Shannon here: Historical Romance author Lorna Seilstad shares insight into her characters’ romance from her latest novella, The Heart of Texas, which is included in The Seven Brides for Seven Texans collection. Comment or answer the question at the end of any post dated Dec 29 – Jan 3 to enter the drawing for a copy. Deadline: Jan 14th, 11:59 pm central time. Be sure and enter the drawing for a loaded Kindle Fire. Authors – Amanda Barratt, Susan Page Davis, Keli Gwyn, Vickie McDonough, Gabrielle Meyer, Lorna Seilstad, and Erica Vetsch are giving away fourteen of their previously published books. Details below. Here’s Lorna:
When you hear the words Texas Ranger, what do you think of? Chuck Norris in Walker, Texas Ranger or maybe strains of the William Tell Overture play in your mind as the masked Lone Ranger sits abreast a rearing white stallion and yells, “Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!”
But Chisholm Hart, the dimpled hero of “The Heart of Texas,” is a far cry from either Norris or the Lone Ranger. He does, however, have a trusty steed named Bullet and a strong desire to protect and defend the citizens of Texas.
“The Heart of Texas” is part of the Seven Brides for Seven Texans novella collection. Chisholm and his six brothers are informed by their father they each much marry within the year to receive their share of the 7 Hart Ranch. This news is especially hard on Chisholm, for as a Texas Ranger, he’s already sworn his life to Texas and her citizens. He doesn’t have the time or the freedom to go searching for a wife.
Chisholm has agreed to join us today to be interviewed about his life as a Texas Ranger.
- Chisholm, what made you interested in becoming a Texas Ranger?
One year, my older brothers all went on a cattle drive but I was left home to keep an eye on the ranch. A Texas Ranger came by, looking for a murderer. I used the tracking skills I’d learned from an Indian friend to find the man and helped the Ranger bring him in. The Ranger encouraged me to become a Ranger. He said that Texas needed men like me.
- Is that the only reason you joined?
No, that’s just what introduced me to the Texas Rangers. Being second to the youngest, I was too young to fight in the war, so I think I’ve always needed to prove myself. I also saw the need for law and order first hand. Texas is awash in outlaws right now. Our state needs men of honor and duty if it’s going to survive.
- What can you tell us about how the Texas Rangers came to be?
The original Texas Rangers began in 1823, when Stephen Austin decided to employ 10 men to defend the Texas colonies. These men didn’t have badges or six shooters or Stetsons. They were farmers who came together when there was a threat to early Texans. Captain “Rip” Ford said, “They did right because it was right.” I live by that motto, too.
- But when did the Texas Ranger corp begin?
In 1835, the Texas government passed a resolution creating a corp of over 50 rangers. By ’58, we were a hundred strong, and today we’ve got about 300 Texas Rangers in six frontier battalions. Did you hear what the editor of Texas Siftings said about us two years ago, in 1872? He said, “The Rangers have done more to suppress lawlessness, to capture criminals, and to prevent Mexican and Indian raids on the frontier, than any other agency on the frontier.” And you know what? The man is right.
- I can tell you’re proud to serve as a Ranger. Who would you say is the most famous Texas Ranger?
Are you trying to get me in trouble? I couldn’t pick just one. The Rangers have one legendary man after another. I can tell you about a Ranger from the early days. John Coffee “Jack” Hays came to San Antonio in 1837. Three years later, he’d already been named Ranger captain. He built his reputation on fighting marauding Indians and Mexican bandits. He led the Rangers in the Plumb Creek war. I think every Texas Ranger wants to be like Jack Hays. I’m honored to say that my little brother is named after the man.
- What qualities do you think a good Ranger should have?
Well, they need a little of everything–trustworthiness, honor, a strong moral code. Besides being a a praying man, tenacity is probably the most important thing to have and a good sense of humor. And it sure doesn’t hurt to be a good shot, either.
- What’s the hardest part of being a Texas Ranger?
That’s an easy one. The hardest part is being away from the people I love. I keep reminding myself that Texas needs me.
- One more question. You obviously love being a Texas Ranger. Could you give it up for the love of a woman?
Sorry, I can’t answer that here. You’ll have to read the story and find out.
So, do you have any questions for Chisholm Hart? If so, he’s sticking around today to answer them.
