Shannon here: Elizabeth Maddrey shares insight into her real life romance, plus a chance to win an e-book copy of her latest contemporary romance, Muffins & Moonbeams. Comment on this post to enter the drawing. Deadline: March 25th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Elizabeth:
Keeping the Romance Alive by Elizabeth Maddrey:
My husband and I met in college in the early 1990s. Back then (I’m told by my kids that I have to phrase it this way to indicate the passage of a large amount of time 🙂 ) we used to spend a lot of time listening to CDs together while we studied. One of our favorites was Wide Eyed Wonder by The Choir. Over the years, music has continued to be something we enjoy sharing, though I’d like to think we’ve grown with the times. Sometimes I’ll text him a link to a YouTube video for a sappy and romantic song. He’ll often respond in kind. And we’ll go back and forth throughout the day sending little musical love notes that make me smile.
In January of this year, we were sitting in the basement together as we often do once the kids are in bed and he asked me if I had a password for a particular ticket website. I asked him what he was looking at and he just smiled and said he wanted to check something. So, okay, I looked up the password and gave it to him. And I really didn’t think much about it until the next day when I was checking my email and I saw a confirmation from that website in there. Given that he’d used my account, I didn’t have any qualm about opening it up before I forwarded it to him, and I have to say my heart did a little extra pitty pat when I saw what it was.
See, The Choir is going on tour this spring, and the album they’re touring is Wide Eyed Wonder. And hubby got us tickets to the small local venue they’ll be visiting. They’ve been a band I’ve always thought would be fun to see in concert, but never figured on that happening (I’ll be honest, as much as I loved them in college, I’d lost track of them in the intervening years and figured they weren’t around anymore.) But he remembered.
Now I think I’ll scoot and go find a song to send him on YouTube. Just because I love him.
About Elizabeth: Elizabeth Maddrey began writing stories as soon as she could form the letters properly and has never looked back. Though her practical nature and love of math and organization steered her into computer science for college and graduate school, she has always had one or more stories in progress to occupy her free time. When she isn’t writing, Elizabeth is a voracious consumer of books and has mastered the art of reading while undertaking just about any other activity. She loves to write about Christians who struggle through their lives, dealing with sin and receiving God’s grace.
Elizabeth lives in the suburbs of Washington D.C. with her husband and their two incredibly active little boys. She invites you to interact with her:
Elizabeth’s Website Elizabeth’s Facebook Elizabeth’s Instagram Elizabeth’s Twitter
About the book – Muffins & Moonbeams: Malachi Baxter is happy to hide in the background and manage the business-end of the family bakery. He’d much rather live in the online world of computer games where he can explore the galaxy and no one has to know he’s deaf.
Ursula Franks designs websites during the day and spends her evenings battling alien races online where relationships are easy and uncomplicated. When she agrees to design a website for the local Community Supported Bakery, she has no idea that Malachi is the real man behind her online persona’s best friend and her own secret crush.
Can’t wait for the drawing? Purchase now:
Amazon Kindle BarnesandNoble Nook Apple iBooks Kobo
Question for Readers: Are you a music lover? If so, what’s your favorite genre or who’s your favorite singer or band?
Yes I love music! Anything country,bluegrass,gospel and oldies
I am a big music lover and oldies are my favorites.
I love gospel music! I’m afraid growing up with my dad constantly playing country and bluegrass kind of maxed me out on it – but it’s good music.
Thanks for stopping by!
Melanie – you and Shelia both are into oldies! When you say oldies, are you talking 50s? I never know exactly what era that is, but that’s where my mind goes. (Of course, today, they’re playing stuff I loved in the 80s on the oldies station, so maybe that’s what you mean 😉 )
How sweet of your husband. My hubby introduced me to a variety of different music when we were dating. Music has always been something we share as well. I’m not a band follower but appreciate specific songs for their lyrics. Everything from classical to country to jazz to worship music.
I love music! Though I have to say hardcore rap and opera are further down on my love-list than other genres. My entire family loves Casting Crown, Crowder, Jeremy Camp, Third Day….the list can go on and on.
My favorite genre of music is southern gospel. I listen online, to the radio, or cd’s. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite genre of music is southern gospel. I listen to the radio, online, and cd’s. Thanks for the giveaway.
Elizabeth, My favorite oldies are those great songs of the 60’s and early 70’s . Great music!!!
Not really, I enjoy music but I could live without it I actually have my Kindle read my books to me while in the car or doing chores. If I chose a certain kind of music it would be 80’s music.
Cindy – I love that it’s part of what you and your husband share, too! And songs with meaningful lyrics are always a delight.
MH – I’m definitely not a rap fan, but I do love opera. I can’t get anyone to go with me (or even hang around while I’m listening), but that’s okay. 🙂
Donna – you’re welcome! Southern gospel is always good to listen to — I grew up listening to that in church.
Melanie – Ah, see, those oldies are “newer” than what I consider oldies usually 🙂 I like a little bit of music from that era, but I’m more of an 80s girl if I want older music.
Thanks all for swinging by!
I adore music! I wasn’t blessed with a great voice or the ability to play an instrument,but I remember song lyrics like nobody’s business! I am quite fond of Panic! At the Disco, Marianas Trench, All Time Low, and a host of Country music (Lady Antebellum, Chris Young, Old Dominion, and Maren Morris are some current favorites), plus just about every genre since 1950!
Teri – I have eclectic tastes too! I enjoy many of those bands you listed. Thanks for swinging by!
That is wonderful that your husband pays such attention to the little details like that. It sounds as if you have a thoughtful man who is a romantic. 🙂
Depends on where I am. In church – I love good old hymns. My favorite hymn is The Old Rugged Cross. Outside of church, I love contemporary Christian. My favorite is Martyr’s Song by Todd Agnew, my favorite singer.
I have a winner! Teri D. won the drawing. I appreciate Elizabeth for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.
Yay, thanks so much Shannon & Elizabeth! I’m excited to catch up on Arcadia Valley!