Shannon here: Dana R. Lynn shares how she met her husband, plus a chance to win her latest Amish Romantic Suspense, Plain Retribution. Comment or answer the question at the end of the post to enter the drawing. Deadline: August 19th, 11:59 pm central time. Here’s Dana:
I grew up in Illinois in a rather large and boisterous family. I have always believed in romance and true love. And why wouldn’t I? My father loved to tell the story of how he met my mother and went home to tell his parents he’d met the girl he was going to marry. Sigh. I wanted my very own love story, too. While I waited, I went to college and got my certification to teach students who were deaf and hard of hearing.
By the time I was in my mid-twenties, though, I had started to doubt that I would meet that special someone. Until my best friend got married. She had moved to Pennsylvania after college. Soon she was engaged. When I went to Pennsylvania to be her maid of honor that May, it happened. I met the best man, Brad. And I knew.
He didn’t, though. I wasn’t worried. Some things are just meant to be. A few months later, I had found a teaching job and my own apartment in Meadville, PA. Now Brad and I were only forty-five minutes apart instead of nine hours. We spent every weekend together. And we talked on the phone nearly every night. I loved his quirky sense of humor and respected his integrity.
We dated for almost eleven months. In June, another friend of my husband was getting married in Kentucky. We were traveling in a large van with three other couples to the wedding. We all gathered at my best friend’s house for a quick meal before we headed out.
I had no clue that anything extraordinary was about to happen. Not until Brad called foreveryone’s attention when dinner was done. That’s when I noticed that my friend’s husband was messing with a video recorder. Before I could catch my breath, my sweet guy was down on one knee, proposing.
Six months later, we were married. Twenty years and three kids later, I am still amazed.
I guess my fascination with happy ever after is why I write romance.
This month, I am celebrating the release of my fourth book with Love Inspired Suspense, Plain Retribution. I am so excited about this book! I was able to put my education to use on this one. My heroine, Rebecca, is a profoundly deaf woman who relies completely on American Sign Language, or ASL to communicate. The hero, Miles, is a cop who is fluent in sign language. And it’s a good thing, too, because he is trying to protect her from someone who wants her dead.
One thread in my book is that a single decision can change your entire life. Rebecca and Miles have both learned that lesson.
Thanks, Shannon, for having me on your blog today!
About Dana: Dana grew up in Illinois, but now resides in rural Pennsylvania with her husband, three children, and enough animals to start her own petting zoo. She is a teacher for the Deaf and hard of hearing during the day, and an author of romantic suspense by night. She has been on the Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller list for religious fiction, and was a finalist in the 2017 New England Readers’ Choice contest. Her friends know to beware…anything they say may someday show up in a story.
About the book – Plain Retribution:
Ten years ago while on rumspringa, Rebecca Miller and her friends were kidnapped and held captive…and now, living in the English world, she’s nearly abducted again. One by one her friends who once helped send their abductor to jail are targeted, and she is next…unless police officer Miles Olsen can stop a killer. Deaf since birth, the only person on the force that Rebecca can communicate with is Miles, and he needs this case to redeem himself of past mistakes. When the relentless killer tracks them deep into the heart of Amish country, protecting Rebecca must be Miles’s sole focus. Because a mistake this time will cost something worth more to him than his job—the woman he’s falling for.
Can’t wait for the drawing? Get your copy now!
Amazon – Plain Retribution BarnesandNoble – Plain Retribution
Question for Readers: Have you ever made a decision that changed your life?
Come back August 11th for Anne Greene!
yes when I filed for divorce
That would definitely be life changing, Sheila. And painful. Sorry you had to go through that.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck.
Years ago, I met the man of my dreams but that was not to be. Fast forward to today, when I’ve been married 41 years, 2 children, 6 grand-children, and 5 great-grandchildren.
God does answer prayer.
Yes, God does. Sometimes not as we hope, but His way is best.
Blessings and good luck!
First, my decision to follow Christ forever changed my life. Second, my decision to marry my husband changed my life…50+ years as a pastor’s wife, 3 children, 2 more by marriage, 5 grandchildren, and just 6 months ago my first great-grandson! These two decisions have resulted in a blessed, fulfilled life! 😊
Dana is a new-to-me author, and I would love to win a copy of her book. It sounds like a great one.
Yay! Following Christ is a life changing decision, to be sure. Blessings and congrats on your wonderful family.
A decision that changed my life was during a marriage separation, that ended in divorce, I decided to put God first, my kids second, and job last. That decision provided a marriage now that has lasted 24 years, and given us godly children and grandchildren. God redeemed the sad years, into something better.
Sorry you had to go through the pain, but glad that God helped you through it. Blessings on your family.
Yes! I love your story about your marriage, in my case I was the one who wasn’t sure, lol. My husband kept moving ahead with plans and I kept saying no, needless to say he won. We married five months after meeting and we have ‘survived’ 46 years and also have three kids. Oh, and eight grandkids!
wfnren at aol dot com
Wow, what a great story!
Thanks for stopping by, and good luck.
A divorce-everything changes.
Betrayal, hurt, abuse-it was very life changing.
But God brought good out of it.
He has blessed me with an
amazing husband that treats
me like a queen.
Karen, God is so faithful. He amazes me. Thanks for sharing!
aww so sweet about you and your husband. Oh yes, the day I got married to a sweet Godly man, twice when I gave birth. When my mom died. When my 9 year younger sister and I decided to find out if we could be friends. And 25 years later we are BFF
Yes, the day I married my husband after dating for 10 months and when I birthed our 12 children whom are all such a blessing to us.
Yes, I moved back home in 2000 to live with my mom. I ended up having some surgeries which she helped me during my recovery times. In the last few years I have been the one she leaned on as I tried to take care of her and help her. She passed away in April of this year and I will never regret being here so that she could stay in her home.
Had a child after 16 1/2 years of marriage. Talk about life-changing. For the better.
I have a winner! Karen Hadley won the drawing. I appreciate Dana for being my guest and everyone else for stopping by.