Shannon here: Jennifer Slattery shares insight into her characters’ romance from her latest Women’s Fiction, Intertwined. Comment or answer the question at the end of any post dated Oct 19 – 23 to enter the drawing. Deadline: Oct 31st, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Jennifer:
Catching up with Jen in Marietta, GA – August 2015
- Are you open to your own romance?
Do you mean am I open to getting involved with a woman again? I’m not sure. I loved a woman once, back when we were in high school. I never told her how I felt, but I was sure she and I would get hitched one day. After high school, college, you know? But then I moved, and well… That was the end of that.
- What’s the number one quality you’d require in a mate?
Honesty. We have to be able to trust each other.
- What’s the number two quality you’d require in a mate?
We’ve got to be friends. I know that’s not really a quality, but it’s necessary. Because the butterflies or whatever will fade.
- Where is the best place you can think of to find a mate?
That’s a great question. I suppose I should say church, but I haven’t had a lot of luck there. Not that I’ve been looking. I think many people meet their future spouse at work, but I’m a business owner, so that’d be weird. I’m not looking to get all cozy with my employees.
- What type of features are you attracted to?
This feels odd, to answer. Personal. But I guess if I’d have to choose a type—that’s what you’re asking, right?—I’ve always dated blonds. I hadn’t really thought about this being a feature I was necessarily attracted to until just now, but you know, my first girlfriend was a blond. Although she wasn’t really my girlfriend. We were more best friends, though I loved her something fierce. Just never had the nerve to tell her. Wish I had. I’ve always wondered if I’d told her how I felt, if she and I would’ve become something, you know? She was crazy beautiful, and fun. But chill, too. We could hang out, doing nothing, and it never felt awkward.
- What would be the best gift a potential mate could buy for you?
Time. With my kids. With her. With my kids and her. Yeah, I know, that can’t be bought, but it can be scheduled, and sometimes I think we work so hard trying to buy the best gift, when all a person wants is for us to hang around a little while.
About Jennifer: Jennifer Slattery writes soul-stirring fiction for New Hope Publishers, a publishing house passionate about bringing God’s healing grace and truth to the hopeless. She also writes for, Internet Café Devotions, and the group blog, Faith-filled Friends. When not writing, Jennifer loves going on mall dates with her adult daughter and coffee dates with her hilariously fun husband. Learn more and connect: and
About the book – Intertwined:
Abandoned by her husband for another woman, Tammy Kuhn, an organ procurement coordinator often finds herself in tense and bitter moments. After an altercation with a doctor, she is fighting to keep her job and her sanity when one late night she encounters her old flame Nick. She walks right into his moment of facing an unthinkable tragedy. Because they both have learned to find eternal purposes in every event and encounter, it doesn’t take long to discover that their lives are intertwined but the ICU is no place for romance….or is it? Could this be where life begins again?
Intertwined, part of New Hope Publisher’s contemporary fiction line, is a great reminder of how God can turn our greatest tragedies and failures into beautiful acts of love and grace. Readers will fall in love with the realistic characters and enjoy the combination of depth, heart-felt emotion and humor that makes Jennifer’s novels so appealing. Readers will be inspired to find God in every moment and encounter in their own lives!
Endorsement by Shannon Taylor Vannatter: Jennifer Slattery scored again with this one. A horrific accident intertwines two lives. Her characters are so authentic, their struggles with life and faith so genuine, her stories so gritty and real. I think about her fictional people long after I turn the last page. (Not just because we’re friends. Because it’s good. I have lots of friends I haven’t endorsed.)
Can’t wait for the drawing: Buy it: ChristianBook Amazon BarnesandNoble
Question for Readers: Have you or anyone you know had experience with organ donation? Or are you or anyone you know a donor on your driver’s license? Or is there someone you lost touch with that you later reconnected with?
Come back Oct 23rd for Jennifer’s excerpt!
I am a donor on my license as well as know several people have been donors and recieved organs from donors
I’ve been a donor on my license for about 22 years. I came to the decision after a family member died way too young. Organs wouldn’t have helped him, but his might have helped someone else and given us peace. I prayed about it and made sure my family was okay with it first.
Hi, Shelia,
That’s awesome, on all counts. What a story those recipients must have, and what a legacy those donors left. My hubby donated a kidney just over a year ago and says, without hesitation, that he’d do it again. God really showed up, as I wrote this book, in my husband’s journey, in so many wonderful and unexpected ways. Thanks for stopping in to say hi, and happy three-days-till-Friday! 🙂 Any fun plans for the weekend?
Hi, Shannon,
That must have been hard, but it’s awesome that God used that experience to motivate you to become a donor. I always feel like donation is a beautiful picture of the gospel. My husband says if he weren’t a Christian, he doubts he would’ve donated his kidney.
No, I haven’t donated an organ, but this story idea sounds intriguing, Jennifer! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi, Jerusha!
Thanks for stopping in to say hi! Best of luck in the drawing! 🙂
I haven’t donated an organ but I would like to. 🙂 I don’t know anyone who donated organ.
Intertwined is such a beautiful book 🙂
My cousin will be on a transplant list soon and a friend of mine just received a new liver.
I am a donor on my license, and I do know a donor. My friend Rick donated a kidney to a complete stranger and started the world’s longest transplant donor chain at least at the time.