Shannon here: Contemporary romance author, JoAnn Durgin shares insight into her real life romance and a chance to win a copy of her latest release: Second Time Around. Comment on any post dated Sept 26th – Oct. 1st for a chance to get your name in the drawing for a copy. Deadline: Oct. 1, 11:59 central time. Here’s JoAnn:
What’s the most romantic thing your spouse has ever done for you?
We married in early September (on his birthday – you marry a man on his birthday, and he doesn’t forget his anniversary!), and a few months later, for our first New Year’s together as a married couple, Jim planned a special weekend getaway. We lived in the San Joaquin Valley area of California at the time. I had no idea where we were going, and I loved that he planned out all the details, keeping in mind what I liked. We stayed in a bed & breakfast the first night, and then drove up the coast. We spent the second night in quaint Solvang (it’s like you’re in another country!) and then toured fabulous Hearst Castle before enjoying the final night in a seaside town along the Pacific Ocean. It was a dream weekend, and I’ll never forget it.
Where is the most romantic place you and your spouse have ever been?
It’s hard to beat Hawaii for romance, and that’s where we spent our honeymoon. I carried my wedding bouquet (with fragrant gardenias) all the way to Oahu, and we took some of our wedding cake, too! The weather was warm and sunny, the perfect temperature, but it was so interesting how a small storm stirred up almost every afternoon with a quick rainfall followed by a gorgeous, colorful rainbow. Our 25th anniversary is next year, and I’d love to return to Hawaii, but Jim has never been on a cruise and that’s his preference. I joke and tell him it might be a cruise around the block! If we could combine a trip to Hawaii with a cruise, that would be the ideal. Thanks for the reminder – I’d better start checking into it now!
Do you and your spouse have a favorite romantic restaurant?
I laugh and say, “We don’t get out much.” Which makes most any place we can go together (translation: without children) romantic. At the risk of sounding cliché, it’s not so much the ambiance or how much you pay for the food, or how low the lighting (which, the older you get can make you sleepy and hinder reading the menu), but the company you keep and the conversation. One of the saddest things in the world is seeing a couple in a restaurant sharing a meal, but they can barely talk to each other. The only thing I insist on is not going to one of those restaurants with the big screen televisions if it’s just the two of us. That’s not romantic in the least, and I usually lose out to ESPN.
God’s Time is the Right Time
What a wonderful way for your husband to remember your anniversary!
Good luck making it to Hawaii again.
I agree that romance doesn’t have to come with a fancy setting – just spending quiet time together and really listening to each other is the best!
SHANNON AND JOANNE!!! Wonderful interview — always love learning more about my favorite author friends. And JoAnne … married on his birthday, really?? Soooo smart!!! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Shirley, Kim and Julie (saw Dianne B.’s photo of you by the Arch – gorgeous)! And thanks, as always, to the lovely Shannon for having me on her wonderful blog. I have to tell you, ladies, my husband reminded me again just this morning why I love him so much. In spite of his grumbling about the demise of our beloved Red Sox (“there’s always next year,” I told him in my most optimistic tone), he took the time to brew and prepare my coffee, and even brought it upstairs to me. Now I ask you, isn’t that sweet? It really is the little things, the small gestures, that can say the most, isn’t it? Blessings!