with him creating sermons at his desk and me creating fictional characters at mine. By this time I had bought two dark wood desks and arranged them in an L-shape.
When my husband became a full time pastor, he started doing most of his sermons at the church. He didn’t really need a home office as much as he needed a place he could talk privately with church members seeking his counsel. So, we redid our joint office with all the dark manly things he likes. He calls it a den again—I call it a man cave.
And I moved back into the front corner of our living room. He got me a new white desk for Christmas to go with my wicker. I painted my corner in one of my favorite pastel colors – seafoam, put up seashell border, and cluttered it with gifts, family pictures, and books that inspire me. Since I love to sew home decor, I made my curtains and recovered my wicker to match in peach stripes and seafoam stripes. I really love my new office and don’t plan on moving again.
I’ve been feeling crafty since I finished my last deadline and decided to get my husband to help me make a sign for my office. I searched the internet for something to put on my sign. I found, Will Work for Peanuts. Since everyone thinks writers make lots of money, but we don’t unless we hit the best-seller list several times, I did my own take on the old saying. Since I have seashells all over my office, I decided I write for seashells. I also saw a nifty picture at a flea market using seashells, burlap, and small roping and decided I could make it. My husband cut the pieces of wood for me and I went to work. The sign is above the window behind my desk and I made two shell pictures to go with it.
A few things in my office that inspire me:
A blue sequin hat just like the one my heroine wears in my November release, Rodeo Queen.
A cotton boll. My parents picked cotton when they were growing up. I’m thankful I didn’t.
The ballerina that came off my ninth birthday cake.
A Noah’s Ark music box statue that was in my son’s nursery.
A picture of a seashore my mom got me before I was published. It says:
When you find a dream
inside your heart
don’t ever let it go. . .
for dreams
are the tiny seeds
from which tomorrows grow. . .
I read that poem a lot during the years I was getting rejections. Now it’s a reminder that I achieved my dream.
About Shannon: Central Arkansas author, Shannon Taylor Vannatter is a stay-at-home mom/pastor’s wife/writer. Her seven published titles are with Heartsong Presents with two more titles in the future.
Her awards include Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award, #3 Favorite New Heartsong Author, and #1 Favorite New Heartsong Title.
Vannatter’s titles: White Roses, White Doves, White Pearls, Rodeo Dust, Rodeo Hero, Rodeo Ashes, and Rodeo Regrets are available through the Heartsong book club, amazon.com, harlequin.com, barbour.com, christianbook.com, and barnesandnoble.com. Arkansas Weddings, her latest title is a 3 in 1 volume including all three White titles and is available wherever books are sold.
About the book – Arkansas Weddings:
Love’s never easy in three Arkansas romances.
Pastor Grayson loves his wife. The problem is, Sara was killed by a hit-and-run driver two years ago. He knows he needs to move on, but it’s not until florist Adrea Welch arrives at his church that the seeds of healing are planted in his heart.
Laken left home eight years ago and never looked back. Who knew when she applied for the promotion to postmaster that she’d end up in Romance, Arkansas, and much too close to her past—and Hayden Winters?
Shell doesn’t have a good reputation. But no matter what everyone in Rose Bud, Arkansas, thinks of her, she’s back in town with a job to do. Ryler also has reasons for being in Rose Bud, and they don’t include Shell.
But God’s love can soften the hardest heart and overcome the darkest past. These hearts may not know it, but they’re about to change.
To purchase Arkansas Weddings logon to:
BARNES & NOBLE: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/arkansas-weddings-shannon-vannatter/1114081989?ean=9781624162121
Come back September 18th for a glimpse of how I helped hubby create his man cave!
I love reading about the evolution of your writing space, and how creative you’ve been! Thanks for the chance to win your books, I haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of them yet.
Hey Connie, I was hoping readers wouldn’t be bored. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
I loved seeing the changes in your writing space over time. I haven’t read your books before, love the chance to win.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. If my office looked like yours I would never want to leave the room.
Hey Kim,
It’s definitely me now. I love white and pastels.
Hey Janet,
I don’t leave very often during the day. I’m thinking about making another sign – Daydreaming at the Computer is My Job. It would have to be a long sign though.
Love the tour of your office. It’s so you. 🙂
I have not read any of your books yet, but loved reading about your “becoming”. I love to walk balmy beaches & collect shells….feel the soft/hot breeze, hear the gulls, and listen to the free flowing waves calling me…… Alas….I live in Central MN where the only waves are white caps on nearby lakes, but I cherish the ocean visits I have had. Love the sign!
It is so me. I’m wanting to redo the whole house in pastels and white. My husband likes rustic and would like to redo the house in that style. So we compromise by having our own rooms decorated the way we want.
I’m definitely landlocked. We live 10 minutes from a lake, but we never go. It’s always crowded because it’s a tourist attraction and I like being able to see through the water I swim in. I’m a swimming pool/chlorine kind of gal.
I made it to the beach once about thirteen years ago. To Galveston and my sis in law swore it wasn’t a very good beach because the water isn’t blue. But I love every minute of it even though I only waded because I couldn’t see through the water.
I have tons of shells people have given me or that I’ve bought, but the ones I picked up have their own special container and I don’t get them mixed up with my others. One of these days I’m going to make it back.
would be happy happy happy to win.
Have not read these books. Would love to win. Need some good reading material. You should get an award for just being a Pastor’s wife. My dad is now retired from being a pastor and is in a nursing home. When my mom died a little over two years ago they had been married 62 years. My sister is following in my dad’s footsteps as a pastor. I have been a preacher’s kid(PK)for most of my life. Have a God blessed day.
Duck Dynasty fan? We don’t get the channel. But somebody finally told me where that saying came from.
Bonnie, you obviously speak from experience. It’s a rewarding and very trying calling all rolled into one. I just try to be my husband’s #1 fan and cheerleader.
I really liked the sign will work for seashells! I also like the keeping special items in your office!
Thanks Angie. I had fun making that sign. I wanted to automatically be inspired in my office. All my special things do the trick.
Love the color scheme & white wicker furniture, Shannon, & would love to read your books!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I love your office. Seems so bright and airy. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the giveaway.
Hey Bonnie,
I’m probably the only person in the world who still uses wallpaper border. But I just love it.
Thanks1 Bright and airy. That’s exactly what I was going for.
Hi Shannon. I enjoyed how the two of you redone the pastors office and you corner office. I liked them both. The curtains and wall decorations are neat. My daddy and older siblings picked cotton every year for awhile. Mom used to go out to the field when they were nearby and take lunch. They ate Pork and Beans from a can. I would go with her and it looked fun to me. She decided to let me try and I picked cotton one day. It was NOT fun. Ha!
The only thing I still have from my childhood is a Medic Emblem fro my brother when he was serving in WW ll. He was a Medic soldier and brought it to me on a furlough. Mother made me a pretty white dress and put that in the center of my chest. When I outgrew that dress she took it off for me. Shannon, I haven’t read any of the White series. I would love to win.
MAXIE mac262(at)me(dot)com
Hey Maxie,
I’ve never even seen cotton picked, but it sure doesn’t sound fun. I read The Painted House and it gave a new perspective on how hard my parents worked. The only thing I ever picked was strawberries, okra, and peaches. All three were horrible, but the okra and peaches were the worst. So itchy. I dug potatoes a few times too. That was no fun either.
I’m so glad you have your brother’s Medic Emblem. That’s very special.