Shannon here: Pamela S. Meyers shares insight into her happy to be single status, plus a chance to win two romantic mysteries, Thyme for Love and as soon as she gets her author copies, Love Will Find a Way. Comment on any post dated March 4 – 8 to get your name in the drawing. Deadline: March 16th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Pamela:
Are you open to your own romance?
I never discount what God has for me, no matter how old I get. But I’ve learned that He doesn’t always have an earthly husband for each of us. Isaiah 54:5 says: For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called. When I came across that verse several years ago, it spoke volumes to me. It was directed to the widows at that time who were usually the only single adult women around at that time, but to me it speaks to all single women who claim Christ as their Savior. I am His beloved and in this earthly life He may not have a husband for me, but that’s okay, because I have Christ. Because I do not have a family to be responsible for, I’ve had more time to devote to ministry, my writing, and serving others.
- What’s the number one quality you’d require in a mate?
It would have to be a committed faith in Christ. A man who follows after Him, is humble, and possesses good biblical leadership skills. Who puts God first and spouse second.
- What’s the number two quality you’d require in a mate?
Compassion is a strong characteristic that’s important to me.
- What’s the one habit or lifestyle that would make you run the other way?
Smoking is one habit I cannot stand. I don’t know many people who do smoke these days but if a man smokes the last thing I’d want is to develop a relationship with him. Blech. My mother died of the effects of emphysema, a condition brought on by smoking, and that alone is enough to turn me off. I can’t stand any part of smoking.
Charater Interview
- What’s the most romantic thing your hero ever did for your heroine?
You’ll have to read Love Will Find a Way to find out. To tell you would give away the ending!
- What’s the most romantic thing your heroine ever did for your hero?
In Thyme for Love, April is the in-house chef where they both work. She often brought him lattes and mochas from the espresso machine with a heart design floating on the surface of the brew.
- Where is the most romantic place your hero and heroine have ever been?
In the first book, Thyme for Love, Marc takes April to a nice restaurant that overlooks Canoga Lake. It’s right at sunset and as they watch the sunset over the water, all the old feelings of when they were a couple eight years earlier flood back into April’s mind and heart. Later on the patio outside the dining room, under the moonlight she tells him. . . well if you haven’t yet read Thyme for Love, you’ll just have to get a copy and find out what she tells him.
- What’s the most romantic present your hero ever bought your heroine?
He had given her a tiny diamond when they were first engaged during college. She returned it when they broke up. After reuniting he has the diamond set into a heart pendant, which he gives her, not as a re-engagement but as a promise of one to come after they’ve spent more time back together.
- What simple gesture does your hero do that melts your heroine every time?
It’s more his pet name for her mi caramela which is Spanish for ‘my sweet.’ He’s half Argentine and is fluent in Spanish so when he calls her that, her heart melts.
- What is the most caring thing your hero has ever done for your heroine?
Risked his life to rescue her from nearly getting killed – twice!
- Who said, “I love you” first, your hero or your heroine?
After they come back together he’s more ready to move to the next level again than she. He is first to express his feelings.
About Pamela: A native of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Pamela S. Meyers lives in suburban Chicago. She served on the ACFW Operating Board for five years and has also served her local ACFW chapter in leadership roles.
Her debut novel Thyme for Love released November 2011, and its sequel Love Will Find a Way is set to release in March 2013. Her historical romance set in her hometown, Love Finds You in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, releases in April 2013. She has published many magazine articles and is a contributor in a non-fiction compilation book.
You can often find her nosing around Midwestern small towns, looking for story ideas or coordinating the ACFW Genesis writing contest. She leads a woman’s life group in her church and enjoys reading and cooking. Learn more: and .
About the book – Thyme for Love: April Love has always dreamed of being a chef. But she didn’t expect her former fiancé or murder to be part of the recipe for her new job.
When April Love signs on to be an in-house chef at an old lakeshore mansion in Canoga Lake, Wisconsin, she comes face to face with her long-lost love, the drop-dead gorgeous Marc Thorne. It doesn’t take long for their old magnetism to recharge, but how can she trust the guy who left her nearly at the altar eight years earlier? Her gut tells her something happened to Marc in between—something he’s reluctant to reveal.
When April’s boss is murdered, Marc is accused of the crime. Unless April can find out who really killed Ramón Galvez, her chances for love will end up at the county jail. But someone else is just as determined she not solve the mystery…and will go to any length to stop her.
About the book – Love Will Find a Way: Mix a little intrigue, mystery, and romance with the flavor of the Lake Geneva area for one delectable read!
April Love has always wanted a place of her own to launch her dream catering business of Lovin’ Spoonfuls. But she had no idea that Kitty, her eccentric, well-meaning aunt, would buy her the turn-of-the-century Canoga Lake house she admired from the outside, until she saw the psychedelic decorating nightmare it was on the inside.
While redecorating, April and her handsome hunk boyfriend, Marc Thorne, discover a narrow room hidden between two closet walls—and a young girl’s faded diary and ledger from the 1930s. What they reveal are more secrets about the old house than April’s ready for. Worse, every time she goes into the house, she has an eerie feeling something sinister is about to happen. Then she starts to hear noises, like someone is walking around upstairs….
“Enough secrets, romance, and plot twists to keep even the mystery aficionado guessing whodunnit.” S. Dionne Moore, multipublished author, ACFW Carol Award Finalist, Senior Editor of the Borrowed Book
“A delicious read. Don’t miss this special treat!” Jill Elizabeth Nelson, award-winning author of Betrayal on the Border
“A fun, lively, romantic mystery that will keep you turning the pages long into the night.” Cynthia Hickey, author of The Summer Meadows Mysteries
Bonus feature: 3 Delicious Recipes from April’s Kitchen
Come back March 11th for Joi Copeland!
Sounds like a great story – I look forward to adding Pamela’s books to my reading list
I enjoyed reading the interview. I must say the cover of the book is very unique.
Thanks for entering me in the giveaway.
I enjoyed reading about Pamela and also checked out her website. Thank you for an opportunity to win a copy of Love Will Find a Way.
may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thank you for the interview! Hope to get to read the book!
Enjoyed reading the interview and really looking forward to reading the book. Thank you for the opportunity.
This looks really cute! I’d love to win.shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com
I have a winner! KayM won the drawing for Pamela’s books. I appreciate Pamela for being here and everyone else for stopping by.