Shannon here: Historical Romance author, Tara Johnson shares her inspiration for her latest release, Where Dandelions bloom. Comment or answer the question to enter the drawing. The winner can choose between a paperback copy of Engraved on the Heart, Where Dandelions Bloom, or an ebook copy of Where Dandelions Bloom. Deadline: July 6th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Tara:
When Opposites Attract…The Gloves Come On
Opposites attract, or so the saying goes.
Many of us find it maddening that we find ourselves paired with our polar opposite. The risk-takers marry the security-seekers. Introverts date extroverts. Night owls versus morning people. Buyers versus savers. The impulsive versus planners. You get the idea.
The very thing we admire in someone else can also be what makes us want to pull our hair out with the next breath they dare breathe. Psychologists call it “complimentary relationships”. Laymen call it chemistry. When you’re in the middle of a conflict because of it, it feels more like the need to go Carrie Underwood on someone’s truck.
This is one of the many things I enjoyed exploring while writing my newest novel Where Dandelions Bloom. Cassie Kendrick has escaped her abusive father by enlisting as a man at the start of the Civil War. Gabriel Avery is a photographer, sent out to capture images from battle but finds he differs with his new friend Thomas (aka Cassie), on nearly every issue. When he discovers her true identity, his world is shaken. How could a woman possibly take on the role of a man? How can she live with such deception?
Cassie is equally perturbed by his black-and-white view of the world. What about the women who live in abuse, who never have a voice? His optimistic outlook of goodness and beauty wars with her more jaded experience with life.
I admit, writing the scenes where the two of them argue was pretty fun. My stomach clenched at times, but it was humorous and freeing to delve into both viewpoints and watch the push and pull of both frustration and complete attraction.
At one point, Cassie sees a dandelion and is reminded of a childhood memory. As a girl, she would make a crown of the buttery yellow flowers and set them atop her head until her father’s gruff voice would slice the air.
“Cassandra! Don’t you know you’re playing with weeds? Nothing but weeds. You’re no princess and you never will be.”
Gabe’s mother, however, had shown him a dandelion pushing up through concrete and taught him, “Whenever you see dandelions blooming in concrete, hope remains.”
The wounds and scars we carry become the filter by which we see the world.
Perhaps that’s why I’m so fascinated by photography. It always captures truth, but the photographer has a choice where he chooses to focus the lens.
Where Dandelions Bloom is all about forgiveness, truth, and perspective. And perhaps coming to the realization that we all think we’re the hero in our own story. The best way to mend a relationship is to listen and see things from another’s perspective…even if it’s opposite of our own.
Question for Readers: What quality do you find attractive in others? Is the opposite of your own personality type? Do you find it to compliment you, drive you crazy, or both?
About Tara: Tara Johnson is an author and speaker, and loves to write stories that help people break free from the lies they believe about themselves.
Tara’s debut novel Engraved on the Heart (Tyndale) earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly, as well as numerous other accolades. In addition to be published in a variety of digital and print magazines, she has been a featured guest on Voice of Truth radio, Enduring Word radio, television and podcasts. She is a history nerd, especially the Civil War, and adores making people laugh. She, her husband, and children live in Arkansas. Learn more and connect:
Tara’s Website Tara’s Facebook Tara’s Instagram
About the book – Where Dandelions Bloom:
Cassie Kendrick is on the run. Her abusive father arranged her marriage to a despicable man, but she’s discovered an escape. Disguised as a man, Cassie enlists in the Union army, taking the name Thomas Turner. On the battlefields of the Civil War, keeping her identity a secret is only the beginning of her problems, especially after she meets Gabriel Avery, a handsome young photographer.
Anxious to make his mark on the world and to erase the darkness and guilt lurking from his past, Gabriel works with renowned photographer Matthew Brady to capture images from the front lines of the war. As Gabriel forges friendships with many of the men he encounters, he wonders what the courageous, unpredictable Thomas Turner is hiding.
Battling betrayal, their own personal demons, and a country torn apart by war, can Cassie and Gabriel learn to forgive themselves and trust their futures to the God who births hope and healing in the darkest places?
Can’t wait for the drawing or worried you won’t win. Get your copy now!
Where Dandelions Bloom – Amazon
Come back July 2nd for Angela Ruth Strong!
