One February evening in 1959, I attended a party for college and career age young people at First Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. There I met a young man who the girls all oohed and aahed over and told me how “hard to get” he was. Later that evening he asked if I had a ride home, and if not, he’d like to take me. I said I’d let him know then left with the girls I’d come with. I figured that was the last of him, but to my surprise he called me a day or so later and asked me out. I accepted and we went to a movie.
We had several more dates, and I discovered just how mismatched we were. He grew up on a farm in Arkansas and went to a high school with less than ten students in the graduating class, and he hadn’t attended college, but had come to Houston to live with an uncle and work. I grew up in Dallas, went to a large high school, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Baylor University. In addition we worked for rival utility companies. After three weeks, he told me that he was leaving the next day for a basic training in the army, and I agreed to see him off at the bus station.
He wrote to me weekly, and I wrote back but continued to date other guys. I began to care more and more about him as the weeks and letters went by, but didn’t want to admit it to myself because we were as opposite as two people could be. He returned to Houston in June on furlough and after one date proposed. I said yes without even thinking about it. Then we learned later that both of us had prayed at the same time for the same thing. If we were meant for each other, God would give the answer, and he did.
About Martha: Although Martha’s primary writing experience is in non-fiction, she has been writing fiction for a number of years. She is a retired teacher who enjoys spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren. Martha is a member of ACFW and writes a weekly devotional for the group.
Her book credits include the novella, Sugar and Grits, Becoming Lucy and Morning for Dove. Also coming in 2010 are Finding Becky and Key to Her Heart in River Walk Christmas anthology. She has also many non-fiction writing credits in compilations by Wayne Holmes, Karen O’Conner, and Debbie White Smith. Martha has contributed devotionals to several anthologies including soon to be released Whispers of Wisdom for Step-Moms from Barbour. Martha served as editor of an eight page monthly newsletter for the writer’s organization, Inspirational Writers Alive! for six years and is the state President. She is also the director for the annual Texas Christian Writer’s Conference.
Martha and her husband live in Houston, Texas where they enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. For more information, visit the author’s Web site at
Leave a comment June 7 – 11 for a chance to win a copy of Martha’s latest book: Morning for Dove. Come back June 9 and June 11 for the rest of her love story.
I just love reading new authors and have a quite a collection of books to leave to my kids someday, Would love to read some by ” Martha Rogers” Thank you so much for considering me and God Bless,
Janice Carver
Oh Martha, what a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Hi Janice and Regina,
Thanks for stopping by. I’ll put you both in the drawing for Martha’s book.
Coming over from ACFW and I would love to be entered to win this!! Please enter me:) Thanks!!
I enjoyed reading about Martha’s real life romance – can’t wait for the next installment!
Please enter me in the drawing for Morning for Dove.
Jan Marie
Hi Charity and Jan Marie,
You’re both in the drawing. Glad you’re enjoying the posts.
That is such a sweet story of how you and your husband met Martha. Similar to how my Mom and Dad met. They would have been married 52 yrs in Feb 93′ but he passed away in Dec. 92′. She died Jul 06. When my Dad was dying he would call to her and she would sit beside him on bed and they would hold hands. That is true love.
I have not read any of your books Martha but have added you to my new author list and Morning For Dove to my wish list. It is so nice to be able to read books without skimming over parts I did not want to read. Thanks so you and other Christian Fiction and Romance writers. Thank you all.
That’s a sweet story, Martha. My husband and I are opposites too, but it seems to work most of the time. We celebrate our 35th anniversary in Oct. Sounds like you must be getting close to your 50th!
Oh misskallie,
What a story. That is true love. You’re in the drawing.
Thanks for stopping by everyone. We met in February, were engaged in June and married in October…50 years ago October 24, 2010. Thanks for stopping by. Kallie, that’s a beautiful story about your parents.
What a beautiful love story! Please enter me in the drawing!
Martha’s book sounds fantastic. Please enter me.
I grew up with Martha & Rex teaching Sunday School and working in our youth group. So fun to read their story – I’m looking forward to parts 2 & 3. What a blessing they are!
Edwina, Julia, and Julie,
You’re all in the drawing.
Julie, you’re tangible fruit. Awesome. My husband used to be a youth director and so often we wonder if we bore fruit. Nice to know Martha did.
Oh, wow, Julie. Thanks for the comment and it’s good to hear from you. I hope you have an opportunity to read my books. Go take a look at my website and see what the family is doing.