Shannon here: Historical Romance author, Erica Vetsch shares insight into her real life romance. Comment or answer the question at the end of any post dated May 9 – 12 to enter the drawing for a copy of her latest release, His Prairie Sweetheart, U.S. only. Deadline: May 21st, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Erica:
- What’s the most romantic thing your spouse has ever done for you?
My husband, Peter, is careful with my dreams. He protects, encourages, and fosters those dreams. When I told him I wanted to be a published novelist, he never once tried to hold me back or even caution me not to get my hopes up. The road to publication hasn’t been flat and straight. There have been some super-highs and some super-lows, and he’s been right there with me the whole time.
He allowed me to set aside copious amounts of time to write, got used to boxes of ‘how-to-write’ books arriving, and listened to plot ideas and character sketches without losing his mind. He supported entering writing contests, webinars, and the sometimes-treacherous, sometimes-amazing waters of writing groups and critique partners.
And when it came time for a major investment, attending a national conference in order to take classes, meet with agents and editors, and network with other authors, he helped find the right flights, took me to the airport, and prayed for me the whole time I was gone. As he has done for many writers’ conferences since. (He drives me to lots of conferences, going to museums and historical sites for research along the way.)
It has been ten years since I first whispered my dream aloud to Peter. In that time, he’s held my hand and offered me tissues when I got rejections from agents and editors, and he’s taken me to dinner and brought me flowers when I’ve signed contracts and held my book babies in my hands for the first time.
Writers’ getaway weekends, speaking at conferences, book signings, he’s supported them all, holding down the fort at home while I go and do writer things.
When we went out to dinner to celebrate my first novel release, my husband took my hand in his and told me the sweetest thing ever.
“I knew it wasn’t a matter of if you would get published, it was a matter of when. I always believed you could do this.”
Since that night in 2009, I have treasured that statement, carrying it with me deep in my heart. When I think I can’t do it, when an editor passes on a project I was hoping for, when I wonder if my creative well is dry, I remember his quiet affirmation of my dream.
My latest release, His Prairie Sweetheart, is my twenty-fifth published historical romance. And many of those books are dedicated to my amazing husband, Peter. Because he’s the hero of my story.
About Erica: Erica Vetsch is a transplanted Kansan now residing in Minnesota. She loves history and romance, and is blessed to be able to combine the two by writing historical romances. Whenever she’s not immersed in fictional worlds, she’s the company bookkeeper for the family lumber business, mother of two, wife to a man who is her total opposite and soul-mate, and avid museum patron. Connect and learn more:
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About the book – His Prairie Sweetheart:
A Home for Her Heart
After being jilted at the altar, Southern belle Savannah Cox seeks a fresh start out West and accepts a teaching position in Minnesota. But between her students’ lack of English, the rough surroundings and sheriff Elias Parker’s doubts and distrust, Savannah’s unprepared for both the job and the climate. However, she’s determined to prove she can handle anything her new town throws her way.
Elias gives it a week—or less—before the pretty schoolteacher packs her dainty dresses and hightails it back home. But no matter how many mishaps he has to rescue her from, Savannah doesn’t give up. Yet the real test is to come—a brutal blizzard that could finally drive her away, taking his heart with her…
Question for Readers: Who do you trust to be careful with your dreams?
Come back May 12th for Erica’s Character Interview!
was my dad before he passed away
Our husbands are usually the ones we are closest to, and there’s nothing sweeter than having their support and affirmation of our dreams. We’re truly blessed!
It is no wonder Peter is your hero – your story is better than any fiction ever written. What a gift to have a Christian husband that prays, encourages and helps in all ways. I know of what I speak! Love you and are thrilled for your “Real Life Romance”.
I would have to say that my husband teases me a lot about my love of books, writing reviews and my “one day dream” of writing children’s books, but he would be my biggest supporter every step of the way. I have enjoyed so many of your stories and it was a pleasure to read a little about the “behind the scenes” journey.
Sheila, what a wonderful memory to cherish about your father. I’m sorry for your loss, but glad you have such a lovely thing to remember about him.
Carol, it’s so true, and such a blessing! It always breaks my heart a bit when I hear of someone, especially an author, who doesn’t have the support of their spouse. Writing is a hard business sometimes, and to have the person you love the most not be on your side is so painful!
Mrs. Heter! I do have a real life romance. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful hero in my life story! I couldn’t ask for better!
Thanks for being such a good role model, you and Mr. Heter, so I would know what to look for when it came time to choose my own hero!
Rebecca, how wonderful that you want to write children’s books! I can’t wait to read one! And it’s great that your husband is on your side with the reading, reviewing, and writing dreams, and that he’s keeping the humor alive! I know I need that in my life!
My husband has always fully supported my dreams. He’s gone above and beyond, driving me to writer’s conferences, speaking engagments, and book signings. Lugged books and luggage and babysat.
My parents raised me to believe I could do anything I wanted and have always been supported as well. My mom inspired me that it’s never too late to learn something new. She learned to ride a bike and drive at 27 and learned to play the piano at 47.
Before I was published, my dad drove me to Dallas for a conference because I’d placed in a writing contest. On the way home, I realized he didn’t know I’d actually placed. He drove me on the chance that I might place.