Shannon here: Lyn Cote shares how she met her husband, how her characters meet in her latest Contemporary Romance, Hannah’s Hometown Hero, plus instructions on how to get your free copy of the book. Comment or answer the question to enter Monday’s drawing. Deadline: Jan 12th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Lyn:
How I Met My Husband
I was in my mid-20s and I had decided that yes, I did want to marry. Divorce was a part of my childhood and that made me wary of marriage. But on New Year’s Eve of 1973, a friend of mine at church invited his friend to the New Year’s Eve Party for the church singles and young couples. The friend didn’t really catch my eye that night. But a few weeks later, we had a another church’s choir come to perform their holiday cantata at our evening service.
Again, my friend brought the man I’d marry. This evening in the fellowship hall after the cantata, he caught my attention. In fact, everywhere I looked that night it was as if a light shone all around him. I kept wondering who was doing this because only the friend was highlighted. I’ll leave it up to you who was the “Lighter.”
But within two months he had proposed and I had accepted and we married early in the fall of 1974.
In my book Hannah’s Hometown Hero, my heroine meets the hero in a very unusual way.
Excerpt from Hannah’s Hometown Hero by Lyn Cote:
“Looking skyward, she noted the church’s roof had been stripped of shingles. One patch of new plywood looked out of place above the period building, but the majority of the roof looked old and discolored with water damage. What was going on?
She halted, stunned by the man she saw straddling the peak of the roof facing the steeple.
Definitely the most perfect male she’d ever seen in real life. He wore no shirt. Tanned brown, his chest, shoulders and arms bulged with muscles. Real muscles, not the kind a man got from working out at a gym. His firm legs stretched against the tight blue denim covering them. She felt her mouth open. Heaven in blue jeans.
She watched him lift the billed cap off his head and swipe his forehead with his arm, obviously brushing away the sweat on his brow. Sunlight glinted on golden waves.
Hannah swallowed with difficulty.
The man settled the hat on his head and eased up. Cautiously he balanced himself until he squatted, perfectly poised near an open window in the steeple. Was he going into the steeple?
Feeling her pulse racing, Hannah wished he’d get down from the roof. He was making her nervous. Shouldn’t he be wearing a safety harness or something?
A flicker of movement caught her eye. She followed the man’s gaze and saw, in the opening at the bottom of the steeple, her father stretching out as if he were going to join the man—
“No. Daddy, don’t!” Her shout echoed in the stillness.
The man on the peak lost his balance. He tried to catch himself on a roofing rack.
He couldn’t.
Hannah shrieked.
Fortunately, there’s a huge pile of grass clippings at just the right place and the hero Guthrie is merely shocked and a bit bruised. I think this is a very unique first meet, don’t you? :-)If you’d like to read more, MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Hannah’s Hometown Hero will be FREE Sunday January 14 through Thursday the 18th! Click this link for more info.
Question for Readers: What’s the cutest meet you ever read? You don’t have to remember the author or book, just share the meet.
About Lyn: USA Today bestselling author, Lyn Cote has written over 50 books. An American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award winner, Lyn writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense and historical novels. No matter which kind of story, her brand “Strong Women, Brave Stories” comes through. She lives in a lakeside cottage in the northwoods of Wisconsin with her comfy husband and two adorable cats.
Lyn’s Website Lyn’s Facebook Lyn’s Twitter
Lyn’s Pinterest Lyn’s Goodreads
About the book – Hannah’s Hometown Hero:
Can a shy girl find her moxie and win her hometown hero? Or “let” him win her?
Food blogger and columnist Hannah, recently “unengaged,” strikes out to help her parents get settled in their new house and show them the new forceful Hannah. When she arrives, what meets her eye— just a foundation! What’s wrong with the builder—Guthrie?
How can Hannah achieve her hopes of helping her parents get settled well before snow flies. Hannah becomes involved with the build, the new town, Guthrie and his wounded family. As she pursues her goal which involves the hardworking good-guy Guthrie, she and Guthrie both battle any temptation to love again. What will it take to bring these two stubborn hearts to a second chance at love?
Don’t miss this heartwarming story of love, faith and the power of forgiveness by a USA Today Bestselling author of over fifty romances.
BTW, you don’t want to miss Guthrie’s eccentric great aunts—Patsy and Penny—a hoot and a half!
Interested in Lyn’s other titles? Get your copy/copies now! Lyn’s Books
Come back Jan 16th for Julie Arduini!
can’t remember
Sorry. I can’t remember some of my own books sometimes!
This may not be the cutest meet ever, but my novella Rejoicing with Joy features a meet-up on the roof. Joy is stranded on her Grandpa’s roof while installing Christmas lights. Junior picks up the ladder she has kicked down and scrambles up to help her.
Sounds cute and I like the title!
I don’t remember the details since my memory isn’t what it used to be but I remember one book where the hero and heroine meet when they were children and then don’t meet again until they are adults. I thought it was cute in the way it was handled.
I like that!