Would love to read a paper copy of Where Dandelions Bloom. Thank you
One of the traits I find attractive in someone is a sense of humour. I’m from a family that teases and jokes a lot so its important to me that my future spouse also shares that sense of humour. Also so excited for Tara’s new book! Loved her last one!
Humor is a big deal for me too! 😁
Humor is a big deal for me too! 😁 I think it’s one of God’s greatest gifts.
My husband tries to keep his alone times to a bare minimum, and misses me so much when I am not sitting next to him. Precious, endearing? Of course! But for the introvert in me, it can be maddening! I grab every minute I get in the quiet house, turn off the noise and just breathe! Would love to win a paperback of Where Dandelions Bloom
I’m the same way, Jenny!
Your book sounds Awesome, and so full of truth! It sounds very empowering, I Love the cover and I love the title. My husband and I get along very good, yes, there are things that i like and he doesn’t like, but we both respect each others views, that is a main thing to have in a marriage. We don’t agree on everything but we always come to an agreement, we each like different things and that is normal. Thank you for sharing this and I would love to have your book i will be adding it to my TBR list. God Bless you.
Hey, Tara and Shannon, my husband loves for me to be right there with him, even if no conversation or interaction takes place. I like lots of alone and quiet time. Most of all, I love that husband loves the Lord and believes in the power of prayer. We tease and joke around a lot, too. I can’t wait to read Where Dandelions Bloom.
Thanks, Alicia!
Hey Tara, glad you’re here. My husband and I are opposites. He’s an extrovert, I’m in introvert. He’s an early bird, I’m a night owl. He’s self-sufficient, I’m dependent.
It drives me nuts at times – especially when I get to sleep in and then when I get up and get ready, I want to go somewhere. I walk into the living room and he’s napping because he got up so stinking early.
But he’s all the things I wish I was especially the independent part. And we get along great.
Shannon, we are twins from different mothers! And our husbands are, too! That’s exactly me–introverted, night owl, dependent. My husband is a go-getter and gets lots of things done. I’m a perfectionist and procrastinator, so I don’t get much done. We’ve been married for 51 years, though, so I guess it works!
Yes, Winnie! I’m a procrastinator and it drives him crazy. We’re at the 35 year mark and we dated 4 years before that. Only because I was only 14 when we met though.
The same is true for me and my hubby. Opposite ends of the spectrum. Lol!
I find Kindness/compassion,respect,decent loving and love God !
Quality I find endearing in others is humbleness. Being willing to not boast in their accomplishments unless asked . You can tell if a person is faking it.
I’ve been looking forward to reading this book.
That’s super attractive for sure!
That’s a super attractive quality!
My husband is very outgoing and I am shy around people I don’t know. I am glad that he can take charge when we meet people! We get along great that way. Love to read this book!
A sense of humor is important to me. I take life too seriously so if someone can make me laugh, or bring joy into my day I am drawn to that.
I enjoy people with a great sense of humor. I tend to be a little pessimistic, so it’s nice to have those around who can see the humor in things.
I would love a copy of this book!
I see the opposites attract idea everyday in my own marriage. Somethings just don’t show up before marriage and we have to learn to work with and understand each other!
This sounds like a page turner until you finish book.
This book sounds very interesting! I guess I like all types. I’m an introvert, but I love to be around extroverts. It seems so easy for them to make conversation which helps me relax because I’m not obligated to talk too much. 🙂
I’m usually attracted to someone who is disciplined or skilled in an area than I’m not or would like to be. Sometimes this drives me crazy, because it challenges me to grow, but at the same time, I have to fight feelings of inadequacy. Such an interesting post! Thank you ladies!
I used to be very extroverted, but as I get older, I find I am becoming more introverted. I like my ‘quiet/alone’ time. The qualities I appreciate in others are: a sense of humor; a good listener; winsome; genuine; thoughtful. My husband and I have similar personalities (which is good, but can also drive us both crazy), but enough differences that we compliment each other.
Where Dandelions Bloom sounds so good! Thank you for the chance to win a copy!!
What quality do you find attractive in others? I find patience to be attractive in others. I think this is something I struggle with as I like to control things. I think it is good to be around someone who isn’t just like you. It gives me better perspective.
I can’t wait to read this story!
I like someone who is loyal, honest, a good listener, introverted with a sense of humor. I can relate to this type of person more.
I have a winner! Natalie Monk won the drawing. I appreciate Tara for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.