Shannon here: Jaycee Weaver introduces us to her the characters from all four books in her Contemporary Romance boxed set, Everyday Love. Comment or answer the question in this post to enter the drawing for an e-book copy of book one, What Could Be. Deadline: March 27th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Jaycee:
With four books in the Everyday Love series, which just released as a boxed set on March 9, it can get a little crazy keeping up with the fun. All of the books are set in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the characters all know each other in some form along the way. Book one, What Could Be, features single dad Josh and his son’s afterschool caregiver, Brynn. Brynn’s best friend Gina and the youth pastor from Josh’s church, Jaydon, are the heroes of book two, Whatever Comes Our Way. Brynn’s college friend and former boyfriend Caleb becomes the hero in book three, and we meet his leading lady Jobie for the first time in What Makes a Home. In Whatever Happens Next, the fourth and final Everyday Love book, Josh’s younger sister Jenna makes a reappearance with newcomer USAF TSgt Dyson. Since Jenna is actually Jobie’s former roommate, we get to know all of the characters pretty well as they pop into each other’s books.
- What simple gesture does your hero do that melts your heroine every time?
Gina: Oh, I’ll take this one. When Jaydon’s deep in thought or concerned about one of his youth, he’ll stroke his beard. Maybe that’s weird, but to me it’s a tangible gesture that expresses how deeply he cares for people and truly considers their needs.
- What simple gesture does your heroine do that melts your hero every time?
Josh: For me, it’s the way Brynn pours every part of herself into what she does. When she’s taking care of her afterschool kids, her love just emanates from every part of her. Even when she drives me crazy with her list-making and overthinking, it’s just another way she’s considering everything from all sides and it’s totally her.
- How soon after meeting the hero did the heroine know he was the one?
Brynn: Oh goodness. It took me forever to figure it out. I mean, he was cute, but I was dating someone else and trying to figure out my whole life plan. I had to make lists and study and… well, I will say that I knew without a doubt by our first kiss.
- How soon after meeting the heroine did the hero know she was the one?
Jaydon: About five point two seconds. That’s how long our first meeting lasted, but I never forgot her. Every interaction after that just sealed the deal more.
- Who is most romantic, your hero or your heroine?
Jenna: Nobody else needs to bother answering, it’s Dyson. He’s the most romantic man in the universe. I mean, sure, sometimes he makes me crazy with how little he says. And sometimes he makes decisions without talking it through, but when it comes down to it, he’s the most romantic man ever. There’s never any doubt that he loves me.
- What is the most caring thing your hero has ever done for your heroine?
Jobie: I was on bedrest for weeks. Caleb and I were just friends at the time, but he made sure I had healthy food, arranged people from church to check on me, watched movies with me, and kept my art supplies stocked. How could I not fall for someone like that?
- What is the most caring thing your heroine has ever done for your hero?
Caleb: If I gave my true answer, I’d be giving away spoilers. So I guess I’ll go with the way she stepped in to help me remodel my house. We had so much fun laughing and teasing while we worked, and it wasn’t even her home.
- Who said, “I love you” first, your hero or your heroine?
Dyson: I think it was me.
(Everyone waits in silence for him to finish. He gives them a shrug and smirks.)
Dyson: She had me from the get-go. The hard part was not saying it.
About Jaycee: Jaycee Weaver lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with her awesome husband, three daughters, two crazy Shih Tzus, and a dwarf rabbit. When she’s not writing, she’s busy balancing the mom-wife life. Jaycee loves to read books in multiple genres, drink too much coffee (honestly, when are they going to make the coffee IV a real thing?!), sing, take landscape and floral photos, sew, cook, bake, and craft nearly anything. She considers herself a recovering perfectionist and sometimes hot mess. She does her best to live her faith in action, being open, honest, and real; letting God be Lord over the good, the bad, and the ugly even when it’s hard.
About the Boxed Set – Everyday Love series:
Spend some time in the Land of Enchantment with the endearing characters of the Everyday Love series. All four books are included in this omnibus edition!
What Could Be
What happens if we let go of what we think should be and instead embrace What Could Be?
List-making overachiever Brynn Easton’s full life is perfect on the surface, but deep down she questions whether her life plan is what God is calling her to. While Josh Davis has avoided dating since returning to Christ, his son’s afterschool teacher sparks feelings he’s not ready for. As their casual friendship grows, both must look beyond past choices and pain to determine what it truly means to walk in God’s will for their lives—especially when finding love and forever doesn’t look like they think it should.
Whatever Comes Our Way
When two overcomers find common ground in their faith, they can handle whatever comes their way.
Trauma in her teens may have left Gina Hernandez with more than a few issues, but it’s also made her strong…and maybe a little snarky. Woodworking youth pastor Jaydon Bennett, a gentle giant with a big beard and an even bigger heart, has a few scars of his own. United to help a troubled teen whose family is in crisis, the pair set out to discover that the painful pasts they’ve been dealing with just might uniquely equip them to help this hurting family.
What Makes a Home
An artist looking for love in the wrong places. A bored engineer searching for purpose. Can a fixer upper teach these opposites What Makes a Home?
Jobie Everett has built her life around pursuits that inspire her muse, but when her roommate introduces her to a God who personifies a love she’s never known, she discovers how full life truly can be. Longing for more than his lackluster life, Caleb March buys a run-down house near an old friend and her pretty roommate. As they bond over renovations, a new development forever changes her and pulls the rug out from under him. Jobie needs a godly man who will support and pursue her. Can Caleb become the man she needs in order to finally give her heart a home?
Whatever Happens Next
She needs to stay. He has orders to go. They’ll have to trust God with whatever happens next.
US Air Force vehicle maintainer TSgt Dyson’s wanderlust has kept him from romantic entanglements for years, until the day an over-dramatic, strawberry-scented chatterbox slams into him and turns his world upside down. Jenna Davis goes through the motions watching everyone else live their dreams. How can she find her purpose when opening up to anyone—even God—means talking about her failure? Dyson gets her to open up and begin dreaming again, rebuilding the trust she’s lost in men and especially in herself. But his big news will be the end of all they’ve built—after all, how can he ask her to leave everything and everyone behind when he can never stay?
Can’t wait for the drawing? Worried you won’t win? Interested in Jaycee’s other titles?
Get your copy/copies now!
Jaycee’s Amazon Page Everyday Love Series – Amazon
Question for Readers: Do you enjoy book series that follow the same hero and heroine across several books or do you prefer each book to feature a new couple (and why)?
Come back March 19th for Laurie Wood!
Great question Jaycee. If it’s romance, I like a fresh couple for each book. Because if it’s the same couple, it seems like they run out of story. I do like seeing couples from past books as side characters to the new couple though.
Yes! Exactly my opinion. 🙂
I agree with Shannon!. If it’s romance, I like a fresh couple for each book. Because if it’s the same couple, it seems like they run out of story. I do like seeing couples from past books as side characters to the new couple though!
Definitely. And I get bored following one couple around too long. LOL!
Me too! I like to see a new couple in each book. But it’s great if they are connected in the series and we get glimpses of their relationships too!
I enjoy both but mainly when each book in a series has new lead characters. I think it’s more interesting that way and yet you still get to see the past characters show up because they are all within the same town and series.
I prefer a new couple in each book unless I’m reading one after another. If I have wait several months in between books, I forget too much of the story!
I prefer a different couple in each book. I lose interest too easily if it seems like there is a lot of repetition.
This interview is so much fun! I love how y’all did it!
I prefer a different couple each book the most. But when characters from another book appear in a book is okay/
I have a winner! Megan won the drawing. I appreciate Jaycee for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.