About Lorna: Lorna Seilstad brings history back to life using a generous dash of humor. She is a Carol Award finalist and the author of the Lake Manawa Summers series and the Gregory Sisters series. When she isn’t eating chocolate, she’s teaches women’s Bible classes and is a 4-H leader in her home state of Iowa. She and her husband have three children. Learn more about Lorna at
About the book – Seven Brides for Seven Texans: Patriarch of the Hart family, George Washington Hart isn’t getting any younger. He’s got seven strapping sons, and not a one of them has had the decency to marry and produce an heir. It is time for George to meddle. He will divide his massive ranch in the Texas Hill country, the 7-Heart, among his sons with the proviso that each one marry and settle on the land within the next calendar year. The boys, ranging in age from 23-34 and named after famous Texans, are resistant to the idea of settling down, but they’ll be blamed if they’ll lose their inheritance! Each sets about finding a bride in his own way, and in the end, each finds love deep in the heart of Texas.
Drawing for a Loaded Kindle Fire
Be sure to go to to enter the Rafflecopter drawing for a loaded Kindle Fire. We seven authors (Amanda Barratt, Susan Page Davis, Keli Gwyn, Vickie McDonough, Gabrielle Meyer, Lorna Seilstad, and Erica Vetsch) are giving away fourteen of our previously published books.
Question for Readers: What do you think would be the hardest part of being a law enforcement officer back then? What about today? What can we do as citizens to better support law enforcement officers?
Come back Jan 10th for Jennifer Slattery!
You had me with Texas Hill Country and Texas Rangers. We have family there and make an annual trek. And one of my rodeo books featured a modern day Texas Ranger. Of course, they’re different now than they were then – part of the Texas Department of Public Safety now. I got to go to the Ranger museum in San Antonio to do research. It was fascinating.
Back then, I figure there was more lawlessness. But there’s a lot of that now too – little respect for officers. I think all the protestors against officers need to be arrested and I think anyone who shoots or injures an officer should automatically get the death penalty. No mercy since they don’t have any.
Hardest part then and now is being away from loved ones and putting your life on the line everyday
Shannon, I gave away a copy of your book on the 7bridesfor7texans blogspot during my week. It’s one of my favorites of your books. I think things have changed a lot for law officers–especially right now. They all need our prayers.
Shelia, that’s a very good point. Being away from family has to be one of the hardest parts.
I think the hardest part of being in law enforcement back then was that everyone seemed to have a gun and used it whenever they wanted to argue! The law would have had a hard time to keep everyone from shooting. Now there is no respect for the law and there are more and more shootings of police officers. Seems like the officers are just ambushed with no warning.
Fun interview! Okay, here’s one for Chisholm.
First of all, how do you pronounce your name? Do you go by Chris for short?
What qualities do you think a gal would have to possess to be a Ranger’s bride?
Loved your interview! I also have deep respect for the Texas Rangers.
The hardest part in my mind of being an officer, police, ranger etc. Would be the not knowing if you’ll come home to your family after your duties are done. That hasn’t changed much through the years or even from one country to the next. I try to give them the respect and recognition they deserve.
I love reading books about The Texas Rangers. That jobhas to be difficult on the families of the rangers because it is dangerous. There would have to be a lot of Trusting the Lord and less worrying on the part of families.
Loved the interview and thanks for the giveaways!
Blessings. Joy
You all brought up some great points about the difficulties of a law officer’s job. It’s true that somethings have changed, but so much has not.
Amber, since you asked. I pronounce my name Chiz-om like the Chisholm Trail.
I don’t really know how to explain it except everyone seemed out of control and wild. Maybe it seems easier now-a-days with all the technology we have to use.We can support them and try not to think we can do everything they can do Don’t take the law into our own hands.
Thanks so much for the chance to win. The 7 Brides for 7 Texans Series sounds Great!
I think the hardest part of being a Texas ranger or police then and now is not knowing what you will face during the day. Not knowing whether they will get injured or worse by someone that is against those in authority. I think there needs to be respect taught as there used to be by parents. We were raised to respect everyone else and their property. It seems that there is no respect for the police, teachers, neighbors or anyone else anymore.
I have a winner. Kim H won the drawing for the copy of Seven Brides for Seven Texans. I appreciate Lorna for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.