Shannon here: Heartsong Presents author, Erica Vetsch shares the story of how she met her husband and a chance to win her book, The Bartered Bride. Comment on any post dated Jan 31 – Feb 4 for a chance to win. Deadline: Midnight Central time Feb 5. Here’s Erica:
I met my husband the first month I was at college. Peter was a Junior, and I was a freshman. Though we both went to the same small Bible college, I actually met him at the church we both attended. He was the AWANA game leader. The first thing that drew me was his hair. He has very blond hair, reminiscent of his Swiss heritage. Then there was the uniform. I’m a sucker for a man in uniform.
Though I had an instant crush on him, and he seemed to like me well enough, we didn’t start dating until just before Christmas break. He had broken up with a girlfriend the same week that I met him, and he’d decided to have a self-imposed dating sabbatical for at least a semester. I only wish he’d told ME about his decision, so I wouldn’t have spent so much time wondering if he really liked me or not, and if he did, then why wasn’t he asking me out?
Our first date was to see the Christmas lights at the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City. That was December 16th, 1987. We were married two years later to the day, on December 16th, 1989.
We’ve passed the twenty year mark in our marriage, and we’re deeper in love than ever. He’s my hero, and if you read any of my novels, there’s always a bit of Peter in each of my fictional heroes.
About Erica: ERICA VETSCH is married to Peter and keeps the company books for the family lumber business. A home-school mom, Erica loves history, romance, and storytelling. Her ideal vacation is taking her family to out-of-the-way history museums and chatting to curators about local history. She has a Bachelor’s degree from Calvary Bible College in Secondary Education: Social Studies. You can find her on the web at
Come back Feb 2 for Erica Vetsch’s proposal story.
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thanks for sharing a part of your life, Erica! I look forward to reading your book
“A man in uniform!” Adorable. He is a cutie in his tux as well!
…and I was there….at your wedding….not on your first date. 🙂
Hi Erica,
Thanks for being here this week.
Elaine, I agree, he looks pretty good in a tux. 😀
Kim, thank you for reading and commenting.
Vera, thank you for playing the organ at our wedding. Can you believe it is more than 20 years ago now??? Peter looks just the same. 😀
I like the idea that a bit of your husband is in each of your novels…does he see himself or do you have to “show” him???
Sounds like something right out of a book 🙂
Erica and Gail,
I use my hubby as models for all my heroes too. My hubby is olive skinned, 1/4 Cherokee, with green eyes, and when he had hair it was dark. All my heroes have that coloring. I’m hoping my editors won’t tell me I need to mix it up.
That’s why she’s such a great romance writer.