Shannon here: Aspiring inspirational author, Casey Herringshaw shares insight into her dream romance. Heads up guys: she’s single, but only Godly men need apply. Comment and include your e-address for a chance to win Lyn Cote’s Shelter of Hope on any post dated Sept 27-Oct 2. Deadline Oct 2, 8:00 PM Central. Here’s Casey:
1. Are you open to your own romance?
Absolutely! Especially being a fan of the romance genre, I have a drive and desire to someday fall in love. But not with just anyone mind you. He would have to be something special. 😉
2. What’s the number one quality you’d require in a mate?
Godly. And the spiritual leader of our family. Can I count that as one? Because anything less, I won’t even consider.
3. What’s the number two quality you’d require in a mate?
I want to find someone who is passionate about life and God. Passionate about where God will take us and passionate about raising his children to be children of the King.
4. Where is the best place you can think of to find a mate?
Well, I’m not really sure! I guess the best place is the place. The place where I knew he was the one. : -) Sappy I know, but hey, this is romance.
5. What type of character traits are you attracted to?
Godly. Strong in mind and spirit. Kind. Loving. Understanding. Gentle in speech, but quick to defend and not afraid to stand strong for his family.
6. Where do you dream of getting married?
My dream wedding would be in the beautiful garden of our local photographer’s home with a reception in my parent’s big back yard. If I couldn’t have that wedding, I would have a very small (just a handful of family) wedding in my parent’s backyard and larger reception later on for friends and other family.
About Casey: Casey Herringshaw is a homeschool graduate and has been writing since high school. Taking the words and stories God has placed on her heart and putting them on paper is one of her highest passions in life. Casey is a member of ACFW. You can connect with her through her popular blog, Writing for Christ and her writing related group blog, The Writer’s Alley. Learn more about Casey at,, and
Come back Oct 4, 6, & 8 as I share my own real life romance and give away a copy of White Doves to celebrate the Heartsong Presents book club release of my second book.
Also in October:
October 11 – LangMarc nonfiction author: Jude Urbanski
October 13 & 15 – Kregel & Summerside author: Miralee Ferrell
October 18, 20, & 22 – Revell author: Lorna Seilstad
October 25, 27, 29 – Monarch Books author: Donna F. Crow
God is faithful. (As I tell my single 21 year old son!) The wait for the right person is worth it. God bless!
That He is Dawn! I have no doubt that someday the perfect guy will walk into my life. Until then patience is a virtue, I know. 🙂
Thanks Shannon for hosting me! This was such fun for me. 😀
Dawn is right God is faithful, the perfect guy will show up in His timing. Until then though, hang out at bookstores. There’s something to be said for a guy that reads. 😉
Hey Casey,
I really enjoyed having you on the blog today. Thanks for not shying away from my questions. I can’t imagine you being single long. You’re cute and sweet.
I only recently started blogging, and Casey’s website was the first I discovered. What a happy find! When she does publish her novel, she’ll have lots of happy customers from those of us who follow her . . . And since she’s been following God’s leading every step of the way, I’m sure she won’t miss the man He has waiting in the wings for her!
LOL Joy, too funny. Yes, there is a lot to be said for a guy that reads. Wouldn’t that be a relationship?? 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by, that means a lot!! So fun to see a familiar “face” here.
Shannon, you haven’t seen my town. More cows than people and I like to say that if he is here, he is very well camoflauged. But you never do know do you? *grin* Thanks for hosting me, I had a blast!
Ahhh, thank you Renee! That is so sweet and absolutely makes my day! I appreciate the support so very much. And I hope someday I do have a book to put in your hands. All in God’s timing, just like every other aspect of my life. 🙂
Casey, I know your town. I think I live there. Thanks for being on the blog this week and I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I also appreciate Lyn for donating her book. Barbara Shelton won the drawing.
Good story. Sorry i missed a chance to win it. I was sick and wasn’t online for a while. Wish i had.
Well I am glad you stopped by anyway Rosemary. 🙂 Hope you are feeling better. 🙂