Shannon here: Lori DeJong shares her journey to publication, plus a chance to win a copy of her Contemporary Romance Novella, Jingle Bell Matchmakers, which is included in the Christmas Novella Collection, A Match Made at Christmas. All four authors will be here over the next two weeks. Comment or answer the question in any or each post dated Oct 1st – 11th to enter the drawing. Deadline: Oct 19th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Lori:
Never Give Up (but if you do, you can always come back!)
Or maybe it’s better said to never say never.
When I started this writing journey back in the late 90’s, I didn’t even know there were such a thing as writers’ groups. I would read the little Harlequin paperbacks by the dozen or two, box them up, take them to the used bookstore and trade them in for a couple dozen more.
And as I would read these little paperback romances, I told myself, “Self, you can write this stuff.” In fact, I got a little arrogant sometimes after I would pick up one that wasn’t quite as satisfying as others and tell myself, “Self, you can do better than this.”
So, I started writing. I probably wrote ten or more stories that I still have in notebooks stored somewhere in a plastic tub that nobody will ever see. In fact, I should probably destroy them so that upon my death, they’re never discovered. Because once I did realize there were writing groups and I joined one and learned there was an actual craft to writing that one must hone and cultivate, my arrogant self who once thought I could just sit down and write a little romance that Harlequin would be honored to publish went into deep hiding. Oh, yes, she did.
Therefore, you could say my writing journey started in earnest in 2002, when I joined a national organization of romance writers with a local chapter where we lived in Arizona at the time and started my writer education. And one of the first tenets that was drilled into me was NEVER GIVE UP. Which, of course, I was sure I would never do because I was hooked on this writing gig. I was a stay-at-home mommy by then and writing up a storm and learning all I could about the craft. The ideas were flowing, and I was in critique groups and had a mentor and …
Well, life doesn’t always play fair. After moving to Texas in 2005, our lives took a hard turn into financial devastation in 2009 when my husband was laid off from his job and I had to go back to work after ten years of staying home with my daughter. We had to sell our house and move in with my parents. And cut everything out of the budget that wasn’t for actual survival. Which meant writer group dues and conference fees were gone. Which meant my support system and source of education and encouragement and networking were gone.
So I … gave up.
As the next decade unfolded, we climbed our way out of that pit all by the grace of God and in the strength of His mighty power. Honestly, folks, if not for our faith, I don’t know if our marriage would have survived, much less flourish as it did. We went through fire together and came out stronger and more refined as a couple and as a family because of it. Which is rather kind of romantic in itself, I believe.
But this little writing bug inside me kept needling me, especially once my daughter graduated and went off to college. I was working full-time, but now I had evenings and weekends free. I was in Bible study with a woman at church that I found out was a writer. I told her one evening that I used to write and was considering getting back to it. She invited me to her local chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers, and after one meeting, I was back and ready to go.
But, boy, how the business had changed in the ten-plus years I’d been gone, and I knew I would need to re-educate myself on some things. That was in January of 2020. And the world shut down in March. The only silver lining from that was that many of the Christian writing conferences, workshops, and even retreats, went virtual. Which meant they were offered at much lower prices. Which also meant my year of re-educating myself was much more doable with the budget.
So, you see, never say never because never isn’t a thing. I gave up after telling myself I never would. But God, in His faithfulness, provided a way back for me, and now my third novel is being released in June 2025, and my first novella was just released as part of A Match Made at Christmas, a collection of Christmas romance novellas with three other Scrivenings Press authors on October 1.
Question for Readers: Have you perhaps given up on something that you’d love to find again? Or have you come back to something you gave up on and found a new love for it? We’d love to hear about it!
About Lori: Lori DeJong (pronounced DeeYung) is a contemporary Christian romance author who enjoys penning stories full of grace and the redemptive power of God’s love that inspire others to hope regardless of circumstance, find joy in the moment, and grow in their faith.
Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, Lori arrived in Texas in 2005 and dug those roots right in. She currently resides in beautiful Georgetown, north of Austin, with her husband of three decades. Other than their two fur-babies, their nest is empty, as their daughter settled in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, where she is thriving in her faith and career.
Lori loves to write about love and romance and all that fun stuff, with a firm foundation of faith. Clean but sassy, sparkly, and even goose-bumpy romance, with God in the middle and characters seeking and learning and changing, couldn’t be more heartwarming or spine-tingly.
Lori’s debut novel, “Love’s True Calling”, Book One of her True Calling Series, is the 2022 winner of the ACFW Genesis Award, a double finalist in the 2024 Selah Awards, won 2nd place in the 2024 FHL Reader’s Choice Awards, and was released in June 2023. “Love’s True Home”, Book Two in the series, released in June 2024, and “Love’s True Measure” will release in June 2025. Lori’s Christmas novella, “Jingle Bell Matchmakers”, released as part of “A Match Made at Christmas” novella collection on October 1. Learn more & connect:
Lori’s Website Lori’s Community Lori’s Instagram
Lori’s Facebook Lori’s Goodreads Lori’s Bookbub
About the Novella Collection – A Match Made at Christmas:
A-parent-ly Christmas (by Amy R Anguish)—Noel and Joy Davidson didn’t mean to separate, but a job promotion and educational opportunities were too much for their marriage to withstand. Now, it’s Christmas and their son Andy wants them together. Between his mischief, an unexpected snowstorm, and the holiday spirit, they’re remembering why they first wanted to be together. But which one will give up their dream for the other?
A Match of her Own (by Sarah Anne Crouch)—Victoria Wood is torn between elation and devastation now that her sister is married and gone. When she realizes her sister’s best friend is alone and best-friend-less on Christmas, she knows just what to do. Set her up with a boyfriend! But pesky Jared Knight keeps getting in the way. Jared can’t date Victoria—she’s too immature—but he can’t convince his heart to move on. How will he keep Victoria from ruining everyone’s love lives? When will she realize her perfect match is closer than she thinks?
Jingle Bell Matchmakers (by Lori DeJong)—When country music star Aubrey Mayfield is lured home after years away, she’s bewildered when she and ex-fiance-now-widowed-dad Cody Lansdale keep finding themselves in the same place at the same time. As they become reacquainted, however, old feelings stir. Aubrey’s at a crossroads in her career and is contemplating a change. But when a chance at headlining her own tour takes her back to Nashville, Cody realizes her dreams may once again come between them. Unless God, with a little help from the Jingle Bell Committee, has a better plan.
The Santa Setup (by Heather Greer)—Turning friendship into love takes magic. Good thing Nicholas Eckert and Julie Clarke work at Christmas Wonderland. The attraction brims with holiday magic, not to mention four teenage elves determined that Mr. and Mrs. Claus stop playing a couple and become one. The teens will need more than mistletoe to pair up these two. Julie is seeing someone, and Nick won’t risk their friendship for possible love. Only the elven employees’ outrageous antics stand a chance of setting up Santa in time for Christmas.
Can’t wait for the drawing? Worried you won’t win? Need extra copies for Christmas gifts?
Interested in Lori’s other titles? Get your copy/copies now!
A Match Made at Christmas Lori’s Books
Come back Oct 11th for Sarah Anne Crouch!
I have finally come back to my 18,000 pieces puzzle 🙂
I gave up on it in 2017 but here I am 3/4 done 🙂
Our church participated in a ministry called Heartfelt Friends which fed my passion for mentoring. Moms invited younger ladies into their homes for a dinner party. Covid ended that. Now, I am a journey partner for a young lady who is participating in a Christian job corp called Women Equipped. God is good!
I have a winner! Donna B won this drawing. I appreciate Lori for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.