Nonfiction author, Zeke Lam shares a glimpse of his real life romance. I’m celebrating the release of Rodeo Dust in e-book format, so every time, you comment, your name goes in the drawing for a paperback copy. Deadline: March 9th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Zeke:
The Message in the Mirror
My wife and I are as happy as humanly possible about the privilege of being parents. Just five months ago, our third child arrived. She is such a tremendous blessing and her two big brothers (4, 2) absolutely adore her. Despite the love and gratitude we contain for having them in our lives, the energy level in our house has reached an entire new level.
From sun up to sun down there is noise! Did you realize that food can fly? Did you know that plastic toys can actually break glass? And how many times a month can a man possibly vacuum a car. The carpet cannot take much more!
I love it and would not change a thing, but the reality is, we have to make critical adjustments in order to ensure time together. If we are not intentional and determined, my wife and I may never get to talk together in a given day. This is not meant to sound like parenting is an unfortunate responsibility. Couples have to exercise wisdom and adjust their lives accordingly.
With all this being said, I am falling short in terms of romance. My wife on the other hand is putting me to shame.
In light of busy schedules, it is difficult in a given day to tell the other person what they mean to you. Complementing and speaking positive words over your husband or wife is a powerful act of love. Needless to say, we both began to fall short in this category. My wife, being the beautiful and mighty woman of God she is fought back.
On February 1st of this year I woke up early to get ready for the day’s tasks. While brushing my teeth, I looked up to see written on the mirror “I love you b/c…….”. My heart just lit up and a smile instantly appeared. Nothing could have charged and encouraged me the way those words did. February 2nd there was another. February 3rd there was another, and it continues on today. Each morning, my wife places a message on that mirror that is straight from her heart. It lifts me for the day in a way that is indescribable.
Just two days ago, she wrote “I love you b/c you dream big”. I can honestly say that reading that made me feel like I could do anything. She encourages me in my relationship with Jesus and my relationship with her as she pens these romantic sentences. I only have two concerns as it relates to this. 1) Will she do these every morning for the rest of my life? I love them that much! 2) How in the world can I compete with this? I need to regain the romantic lead. Help! Suggestions will not only be considered but greatly appreciated!
Thank you to my beautiful wife. When I look in that mirror, I no longer see a morning face and multiple tooth paste speckles. I see a message of life and love that blesses and sets the stage for my day.
About Zeke: ZEKE LAM is the founder of SUBMISSION Ministries—a ministry devoted to seeing lost souls encounter God and live lives fully surrendered to the risen Christ. A graduate of Liberty University, Zeke’s deep passion for following Christ’s will has led him through many years of youth ministry and itinerant evangelism. Both of these experiences have enriched and fueled his desire to hand others the keys to a Christ-centered life. Zeke resides in Virginia with his beautiful wife, Kathleen, and a growing family of future world-changers. Learn more:
About Zeke’s book: What is the greatest challenge that the Church is facing today? Zeke Lam suggests that one word is the greatest challenge: submission, or the lack thereof. It is not external forces that nullify the testimony of a Christ-centered believer, but rather the failure to humbly submit to the voice of the Lord. This book will help you to live a surrendered life abiding in Christ.
Ø Is the approval of God more important to you than the approval of man?
Ø Is the presence of God evident in your life?
Ø Do you fiercely protect your intimacy with Christ?
Ø Do you desire to live a life of truth, free from the lies of the devil?
Ø Is God’s divine character visible to those around you?
Learn how to submit your life wholeheartedly to the Lord so that you can dwell continually in the secret place—a place of intimacy, surrender and joy.
Prepare to be stirred by this authentic calling to return to Scriptural obedience. —Pastor Gabe Turner, The Point Church of Charlottesville, Virginia
In my opinion Zeke has laid his finger on the defining message for our time. This message is essential for believers everywhere… —Eric Stephens, Pastor of Life Changing Ministries and Fellowship in Sugarland, Texas
Come back Feb 29th for Romantic Suspense author, Fay Lamb.
Loved this story. That’s a way to wake up and start the day off right!
Thank you Sue. It is a joy to wake up and instantly feel encouraged.
Thank you Shannon for giving me the opportunity to appear on your blog. I appreciate it very much.
I enjoyed having you Zeke. For an idea on how to pick up the romance on your side–how about slipping her notes in her purse, refrigerator, or makeup drawer, where ever she’ll be sure to find them. My husband used to go to work really early, before our son got up. He’d leave a not on the door, like “I’m proud of you” or something every morning.
I have a winner:
Sue Laitinen won the copy of Rodeo Dust! I appreciate Zeke and Fay for being here and everyone who stopped by.