Shannon here: Martha Rogers shares how she met her husband and how her characters meet in her latest Contemporary Romance, A Prince Came Calling. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing for an end of the post to enter the drawing for an e-book or a print copy of a Christmas at Stoney Creek. Deadline: Oct 27th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Martha:
In the stories we write, our hero and heroine meet in so many different ways. Some have known each other since childhood, and some have a history with each other in some way. In real life, situations arise that may be all but unbelievable in fiction. When I read stories where the hero and heroine know each other for a few months and are in love and get married, I get a warm, soft feeling because it’s like what happened to me and my husband, Rex.
The last Friday night in February in 1959, Charlene, a friend, and I decided to visit another church just to see what it had to offer. At that service, the minister announced a social event the next Friday night for career singles as well as a Bible study on Thursday night at someone’s home. Charlene and I decided to attend both.
At the Bible study, we went around and introduced ourselves before it began. I remember a young man saying his name and thinking how good-looking he was, but I didn’t talk to him or actually meet him.
The next night, Charlene and I attended the social at the church. There we played a get acquainted game where we had to find people who fit a description for statements on our papers and have him or her sign the square. The first one to get all the squares signed won a prize. Being the competitive person I am, I jumped right in. With over thirty people in the room, it should be easy to get all the questions answered.
One of the instructions asked us to find the most handsome man in the room and have him sign my paper. When I looked around, I discovered the girls were all clustered around this one guy, Rex Rogers. He was grinning and signing papers right and left. He saw me and winked. What an egotist! I immediately dismissed him from my thoughts and sought another guy and had him sign. All but a few of us had Rex’s signature on their papers.
From there we went to a roller rink for a skating party. I did skate with him once, and he asked if he could take me home. I told him maybe, but I’d let him know. No way was I going to let that conceited guy take me home, so I left with my friend without speaking to him again. I don’t know how he managed to get my phone number, but he did. He called me and asked me to go the movies with him. With my roommates urging me to go in the background, I finally said I would.
Six months later we were married. It would have been sooner, but he had to finish his tour of duty with the Army. Here is a picture of us at our wedding.
In A Prince Came Calling, my hero and heroine meet backstage at a theater where she is performing the role of Maria in Sound of Music for a Christian theater. His grandmother has arranged for the meeting because she sees Brianna as the perfect match for her grandson Damien. Brianna had already agreed to help entertain Mrs. Penland’s grandson when he came to town, but when she realizes the grandson is an adult and not a child, she is conflicted. However, a promise was a promise.
Excerpt of their meeting from A Prince Came Calling by Martha Rogers:
Roger Thornton’s voice came from the other side. “I have Mrs. Penland here. She wishes to speak with you.”
Of course, she’d see Mrs. Penland. Brie pulled the door open wide. Mrs. Penland stood there, but the man next to her grabbed Brie’s attention. Her breath whooshed from her lungs as the most handsome man she’d ever seen grinned and gave a slight bow.
“Wonderful performance, Miss Newcomb, you were amazing.”
Brie’s knees became limp. She held on to the door to keep from collapsing.
“May we come in, my dear?” Mrs. Penland’s eyes twinkled as she smiled up at Brie.
“Oh, I’m sorry, come right in.” She gathered her senses to step aside and allow Mrs. Penland and the man to enter.
“Brie, this is my grandson, Damien Penland who is visiting me the next two months.” She turned to him. “And Damien, this is Brianna Newcomb.”
He smiled and extended his hand. “I’m so pleased to meet the beautiful star of the show.”
Brie’s heart fluttered when he grasped her hand in his. Heat flew up her arm and straight to her face.
‘Th . . . thank you.” Her insides cringed. What was wrong with her? Her thoughts scattered like leaves on the ground in an autumn wind. He held her hand a moment longer before she eased hers away.
About Martha: Martha Rogers was born in Texas and lived in Dallas the first 18 years of her life. After graduating from Baylor University she moved to Houston and has been there ever since. Martha is a retired teacher at both secondary and college levels. She and her husband Rex enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and attending football, baseball, and basketball games when one of the grandchildren is playing or performing. Her four, soon to be five great-grandchildren are most important right now. Martha loves to cook and experimenting with recipes and enjoys scrapbooking when she has time and isn’t on a deadline.
About the book – A Prince Came Calling: All little girls love playing princess, and while watching princess movies with her nieces, Brianna Newcomb dreams of her own Prince Charming sweeping her off her feet. When she meets Damien Penland, sparks ignite and love blooms until she learns he is a real prince from a small country in Europe. When their relationship hits the news and social media, he is ordered home, and Brie expects to never see him again. However, a little bit of scheming by Damien’s American grandmother brings them back together in his homeland. Will their love flare up again and brighten their lives even as the fireworks light up the night in a special celebration for his grandmother, the Queen?
Question for Readers: My husband and I celebrate 59 years of marriage on October 24, 2018. What do you think it takes to make a marriage last a lifetime?
Come back Oct 23rd for Margaret Brownley!
love for God and each other,mutual respect and communication
So true, Sheila. If the foundation isn’t on the Lord, the mutual respect isn’t there and communication fails. Thanks for reading our story.
Exactly right, Sheila. Without the Lord as the foundation for a marriage, mutual respect and communication go out the window for too many couples.
Love, being able to argue and make up. Forgiveness, understanding, and communicate
Good, Melissa. Forgiveness is a major influence in any marriage or any relationship for that matter.
I think it takes a lot of patience, a lot of listening and a lot of learning. It also takes prayer.
Without a doubt. When the Lord is the center of your marriage. Martha, I loved hearing about how you met Rex. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary.
Huge congratulations, Martha–and to Rex too! Fifty-nine years sure is something to celebrate. My hubby and I just had our 43rd this week. I think a lasting marriage first must center around your faith in God, and you must be patient and forgiving,
Right, Vickie. Patience and forgiveness are so important, not only in marriage but in all relationships.
We made it to 49 in June. We couldn’t have done it without the Lord. Perseverance and stubbornness played a part. We made a commitment.
I totally agree, Paula. Commitment is so important. Congratulations on 49. The big 50 coming up before you know it. 🙂
With the Lord as the cornerstone, humility, extending and asking for forgiveness (even if we know we are right), humor the ability to laugh at oneself. Total commitment ,always thinking of the other first and praying for them constantly.
My husband and I will be married 50 years December 14, good Lord willing. Hard work, the ability to forgive, the willingness to bend, a firm belief in the institution of marriage and loving and trusting God have all helped us reach this goal. Congratulations on your anniversary!
For a good marriage to last have faith in the Lord and communication My Husband and I would of been married 45 years in Dec. if he had lived Thank you for the chance to win would Love to win the print copy of Christmas at Stoney Creek! Congratulations on Your 49 years !
Keeping God in the center of the relationship. Doing things you enjoy together. And communicating.
I have a winner! Pamela Freeman won the drawing. I appreciate Martha for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.
Thank you for having me Shannon. And congratulations Pamela. I will send the copy from Amazon.