Shannon here: Contemporary Romance author, Stacy Monson shares her real life romance plus a chance to win a copy of her debut novel, Shattered Image. Comment or answer the question at the end of any post dated May 20 – 22 to enter the drawing for choice of print or digital for US, digital for international. Deadline: May 30th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Stacy:
My husband, Mike, and I have been married 33 years on May 28. We’ve been together nearly 35. That’s a long time for people who are only in their 40’s. (just kidding!!) But what makes our story a bit different is that when we started dating in 1980, it wasn’t our first meet. I’d known him and his family since I was 12. He’d known me longer much longer.
We both grew up in Golden Valley, Minnesota, about a mile or so apart. We went to the same elementary school, although he’s 4 years older so it was only for a year or so. Obviously, as a 2nd grader, I didn’t hang out with the 6th graders! As a member of the school patrol, he remembers holding the flag as my siblings and I crossed the street. Although my memory isn’t as good (I don’t remember the cute patrolman who made a safe way for me to get to school) he has reminded me of it often enough it seems like I do!
He was in the same grade as my older sister, and I was in the same grade as his younger brother. In junior high, his brother and I became good friends and I started hanging out at the Monson home. The little I remember of Mike was his voice coming from the direction of the bathroom – which was tiled completely in mirrors. I thought he had to be quite full of himself to spend so much time in front of all those mirrors. Turns out he was talking to us from his bedroom, not the bathroom!
After I graduated from college, I was working as a temporary receptionist at the company where Mike’s roommate worked. Mike had graduated from the U of M and was working as a physical education teacher. His friend mentioned I was working there so Mike decided to stop by to see me (we hadn’t seen each other in quite a few years at that point).
Instead of taking the elevator to the 3rd floor, where his roommate worked, he walked up the stairs to the reception desk on the 2nd floor. It was a “boing” moment for both of us. 🙂 He was cuuute! We chatted for a few minutes before he headed upstairs. A few days later his roommate told him he had to call me (he was matchmaking!). When Mike called, we talked for 2 hours. He said later he’d never talked to anyone for two hours on the phone.
On our first date, I spilled hot chocolate in his Trans Am. I almost had a heart attack but he didn’t care. That summer he let me drive that prized possession, which is when his roommate knew I was “the one.” Mike never let anyone drive his car. (I’m not a car person but I have to admit it was a very cool car!)
We were married 18 months after our first date. Together we’ve raised 2 fabulous kids, four golden retrievers and 2 cats, and now have 2 wonderful inlaw kids, one absolutely amazing granddaughter with another on the way. We’ve removed and put up wallpaper together, bought 2 houses, and made numerous cross-country driving trips – and we’re still married! In fact, it’s because of both those fun and difficult times that we’re at the best point ever in our marriage.
God has been there through the blessing of having children (and raising them to adulthood), the gaining and losing of jobs, and dealing with both of our mothers having Alzheimer’s. As long as we’ve leaned on Him, we’ve not only survived the hard times but grown because of them.
I am grateful every day for this man who encourages and protects me, makes me laugh, and loves me for who I am (issues and all!). What a blessing.
About Stacy: Stacy Monson writes stories that show an extraordinary God at work in ordinary life. Her current release, Shattered Image, is the first book in the Chain of Lakes series. A member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), she is the current secretary and past president of MN-NICE, as well as the area coordinator for Minnesota. Residing in the Twin Cities, she is the wife of a juggling, unicycling physical education teacher, mom to two amazing kids and two wonderful in-law kids, and a very proud grandma. You can learn more about Stacy and her books at
About the book – Shattered Image: Kiera Simmons’ career as a high-profile fashion model ends abruptly when a failed relationship nearly lands her in jail. Now she forges a quiet life helping teens understand their eternal value in a world saturated with the distorted messages of society.
Peter Theisen is on the fast track to everything the celebrity life promises, with every step of his meteoric rise in the music world orchestrated by his ambitious manager.
Their sweet, unexpected romance is threatened by her past and his future, a life-changing diagnosis, and financial devastation. As they struggle to find their way back to each other, and to the One who matters most, the allure of wealth and fame may jeopardize everything.
Purchase Link:
Question: Has anyone ever tried to fix you up with someone?
Come back May 22nd for Stacy’s romantic character interview!
yes I was set up on a blind date and it ended up being a nightmare.
Yes.. A friend at work introduced us.. We married 3 months later & are celebrating 38 years 🙂
I would enjoy reading this book…
dkstevensne AToutlookDotCOm
No one ever tried to set me up with someone, but my parents met on a blind date, were engaged 3 months later, and married 3 months after that! This year they’ll be celebrating their 57th Anniversary. 🙂
Stacy, I loved reading your story about how you met Mike!
(Shannon – don’t enter me. I already have Stacy’s fabulous book!)
Yes, my friend Virginia set me up with a friend of hers. Needless to say, we only went out on one date.
I have had several friends try to set me up but it never worked out. I look forward to reading your book!
Angela, those blind dates can be the worst thing to live through. But they make pretty good stories afterwards!
Sorry for the delayed response, everyone. I managed to get a reply off to Angela before my computer shut down. 🙁 Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you’ll check out Peter and Kiera’s interview today.
Deanna, what a great story! A blind date that has lasted 38 years!! And Brenda – it worked for your parents too? Love it!
Janet, I hope you and Virginia remained friends after that. (I’m thinking she didn’t try to set you up again?)
Lori, I’m with you – a few people tried to set me up but it never went anywhere. But thank goodness or I wouldn’t have gotten together with my hubby!
Hey Stacy, I’m so glad to help celebrate your debut. A friend tried to fix me up with her cousin once. He was perfectly nice, but it just didn’t happen.
The only time near to this was when I was 15 and got to go out with my older sister. Her boyfriend brought a friend and he drove me crazy. he kept wanting to bite my ears. Yuck! I thought she would never decide to go home. I loved her dearly but never went on another date with her. Really, she was 6 years older than me, so not close enough in age to date together, tho later I married a guy she had dated for awhile. would love to win your book.Thanks Shannon for hosting Stacy. Maxie
Maxie Anderson won the drawing. I appreciate Stacy for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.